What was her endgame?

what was her endgame?

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Aeris < Tifa < Yuffie

Take your "Jenova" indie shit and shill it somewhere else

>not J.E.N.O.V.A

Drinking my doodle juice.

Female Lavos.

What's the "J.E.N.O.V.A" acronym even mean?

*unzips dick*
sucking this :)


Can someone explain why she? It? looks the way it does

Wound the planet with Meteor so lifestream will gather in one spot where she can drain it faster, then jump back to space to look for the next world to kill.

I got ya on this one.

Jenova is a parasitic organism that takes the form of others and tries to absorb memories from people who come nearby/in contact so that it can seem like its one of them.

It likely took the form of at least 1 person that someone knew, and tried to convince anyone it was that person.

Jenova isn't actually that intelligent, its kind of on auto-pilot in a lot of instances.

It stands for:

Ding ding
ff7; space alien wanted dinner then to leave

Appreciate it

Dead wrong.

Motivations are unclear because it's some kind of extra terrestrial being outside of our understanding, but probably to somehow consume life on earth.

Side note: they will definitely fuck up and over explain everything to do with Jenova and sephiroth in the remake. The only thing that stopped that stuff from being buttfuck retarded was that it was mysterious and barely explain. The new game will definitely lack that "what the fuck is going on" feeling.

>Dead wrong
>Confirmed in text of more than 1 game

Sure thing bro ty for your counter evidence


What a great theme :)

>they will definitely fuck up and over explain everything to do with Jenova and sephiroth in the remake

They didn't over explain the star scourge in FF15.

More like they will forget to put Jenova in the game, like how the Harry Potter 3 video game has no Snape in it.

they couldn't forget so many boss battles

To remake the world in her image, to rule it as she saw fit and when the novelty wears off and her world is stale, to ride the planet through the cosmos to a new world to infect.

Jenova was always in control and Sephiroth is just an overrated fuccboi

>what was her endgame?

>the eye nipple

Jenova was surely the weirdest fap from my childhood

>tfw the bad guy is so badass it surpases the good guy

>tfw you find out THE REAL bad guy is an ancient parasitic alien from thousands of years ago that has the shape of a creepy girl

I dont think they will top ff7 ever no matter how hard they try. Maybe Persona series someday

To be the real villain while Sephiroth was just a red herring

i cant agree more. One of the things that makes ff7 so special is the mistery around it. We dont get detailed explanation to what is Jenovas purpose cause no one really knows. Apart from that, all the misteries relating to weird encounters, dialogues, the fact that you can still buy Aerith gear after her death, the chest in the desert well... Damn it was great trying to figure all this shit out as a kid. It was in some way magical

Sounds like a girl I know irl

That's because it wasn't explained at all lmao

Jews Emphasize Nepotism Over Virtue Always
The Japs were warning us.

Kill/consume all life on the planet, consume the planet's lifestream, hitch a ride on what's left of the lifeless husk, wait until she hits the next planet, repeat.

Wut. Sephiroth was in control the whole time after the Nibelheim incident. He was the main villain.

It was magical because you were a kid. Now it's obvious that all those things were due to laziness.

>Le sephiroth was in controll cause he does in my headcanon power fantasy

>the game itself lied about it's events
>they actually happened this way because I said so

Ok then.

Bitch was hungry.

I got something she can eat

*unzips planet*

>Still doesn't know what red herring means
Pretty bad when a FF game is 2deep4u

*unsheathes katana and teleports behind you*

I'm gonna need to see something from in-game that points to Jenova being really in control, since even the most obscure documents make it pretty clear Sephiroth is the one in charge.

Magical chaos demon The Thing

Sorta did, but I see where youre going.

The SS was a virus used by ifrit to destroy humanity, a thing he fucking hated and wanted gone for a long, long time. Its heavily implied that its the same species as jenova (came from the sky on a meteor, infects others, hive mind, single will, one controller, etc), and all but confirms it.

What the fuck did they do to the music.

The game practically screams at you that Sephiroth was in control

A fan patch came out almost immediately to fix it, I have no idea why they thought it would be a good idea in the first place.

A red herring

A clue or piece of information which is or is intended to be misleading or distracting.
"the argument about women's choices is largely a red herring"

The game never tries to mislead you about who's in control. In fact, the game makes it very clear that Sephiroth is the one in charge. Why don't you actually provide evidence from the game that points to Jenova being in control?

It literally doesn't matter because either way Jenova got her will. Sephiroth does exactly what she would have done, her will is his will because he is a momma's boy. She is either directly or indirectly in control, the original will came from her no matter what. Makes no difference.

How and where does the game signal that Sephiroth being in control was a red herring?

All the Reunion stuff was explained by Hojo in the northern cave and other stuff was explained in the Gast tapes and they don't support the whole 'Sephiroth was a dumb host' fan-theory.

Not to mention that theory makes no sense because Sephiroth is dead in the North Cave, he can't be a host for anyone or anything. All he can do is control other things infected with Jenova via Lifestream magical bullshit

But the game never outright stated her will. All we know about Jenova is that she's basically a parasite from outer space that infects people and was going to eat the planet from inside out. Sephiroth on the other hand wanted to become a literal God and rule over all souls in the Lifestream.

Jenova's only interest was her own survival. That involved infecting/consuming the plan. She was little more than an animal running on instinct. if she was intelligent, it was only just enough to mimic being human/Cetra long enough to start infecting.

The whole "I will become a god" thing didn't start until Sephiroth took control.

>momma's boy
This meme is stupid. Sephiroth dropped the whole Mother thing after the Nibelheim incident, except maybe once as a joke. He absorbed enough knowledge in the Lifestream to find out what Jenova really was and decided to run with that and become a god.

Even in AC he still talks about his mommy and that he does the same thing she would have done lmao

FFVII is what you consider the benchmark of storytelling? And even if it were, you unironically think Persona can reach it? user how old are you?

>then jump back to space to look for the next world to kill.

Actually no. Jenova eats all the lifestream and the planet shrinks into a husk which becomes the new meteor.

>FFVII is what you consider the benchmark of storytelling?

Different user here. Even though I don't think it quite lives up to the hype, FFVII absolutely has the best storytelling in any game I've played.

Consuming and assimilating everything. Pretty much a virus on the "lifestream".

Jenova is a bloody rip-off from John Carpeter's the "Thing".

Sephiroth died at Nibelheim. What you have been facing throughout in FFVII is "Jenova's avatar" taking the form of Sephiroth. It wants to consume the lifestream and use its massive power to spread elsewhere.

No, apparently the real sephiroth was in that crystal in the Lost City just before the planets weapons break free and try and destroy everything. You do end up fighting Sephiroth for real from that point.

So much this my dood. I wish they'd gone with a Jenova angel for the last boss. The pufferfish was way lame compared to her other forms.

Meteor is just an ancient black magic spell that the Ancients/Cetra sealed away. It had nothing to do with Jenova.

I don't wanna write an essay, but I'll agree to disagree user. At least you're not one of those who call every videogame story "shit".

Nope, Sephiroth "died" from being mortally wounded when Cloud backstab him and overpowered him into the "Lifestream".

Jenova cells took over the remains and that form became the new avatar for Jenova. It just regenerated itself at North Crater (the original site when "Jenova" came from).

So basically what you're trying to say is that Jenova really is basically John Carpenter's The Thing.

Sephiroth due to what was explained vaguely due to Jenova cells, when dying was unable to return to the planet. His will remained and through Jenova and other celled users was able to carry out what can be argued to be a mix of his own and Jenova's will.

That's why I didn't capitalize the word "meteor". It's even the correct form of the word. The dead planet shrinks and becomes Jenova's new meteor. It travels through space and hits another planet. Making it a meteorite.

-Meteor = traveling asteroid
-Meteoroid = re-entering asteroid
-Meteorite = re-entered impacted asteroid

>Jenova cells took over the remains and that form became the new avatar for Jenova.
Something that's supported exactly nowhere in the game.

>The new game will definitely lack that "what the fuck is going on" feeling
It will be replaced by a feeling of "What the fuck is Square thinking?"
>Deepground in the Shinra building
>Gackt in Nibelheim

>and that he does the same thing she would have done
That AC quote contradicts the source material. Sephiroths's plan to be a God and become one with the planet originally came from the knowledge he gained while being within the Lifestream. He even says this himself back in the Temple of the Ancients. That idea never came from Jenova.

>Jenova is a monster that flies from planet to planet eating lifestreams and when the Cetra had to deal with her she kept taking on the forms of people they cared about to mess with their heads and manipulate them

>Why yes hello cloud is is I, *checks smudged writing on hand* Serpen- Shep... Sephro Tull? Yeah, that guy is me. I'm here to eat your planet's lifestream and go looking for the next one.

Anzu is fucking shit

Except for Hojo being wrong about the Jenova-Reunion theory, he just liked to pat his back and take credit for Sephiroth even though Sephiroth was fucking dead, and they spell that out for you

Please provide evidence from the game that connects meteor or even the black materia with Jenova.

The Jenova cells reunion at the northern crater because -that's where they were going to absorb the aftermath of meteor-

It's ambiguous whether Jenova is purely using Seph's appearance as an avatar to mess with people or if he's been hollowed out as a shell personality that """"coincidentally"""" only cares about Jenova's goals, but either way the guy who worked for Soldier and had a breakdown about his "mother" when he found out he was an inhuman experiment is gone.

The Jenova cells and Sephiroth "clones" were converging on a different point than he expected because Hojo was still under the assumption at first that Jenova was still in control.

He even explicitly mentions multiple times later in the game that it's Sephiroth, and everything else in the game supports that.

If it was just Jenova, why was she spending so much time mentally tormenting Cloud? How does that contribute to her kill/consume/infect instincts? What purpose does that serve? The only reason to waste time on that is pettiness and rage, something Jenova isn't sapient enough to be really capable of.

You just responded to a post describing the use of a common noun by criticizing the use of a proper noun which never happened. Let me help.

White man teach. Small letter meteor. Rock that flies. Big letter Meteor. Black materia magic. Fuck fruit basket. Go and do.

Different user, played FFVII again recently, for how much it accomplishes in 40 hours (Extremely dense) and provides just the right amount of context and information. It's a game that has to be replayed at least twice I think, it's initial play through is far too difficult to understand the sequence of the entire chain of events, I don't think I've met anyone who just fully absorbed all the information in just one shot without making a ton of misunderstandings.

Storytelling difficulties can be a good and a bad thing, I think 20 years later it holds up extremely well but what do you think is better for fun story wise?

>Can accurately mimic and copy people to fuck with their loved ones
>Is an unfathomably ancient shapeshifting star-spawn that can puppet anything it's cells infect

>Not sentient

Nice headcanon. If Sephiroth provided -anything- to Jenova it was a personality operating on a merely human scale.

Crashing the planet with no survivors.

"The dead planet shrinks and becomes Jenova's new meteor."
My post was directed at this statement.

Jenova could just do the bare minimum to appear human. It just needed the charade to last long enough to egt close and start infecting people. If it could perfectly shapeshift and mimic human behavior to the point that it's unnoticeable, the Cetra would have never spotted it.

Again, I'd like to see any kind of evidence that Jenova is the one in control of Sephiroth(for some reason, why the hell would it pretend to be Sephiroth, how does that contribute to it's kill/consume/infect instincts?), because virtually everything in-game points the opposite.

I hope they keep Sephiroth shirtless in the last boss fight of the game for the remake title.

Is it grammatically incorrect? I'm not a native English speaker. Regardless, I intentionally did not capitalize "meteor" because I'm well aware of the fact that the proper noun refers to the doomsday materia.

So why the fuck would jenova give enough of a shit to keep coming back as sephiroth? For example in advent children, there's no reason by then to keep that particular facade up by that point?

I'd like to see some evidence that's making you assume Jenova is mindless first, because that's a hell of a leap.

There is some pretty direct hints though. Her only spoken line being "Beacause you are a puppet" (sic), her being above bizarro sephiroth's head like a puppeteer, and of course -He is actively pursuing Jenova's goals for the entire game, only taking sidetracks to fuck with people's heads for fun-

Oh, in advent children Sephiroth is in charge because marketing. He's too popular by that point.

Thought we were talking about FFVII though?

>Final Battle is ordered Jenova-Synthesis, Bizarro Sephiroth, Safer Sephiroth and finally Sephiroth
>In AC when the Cells are released, they become Sephiroth with his memories intact, not Jenova
And somehow Jenova's the one in charge?
Just face it, Jenova's gone.

I want to fuck that ayylmao.

The last bit is just cloud fighting his inner demons, unless you think they astrally projected into the lifestream for a mind-war.

>I'd like to see some evidence that's making you assume Jenova is mindless first, because that's a hell of a leap.
They pretty explicitly state it multiple times in the game. I have to leave for work soon, so I can make a more detailed effort to find a specific source later.

>Her only spoken line being "Beacause you are a puppet" (sic), her being above bizarro sephiroth's head like a puppeteer,
Actually, Jenova-as-Sephiroth is pretty chatty for most of the game. Mostly to fuck with Cloud though.

Really, the whole thing with Cloud doesn't make much sense if it's Jenova in charge. Sephiroth fucking with him makes sense because Sephiroth is still pissed and bitter about Cloud beating him in Nibelheim. Jenova wouldn't any reason to because she's just concerned with eating the Lifestream and moving onto the next planet. Antagonizing Cloud over one of her previous meal's humiliation doesn't make much sense.

The bigger question is, since they're both square games, are Jenova and Lavos the same species?

AC is a shit and you're a shit for referencing it as anything more than fanfic

I thought it was meant to represent one last attempt by Sephiroth to control the cells within Cloud.

Well if Hojo's word isn't good enough as Word of God, because he's the only source we have, let's go with circumstantial evidence. As a ground rule the Planet is stronger than Jenova. First Jenova can't integrate with the Planet as shown by the fact that she laid in the stratum for 2000 years completely inert. Next because of this Sephiroth can't integrate either, but being part human he can absorb the accumulated knowledge of the Planet while traveling it. In five years he gains enough power to control Jenova, explaining the gap between falling into Mako and the Shinra building plus Jenova finally moving too. Otherwise Jenova waiting for 2030 years seems like an odd number, especially the last 30 years, when she could've been active, if the problem was exclusively the sealing. The body in the Northern Crater also has to be the same Sephiroth body, because its lower half is gone, sliced off by Cloud, which Sephiroth then replaces with wings because of his God complex. The cells are converging towards Sephiroth, which would imply he's in control. Even further VII was a video game, before it became a legendary revolution, as such the simple rule of the final boss being the strongest holds sway.

The story is much more elegant with Sephiroth in control.

Even if I agree that the PS music is mostly superior, I wish you people would represent the PC music fairly as Uematsu intended sometimes:


>Regardless, I intentionally did not capitalize "meteor" because I'm well aware of the fact that the proper noun refers to the doomsday materia
Than why did you originally respond to this person (who was clearly referring to the doomsday Meteor) with becomes "becomes the new meteor", implying that Jenova becomes the new doomsday meteor as if she's already done so in the past?

>no Jenova gf

The reunion happening at the pole isn't evidence of Sephiroth being in charge, because there is plenty of motive to meet up there either way.

1: It's the intended impact site for meteor.
2: Seph absconded with/merged with Jenova's head, and we don't actually know enough about Jenova's biology to say whether her head or her greatest concentration of cells is more important. Hojo made an assumption.

nice headcanon

Nice misuse of "nice headcanon." I'm saying in that post that reunion happening at the North Pole has reasons in either theory, and doesn't support either directly.

>we don't actually know enough about Jenova's biology to say whether her head or her greatest concentration of cells is more important. Hojo made an assumption.
Considering she's a shapeshifter and her individual cells are capable of acting on their own(evidence of this is the Reunion happening at all), I'm pretty confident in saying her head isn't really special as far as she's concerned, considering she could probably turn it into an arm or a monkey if she really wanted to.

nice missing my joke faggot you could say it went right over your head