How do I make friends in video games...

How do I make friends in video games? Do I have to dedicate myself to a certain support class so that people will like me? How do I avoid befriending underage players? What games are the best for making friends? Not touching another MMO ever again.

You need a high charisma and luck stat.

Sounds like you try too hard.
Just play online multiplayer games and talk.
If anyone actually cares, they'll talk back.
Maybe get round to adding someone. And even then most of the time its one conversation and then radio silence.
Why are you so afraid of being alone. I've been a loner most of my life, and dealing with people constantly as a job I can tell you this: Most people are fucking boring and stupid and awkward and the clingy ones usually want something out of you.
Better off alone mostly. Loneliness comes and goes.

i have never played game with anyone

There is a difference between being a loner out of choice and being trapped as one.

>How do I avoid befriending underage players?

Stop being the weeb faggot you are. But also don't make friends in the first place cause only underage faggots play multiplayer games.

play games that don't need friends, don't get sucked in to everyone else's schadenfreude because they bought some shitty looty tooty game and want to drag you down with them.

>only underage faggots play multiplayer games.
Is this what single player autists actually believe?

>being trapped as one
How can you even be trapped as a loner?
Obviously, doing something wrong, like being overly obnoxious or boring.
Maybe self-reflection is needed. Being aware of your flaws and compensating for them or just accepting they are a part of who you are.
Like, I'm a narcissist. You get me talking about myself and I'll just go on and on. I usually make a concious effort to try to include others in a conversation but sometimes I get carried away and rant on.
Some people find it obnoxious, fair enough, fuck 'em, but suprisingly a lot of people find it endearing and entertaining, because I usually act a little more outside the box. I'm a bit more unpredictable.
People are drawn to ego, but I usually go cold and aloof from people who can't keep my interests or I just cant trust.

I usually like to talk shop. Get straight to the meat of things. My best friend I barely even see for like half a year gets back in touch and we talk like we've just seen each other only yesterday, exchanging info, and jokes and opinions about the latest things. Because we like similar things, think in a similar way. We live completely different lives though, and it can be hard setting up times to hang out. Hell, maybe one day he'll disappear from my life for good and forget about me. But I wouldnt hate him for it. Just means he's moved onto other things in life. It happens. I'd just be happy knowing he's doing well for himself.
I might make more friends like he did in his life, I might never ever make a friend again, but thats entirely on me and what I do. In the meantime I just get on with things.
user if you want to change, do something about it and stop whining. Whining is very fun to do, I like a gold grumble, but it doesnt accomplish much.

Maybe fucking off back to /r/eddit is what you need.

Love you too user.

>worrying about being friends with underageb&
Just don't bring age into it at all and make friends with people purely on their actions/speech. Once in a while it will turn out that your good friend is a 12 year old girl but most of the time they'll be male and in their 20s.

>You get me talking about myself and I'll just go on and on.
I'll say

>Once in a while it will turn out that your good friend is a 12 year old girl

When has this ever happened?

Just don't sperg out and you'll be fine. Don't try too hard like "H-hai >_< Be my pal pls xDD". Act normal. If you guys are in a lobby and still waiting for something, you can say something like how are their day or something game related. If they don't seem the type of the person who wants to be friend with someone online then don't push it and just don't mind them. Act natural, don't do something that'll make them think you are some weirdo, interact with them like how you interact with people in real life, and most of all, you have to give respect.
TL;DR: Just bee yourself but if you are a natural born sperg then see a therapist :^)

I used to have a girlfriend that I met on Ragranarok online. I was 13 and she's 12 and we used to grind together everyday. We broke up eventually but we're still friends and we still communicate with each other up to this day. She sometimes brings up the topic and we just laugh ourselves off when we remember all the erp that we did back then.

>Just be yourself
>Unless you're a sperg, then fuck you

what games do you like playing?

I'd like more friends too, but I have no idea what games are good for socializing. I guess MMOs, but I dont have huge amounts of time to dedicate to them, which would make me a super casual player.

Get drunk so it's easier to talk. Doesn't matter what you say bc it's better than silence.

Play css csgo l4d or tf2 custom servers with a lot of people they're like big discords

Find a discord for the game you want to play and play with the same people or something

I mean it's shitty but it's true. some people are sort of doomed when it comes to socialization. imagine the entire population of the world spread out over a spectrum, with the most talkative and natural social butterflies on one end of the spectrum, and the most permanently paralyzed spergs on the other end of the spectrum. some of these people are just not going to be able to maintain normal friendships and romantic relationships. that's not to say that they're bad people, or don't deserve to be happy, but life dealt them a shitty hand. in a world with 7 billion people in it, one person statistically must be the most awkward person in the world, and that person is probably beyond being helped by friendly people Sup Forums advice.

>do really well at these games
>nobody adds me

have you tried talking?

>use mic
>"Dude can you shut the fuck up? Your voice is tilting me"

I think the most important thing is to be nice and respectful to people and to take the initiative to reach out to them. Being good at the game or filling a particular role is probably only important if you want to befriend people who are trying to min-max their game time for progression, whether it be ladder progression, lootgrind progression, or w/e.

But what do I know I mute everybody on both teams every time I play a pvp team game because they might say something that hurts my feelings, and when people in MMOs say hi to me I pretend they're talking to the person behind me even though in an MMO I can see there's nobody behind me unlike in real life.

>Do I have to dedicate myself to a certain support class so that people will like me?
>TFW main support classes and nobody still likes me

This is the main reason I don't use mic
Along with all the fucking kids and mic spamming

>tfw I am that person

>enter discord channel for raid pug
>do intro scream from Left Hand Path
>people don't know how to react
>start doing a capella death metal riffs
>people asking me to stop, most of the channel has muted me