Has Half-Life aged well in your opinion?

Has Half-Life aged well in your opinion?
What do kids these days who grew up with games influenced by it think of it?

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sure as long you play the goldsrc version. source is still broken as shit.

>Valve gives so little of a fuck about the game that made them what they are that even a fan made engine plays it better than source

I've lost respect for them a long time ago.

Even the newest-updated version of GoldSrc HL1 on Steam has broken shit. The best way to play is downloading a rip of the original Sierra-published CD.

The gameplay is very fluid and gunplay is satisfying as fuck. I don't see this game 'aging' any time soon. HL2, on the other hand, is a worn-out granny waiting to die

>The best way to play is downloading a rip of the original Sierra-published CD
And installing the WON patch yeah.

If you want modern features like proper widescreen and resolution support you can run it in Xash3D.

how did black mesa fare? does it play as well as the original or did they fuck it up?

Pacing is way off. Level design is similar and it does utilize the Source engine well. But certain game mechanisms like movement speed is all sorts of fucked up.

the only issue i've had is that scientists will NOT stop screaming. i end up just murdering them or leaving them to die.

Both half-life games are terribly overrated but the first half life is at least still a good game.

I'd say that half life 1 is a 7/10 game by now
and half life 2 is a 5 or a 6

>crowbar collective

What's broken in the steam gldsrc version?

Still one of the best feeling game engines. Thanks id.

i played recently replayed HL, HL2, and then Black Mesa. HL was the only one I enjoyed. but i like going fast and airstrafing and freedom of movement and ladders that don't make me wanna alt+f4 instantly when they fuck me over. but apparently thats a terrible thing and had to be "fixed" with newer engines.

it's a pretty faithful recreation for the most part, but it has some pretty big issues
for one, a lot of the chapters are completely gutted, like they just cut out over half of them and tied the rest together
the human enemies are utter bullshit, even on normal they instalock to your model as soon as they have los, they have perfect accuracy, they added the aimpunch from the source engine to this so you can't even shoot at them while they're shooting you, it's just tedious and makes you peek corners like you're playing some tacticool game, it's nothing like the original run and gun quake style shooting of the original
the biggest fuck up is what the devs did once they smelled money:the game was originally free, and it still is, but it's buried on moddb and doesn't get updates, now it's a steam early access game for 20 bucks, the game stops at xen because originally they "weren't finished but wanted to show what they had done", that's all well and good for a free mod, but that was like 2 fucking years ago, the game is still early access on steam, still 20 bucks, no fucking xen in sight

tl;dr: get it for free on moddb, worth a few hours of nostalgia, it's not a great recreation of the original, all things considered, but it's the best there is

Fucking millennials right op.

It's pretty amazing. Not a replacement for GoldSrc HL, but a reimagining of sorts.

The issue with HECUs is ridiculously overstated, and in the paid Steam version they're supposedly completely rewritten.

what is this?

that's good to hear, but I'm never buying this, even if they end up releasing the rest of the game sometime in the next fucking decade I probably won't

I played it for the first time a few years ago and had a blast. It's better than HL2 imo. Definitely aged well.

Like this guy said, gunplay is cool, gameplay is still intact. The introduction is timeless classic, unique enemies are fun and cinematic-but-not-too detailed plot is good with all scripted scene goodness.


For me there are aged moments. Like majority of FPS in late 90's and early 00's, it has boring and somewhat nauseous colors. Everything is puke green and grey inside Black messa, outside levels all grey and earthy colors and Xen is grey violet. Maybe it's my own problem, but this gamma is turn-off.

Other personal problem - levels. They are interesting, but sometimes they are too convoluted, with all those endless tricky passages.

Also, famous continuous progress that supposed to make you feel like you are in whole, complete world with little stitches of 'loading' parts did no trick for me. I felt no satisfaction, like I did after finishing another level of Doom, Quake or Unreal.

I played it for the first time two or three years ago and I absolutely loved it. It's aged perfectly well.

You can probably just pirate it, stupid.

visuals are shit - the gameplay is so fine-tuned it's still fun.
Not a single newfag (unless some sci-fi nutter would deliberately dig through the history of vidya) could get into this game purely cuz of its aged looks

>even a fan made engine

Half Life is good but it's no Specialists

nothing - retards just bitching as usual about how they can't shuffle sprint anymore or some minor shit that doesn't matter to any sane person


or they want to use the software mode renderer, which Valve literally removed in an update for no reason

Not sure how they're comparable when the other is a multiplayer mod.

>ever noticing loading times in HL1
Are you running this game on a pager?

Well just keep thinking about it and i'm sure the answer will come to you

or how you can't get stuck within the movable objects anymore (i haven't forgotten about you, little fucker)
Yeah outdated versions are great.
why the fuck would you ever want that, you moron? You do realise that you can disable bilinear filtering and have those pixelated sharp textures in OpenGL as well? Also disable Z-buffer to have jittery polygons aka PS1?

Half-Life 2 is horrible "narrative" linear crap and was a glorified tech demo, completely sullying the original's legacy. But even back during its release trying to discuss this sensibly with Sup Forums was absolutely impossible.

Then again I don't even think Sup Forums liked Half-Life 2 all that much. The whole fanboy craze surrounding Valve and Half-Life only became a prominent thing back when we rigged Gordon Freeman to win that one Gamefags "greatest hero" poll. You saw people appreciate TF2 and Portal but Half-Life 2 was always very mixed, after that poll all the retarded fanboys flooded in.

It's fun, the lack of adequate ranged weaponry (with an actual supply of ammunition) bothered me
t. kiddy who didn't play pc fps until like 2012

First of all, sorry, somebody actually played this game on release, not 15 years later.
Second of all, I just described the idea behind HL level design, and not my personal experience, your passive-aggressive response is misdirected.

hl2 is reddit: the game

shitty gore mod

in the latest version of black mesa the only chapter that's really been changed is on a rail
they filled in the parts of surface tension that they cut, it has some really good vistas too

but the question was "has it aged well" and, if anything, the loading times aged much better than anything else, since they are barely noticeable on modern PC (and nearly non-existent in Sven Co-op, where they've stitched several smaller maps together)

half life loaded fast as fuck even when it came out
ironically half life source has longer load times than half life did on release

i think the first two hours are great, and then it goes downhill. the military are the most boring enemies to fight in any game ive ever played, the contrast from fucking headcrab scientists in a metal dungeon to generic grunts in the desert upsets me a lot

Padre forgive me, but i played hl2 before hl1, and i loved it. But right after i finished hl1 i started to hate hl2 a little bit because compared to the first one it was ridiculously short and i feel like it wasted so much potential.

Then i played black mesa and i felt like it was missing something. It didnt feel right.

Ravenholm is the best chapter in the hl story

Yeah, you have a point, but my own point was not about stitches, but total opposite - the feel beyond 'leveless' world. The idea beyond this design decision did not impress me then and it's did nothing for me when i replayed the HL series in 2011 or something, since I find more satisfaction having level end screens.
That's what I wanted to say, cause continuous progress of HL is such a big deal there is necessary to cover this topic.

>fast as fuck when it came out

Depends on location.

They haven't. All of the games have always been tech demos and nothing more. They barely qualify as games.

People who say games age are the biggest underage brainlets of them all. Like how does a game age? It's always been the same.

if you don't understand how a game 'aging' is a metaphor for the relative experience a game offers compared to all other games out there then you're the brainlet
example: games that looked amazingly realistic 10 years ago look like shit now

No, they have always looked the same. Like I can understand clunky controls being an issue, but graphics are not a thing that changes. Also it's not like gaming has improved in the gameplay department over the years.

''age'' means to become older, it does not imply the thing itself changes
astounding how there's at least one of you retards in every thread
well, maybe it's just you every time
wouldn't surprise me either honestly

objectively they look the same, subjectively people experience them relative to everything else they've experienced. People were blown away by the realism in HL1 when it came out, they aren't going to feel the same now after playing a modern game. Most of what you experience when playing a game is subjective and even when something is objectively good you can still just get tired of it after experiencing it too much

So it ages, but it doesn't change? That's basically my argument, buddy.

That's called being a graphicwhore. There's no help for that. It's like saying the new Wolfenstein is better than everything in the past 20 years, because it waters your eyes.

I'm just using graphics as an example, it applies across every part of a game. Another example are strategy games from the 90s which felt challenging when you played them then but seem incredibly simple and basic when you go back and play them now

It ages in the same way clothing does- it doesn't change, but the world around it does

But some clothing is considered to be ''timeless'' aka able to still look appealing even though the world has changed, whereas other old clothing is considered to look terrible within this new world

I hadn't played Half-Life until this year and can say without any rose tinted glasses that it legitimately is one of the most well-paced and fun FPS games I've ever played.

On the other hand, I played HL2 circa 2014 and thought it was overrated and outdated.

They fucked it up.
>Hgrunt AI is completely changed (they can now move and shoot) despite there being little in the way of health, map layout, or damage modifications to compensate
>On a Rail is gutted
>The intro sequence has some autistic 15 minute section where you run around unarmed with a Barney and toss physic object flares at zombies (srs)
>All the guns sound worse than they did in HL
>Retcons a lot of HL1 lore to fit with HL2's autistic story


This meme is so fucking stupid. Do you honestly watch silent movies on a regular basis? Surely if media doesn't age and doesn't become less desirable with age and exposure to other media then early film should be every bit as engrossing and enjoyable as new film, right?

What about porn? You still fap to the nip slips from your favorite childhood movie? Or has years of high quality hardcore porn made it seem boring?

>or damage modifications
That's a lie. We're talking about BM (2011), right? Glock is pinpoint precise and fires as fast as you pull the trigger. SMG is buffed. Shotgun is buffed. You get revolver earlier. Hgrunts die much faster as a result.

>t. user struggling with the inevitability of his death

just kys lmao

I replayed it a bit ago and the movement felt like I was walking on ice
Is it a bug or what

On a Rail sucks cock.


Aged like milk, and it's no fancy fucking cheese. It's in an odd place in graphics and mechanics progress, where everything before and after plays great, but HL feels just bad.

I needed to look up crouch jumping to get past the sewers but other than that it was pretty good.