What did they mean by this?

What did they mean by this?

>buy this game virgins

jaina dindu noffin

she really didnt

>tfw no jaina to tell me to dismantle my pants before riding me like crazy

Why live

>generic blonde witch
>hur drain my semen, you are the best girl ever

her design is abysmal, she gets some good fanart, but all her original shit is garbage, just because HotS thickified everything doesn't make them good in anyway, they just dropped a massive fapbait, but outside of their models she is such a flavorless character.

Niggers, Women and an old white cuck

Do u have to try to be that gay or does it come naturally?

What about the probe?


>hey, let's summarise our intellectual properties with the worst/least memorable characters possible

I guess it can't be helped, Blizzard haven't out out anything new or interesting since 2004.

Why does the mere presence of a colored person make Sup Forums feel so insecure?

Bad childhood memories

i hope we get to kill her.
she really needs to die

Because characters with sub-human race don't have a place in games.

they're worried their hypothetical girlfriends will leave them for a hypothetical black guy

Sorry about your balls.

>a black man
>two white women
>an old jewish man

these fucking tumblr artists have infected so many good spaces. the fucking noses always stand out from these faggots

Who's the girl in the lower right with the skull?

necromommy from diablo

negromancer from diablo 3


why are they pushing the nigger so hard?

Same reason they're pushing the necromancer? "here's the relatively new stuff"

I know that one!

female necromancer

Agenda. Everyone wanted a white kid to become DF but got a nigger not even with Terry Crews voice.

mommy jaina

warcraft IIII

They should've replaced the nigger with Mercy seeing how they buffed her with some dumb ult that doesn't make sense. Especially since shes the sexiest

>the only reason I remotely care about Blizzcon is the potential for Junkwhore reveal

I don't even play Overwatch anymore
