ITT: Unpopular Opinions

ITT: Unpopular Opinions

I've played both games but I believe A Hat in Time is hundred times better than Mario Odyssey

In before a hundred unfunny images of that mouse leaving

>thinking a game is good because it has underage girls in that you think are hot
You probably like DoA, FGO, FEH, and Dangonronpa, and think they're the best games on the planet.


Shadman's alright.


>Shadman in the OP
>Comparing Hat to Odyssey
This is shaping up to be another good thread.

$29.99 for an indie platformer? No wonder there is so much viral marketing for this game. It's the only way it would sell.



Movement feels a lot better in A Hat in Time

What's wrong with Shaman?
No reddit triangles please

You just wanted to post >Shadcuck didn't you? Fuck off, we're full.

Shadman? He sucks! Bad!

Some people don't like his art because of shitty anatomy, overuse of piercings, tattoos, sameface

Personally I like some of his works

This seems to be everyone's go to poiny but it's wrong, there's no weight or enjoyment to her movement

I have to agree but I think they're attempting to do completely different things. I do wish A Hat in Time had more time pieces though.

Lol no.

yo don't forget all the oily latex-looking skin shit

idk as long as the anuses aren't pierced I can whack off to the shemale drawings without problem

El shad

Hat in Time ruined jump diving for me. I keep expecting Mario to be able to cancel out of a dive for an extra jump.

the same thing happened to me for the first few levels

breath of the wild is hot fucking garbage

Half Life was never good

The most unpopular opinion is thinking both are reasonably good in their own regard.


The wii u failed due to mediocre first party games.
There was no reason for me to buy one because the 3ds had everything and the wii u had dkc, bayonetta and a bunch of shitty spin-offs

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>His art style is really odd and rarely attractive. Asses for examples are literal spheres sometimes, also makes a lot of the girls look like goth chicks gone wrong with Daddy problems. His Hat in Time art is good though.

Thats some sick wahoos right there boyo

YOU GOTTA PICK SIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A visual novel of The Great Gatsby which can sense marijuana smoke and shut down when it's detected would be the only acceptable way for an adult to play video games.
Not in public, though.



really makes you think


The only thing that makes me think is why the fuck you didn't use the T H I C C version of this image

why the Great Gatsby over other books?

Scarecrow was better in Arkham Knight, in voice and design.

>he's a thiccfag

Why isn't A hat in time on PS4 yet? Fucking REEEEEE


low test post

Finally someone who gets it. All these low key pedos jerking off to a fucking shitty game.

My unpopular opinion is I want to protect and raise Hat Kid but want to face fuck Yumi from Ape Escape 3


>there's no weight or enjoyment to her movement

low IQ reply

I'm glad I'm not alone on this one.

This. Why the fuck is a collectathon on fucking PC first?

PC is the best platform

So am I user.

Quentin I thought your court order banned you from the internet.

Popular Opinion:

Shill thread, sage

Everyone will agree after a couple or replays.

That's called a 'correct opinion' user.

>hat in time

dude indieshit lmao

Thanks diamond dogs

>unpopular opinion
>popular opinion

I read that in high school too

i came here to see Shadman's art

Christ I can hear the Wahoo's just from watching that.

ADS in non arena shooters is a good thing
All 3D fallouts suck massive dick
bioware was never good
Duke Nukem 3D, Blood, and Hexen are the pinnacle of the FPS genre
3D zelda was a mistake
KoF 98 is the greatest fighting game of all time
MGS2 is the only game that can be considered "Art"
The first Prey was janky shit, stop sucking its cock
Demon's Souls is best souls
Oldschool Runescape is the greatest MMO of all time
double fine was never good
MGS3 sucks outside of aesthetics
Caves of Qud is the best game on steam
Street Fighter X Tekken is a good game
Rise of Nations is better than AoE II
ASSFAGGOTS are absolute trash and everyone who plays them should rope themselves

I wouldn't say a hundred times better. Clearly Odyssey is the objectively better game. Subjectively though, I feel like I agree n some points. I think Hatty time has a nice atmosphere and story which I found lacking in odyssey. Also the boss fights are much better, and arguably the music. Though ODyssey has a few 10/10 tracks.

I think this is the first Shadman art where i don't flinch from pain.

>demon souls is best souls
>OSRS is best MMO
>ASSFAGGOTS is trash
No one will argue that though. Shit post.

All of hit hat in time art is pretty good honestly. And I don't even like shadman. Also the Alejandra from Overwatch comic was also pretty great aside from the edgy font used.

Good taste


His Hat in Time pictures are fucking delicious

post them

someone post them

Because he hasn't read any other books.



fucking hell can't you faggots discuss the game by its own merit instead of dragging another
game through the mud. the AHiT threads are cancer now and the fanbase is insufferable

in case of ahit /vg/ is for game discussion while Sup Forums is for circlejerking and shadman
that's funny because it's always the other way around

Thanks for reminding me. Once I 100 percent odyssey, I need to torrent this indie piece of shit and see how it stacks up.

post full pic

Fuck off. They're NSFW. Just go to his website

mmmmm little girl

really? i thought so too until threads with similar topics kept popping up well any
thanks for the heads up i probably avoid these threads in the future

just come to /vg/, we are having fun with the custom levels

There is literally nothing wrong with Shad

Go to Shadman's site if you want the full pic.





I legitimately actually genuinely agree.

I thought the world's in odyssey where really pretty fucking uninspired to be honest. Like, the game is fine and all, but I don't understand how it's being heralded as the next Mario 64. It's almost insulting to 64.

>that final battle in hat game
qt hat girl > Mario

See, stuff like this makes me really want to play Mario odyssey, and makes me think Mario might FINALLY be interesting again, but then I go watch how Mario is normally played on yt to get a proper feel, and I'm depressed. It's possibly worse than galaxy in terms of ease. I remember seeing a thread where fans were hyping the new donk city "festival" and how it totally made / justified the game for them or some such. I looked it up on yt and was genuinely disgusted and how dumbed down it was. I sometimes fear for modern Nintendo fans. Stuff like that makes me think they're no different than the movie game crowd, only with a Nintendo theme.

a bit late to the party but yeah

That's not an opinions, it's a fact

There is literally nothing wrong with wanting to fuck Hat Kid

>new hat girl stuff by Shadman


well you're a pedophile for one

I want to marry Hat Girl!

Why is he so based, guys?

I think this is mecha the slag himself, why would anyone else go full autism like this?

>I played both
>And a Hat in Time is better

ever was such a claim posted with proof so far.
Not even one

Its just Mustards trying to compensate that they got a good 3D game and not a fucking Game of the Decade Jump and Run like Mario Odyssey