Game Informer cover game will be revealed next week. It will be Rocksteady's Superman game...

Game Informer cover game will be revealed next week. It will be Rocksteady's Superman game. The scale and the ambition of the game is massive, you all will be blown away by the details. Can't wait to see your reaction, lads.

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>yfw it's a Batman Beyond game instead

I'd be okay with either one.

Spoiler alert: it won't be

Supes sucks ass, not even Rocksteady will be able to pull a good superman game off


Hey Snyder, how is it going?

>not Red Son Superman
Who cares.

>generic comic font
I doubt this is real.

I actually really like Superman. He's like All Might, he stands for justice and hope, he's the embodiment of strength. I probably like Batman a bit more, but Superman is based as fuck. Not really sure how they'd pull off a game about him, I'd probably prefer it to be a linear experience, something which perhaps starts off with you taking down small fry while learning the mechanics, then as the game progresses you venture out and start tackling enemies which can actually damage you, ultimately ending in some final fight to save Earth obviously. Perhaps some new unique villains to spice things up, got to have some of the more well known ones make cameos for a mission or two just to draw in the fans too.

I really like the idea of Superman getting dumped on another planet and having to find his way back to Earth, while doing so he uncovers a plot by some space tyrant who wishes to eradicate Earth or someshit. Maybe even have some hyped up battle on Earth going on to distract the rest of the league, having them fight a rather formidable foe while Superman, unknowing to them, is struggling to fight an even more powerful threat.

Too bad they'll likely never make him his own game, and if they do it'll probably be a heartless open world hero beat em up like all the rest.
only DC picture I have saved so whatever

>they changed Aquaman's design in the new movies

That screenshot is like a year old. Means literally nothing.

>Supes sucks ass
Respectfully kill yourself faggot

Man I really hope you are right

I know for a fact that the cover game will be Superman by Rocksteady.

>Can't wait to see your reaction, lads.
Spoiler: there will be tons of shitposting.

I hate superman. I wanted Batman Beyond.

DCunts ladies and gentlemen

Source, please.

> "and here is the trailer for our new title..."
> starts playing

The cover will be red dead redemption 2

Nope. It's Superman.

Same reason they keep pushing Victor instead of J'onn. Because fuck you.

>tfw one of the best legacy characters AND alt future superhero stories is a completely unique, non-comics spinoff
>tfw there STILL aren't any good Batman Beyond comics.


I know for a fact that the game cover will be red dead redemption 2 by rockstar games

I trust Rocksteady to make something good, although I'm wondering if they'll manage the difficult ordeal of not making Supes stupidly underpowered. I'm honestly curious if they'll manage that.

You cannot make a good game out of superman, it is impossible.
The character is boring as shit and can only be made a viable playable character by debuffing him with kryptonite.
There are so many cool dc heroes that could be used for a game, why does the publisher want a fucking superman game.

Let me guess, you think it's impossible to make a Superman game because he's "overpowered" and has "no character" right?

t. normie who never read a Supes comic

>what is Superman: Secret Identity
>Kingdom fucking Come

Stop watching the goddamn movies, you pleb.

>reeeeee superman isnt boring you just don’t get it

fuck off back to Sup Forums

Fucking make me, you brainlet faggot. don't come here talking shit and expect no responses.

It's the big problem with Superman. I'm reminded of the Kill Bill speech about him. Nearly every other superhero is a man. A person that achieves great powers in some way or another, but they are still a man, covering behind an idol of their choice.
Superman IS the idol, while covering behind Clark Kent. Random mooks can't hurt him so there's no reason to even try to have what happens in Batman, where one final punch might actually be enough to take Bats down. Then again, having some weird excuse
>Luthor gave everyone in Metropolis kriptonite boxing gloves or mixed kriptonite in their blood
Would just be silly, and a repeat of the Arkham games for that matter.
>yfw you find that the story about how Jerry Siegel's father was murdered when Jerry was still a child which spawned the idea of an unbreakable good hero that saves everyone

You would need awesome flight controls and a fully destructible city.
The former would be possible with a lot of effort.
The later is fucking impossible without normies sperging out over how bad muh grafx look and shit or the city should be small as fuck.
There are too many things that can go wrong.

do you have any proof?

Game about the new Flinstones when?

>make villain magic based
>make villain cosmic based
>make villain Lex Luthor who acutally uses his brain
It's not hard to make Superman killable in a game

God, if only.

>make superman the villain

much better

There will never be a good superman gane, because superman is a garbage character for garbage people.

>It's not MY fault for not actually reading the good stuff!
Sorry to say that, yes, that is your fault.

Also, Wario Land 2 had an invincible protagonist and that game was awesome.

Batman is the only good superhero. Couldn't give a shit about comic book crap. I only care about mainstream movies and games.

Honest question from someone who never read too many Superman comics, since a lot of people always talk about how Superman isn't actually op.
Superman is known for being the end all superhero, to the point where he can do anything other superheroes can or other superheroes are seen as a single one of his powers.
How do you make this character not overpowered by default in a game? Is it by having his challenges something he can't directly control? I can think of stories that keep his powers but his challenges are beyond his direct input yet these stories wouldn't quite work as a game since they heavily depend on Superman making his own decisions, not the player.

The real way to do it is to start off easy and slowly up the ante.
You face off against some easy villains before getting the hang of things.
Then eventually you're forced to fight a being ofequal or higher ppower.

I mean why not? Its not unusual for a video game to have hordes of easy to kill enemies.

Yeah, I figured that would be the problem. I see a Clark Kent mode happening being an investigative reporter and slightly using your powers for certain situations. There should also be the option/mechanic that even if you're seemingly all-powerful, you can't really save anyone. (Which hopefully will accurately portray Superman and that some people will stop being salty about his character) Also, being able to fly to the Fortress, Bizarro World, Apokolips. All these crazy things.

Sad for you. There's dozens of Batman stories that would make a better film universe than the drivel that is Nolan and Snyder.

Pic is from an old rumor, fanmade

They should turn them into films so because I'll never read comic books.


Batman's detective mode is coming back then.
I kinda like that. New supervillain is in town, no idea who. Having to go as Kent investigate, hear a cry for help, run to a booth to switch outfits and help them.
Could be an interesting mix of gameplays, although we run into an instant problem.
People will try to tackle the innocent AI while dressed as Superman. Does the hit not register, dive out of the way, superman refusing to hit them?

>people say Superman is too OP
Remember that time a regular ass vampire sank his teeth into Superman's neck like a knife through hot butter? It will be fine if the creators actually search through his rogues gallery instead of using Luthor for the nth time.

The thing about Superman that somehow people don't get, is that he has to be careful as to what he is. You're like a God, and could probably "fix" everything to be more relative to you. Make everything more "comfortable" for you. They could expand on that in a game, by asking the question

"Sure, you could do this easily, but what's the aftermath AND how will people think of you afterwards?" Superman is like that derogative word people use about him, he's a "Boy scout." and it pisses people off because they think he has no tragic backstory or defining moment that leads up to what he is. Never mind his goddamn home planet exploding. No, no, he has to be Dark, depressing, and tragic like Batman. If you make a game and let it truly be about Superman and not just use other characters, then you'll see the true character of what he is.

It will be a remake of Superman 64
>Fly through the god damn rings!

Can't wait for every enemy in the entire game universe to be equipped with kryptonite despite it being one of the rares minerals in the known world and even a tiny ounce of it costs literary billions to obtain.

Don't make it an origins story.

Don't make it an origins story.

Don't make it an origins story.

Don't make it an origins story.

Don't make it an origins story.

please god don't make it an origin story.

>Superman is known for being the end all superhero, to the point where he can do anything other superheroes can or other superheroes are seen as a single one of his powers.
This is a lot like Batwank. There are plenty of comics and adaptations where he isn't nearly that powerful.

>How do you make this character not overpowered by default in a game? Is it by having his challenges something he can't directly control?
Puzzles and tests of skill, honestly.
Superman's greatest strength in a story is his creativity and wisdom, and tasking players with finding solutions to complex problems, interacting with other characters and helping various people in big and small ways is the best way to go about it. He's far more suited for a role-playing or straight up puzzle game than an action title.

If you DO want an action focused Superman game, your best way to do that is to test player skill in meaningful ways. There's no point in giving him a healthbar, but giving citizens/the town a healthcare or adding a time limit feels cheap. Instead, challenges should be implicit, like chasing after Luthor in tunnel with a series of closing metal doors. That's still a timed chase, but when you don't throw up a timer and ask the player to either be fast enough or time their smashes rught, you're engaging them.

It would also be smart to include no hard fail states: your level of success determines future events and your overall conclusion. Any player can BEAT the game, as Superman is practically unstoppable, but only a skilled player can perfect it a truly save the day completely.

At least, that's how I would approach it.

Rocksteady handled Batman's origins well. First game there's scarecrow with the hallucinations, second a quick easter egg and references when Strange finds his identity, third I don't remember it coming up.

None of the batman games was a origin story. They had references to his past, but that doesn't make it an origin story.

Origin stories are just awful for what Clark is.
There's a reason people like Morrison summing it up in 8 words and moving the fuck on.

That's what I meant. There's no real point in having gameplay sections about his origins or the game starting out in Krypton, boom, Smallville, etc. If Rocksteady actually makes this Superman game, at most we'll see references in the story or going off to see Martha because you're having some sort of dilemma, all in the present while occasionally discussing the past. I get why movies feel the need to do that but I doubt games would have that.

Seriously fuck Superman
This is where it's at


He died of a heart attack during the robbery itself.

Narrative heavy game about the consequences of his actions. I think there was a comic strip bringing up how even though he's the greatest superhero, because of his godlike powers and his unwillingness to abuse said godlike powers, he's also the greatest failure. His room was filled with newspaper clippings of people who died because he wasn't there, relatives of the dead asking why he wasn't there to save them. Children's letters to him asking why they couldn't save their mom from cancer. As for how that would fit in as part of the gameplay, maybe instead of a health bar have a sort of public opinion meter. The story can take place after a public humiliating failure on Superman's part. He manages to stop Doomsday from destroying the world, but in the process he leaves a city destroyed and a single child dies, which is the only thing people focus on. Public backlash on Superman, everyone question his competence as a hero. The whole game could be Superman doing odd jobs around Metropolis to try to win back people's trust. You stop a mugging and public opinion increases a little. The catch is just like how he can't save everyone in the comics, you can't save everyone in the game either. Deaths you fail to stop will be blamed on you. The meter constantly drains, no matter how hard you try to save everyone, people will still die and blame you. The goal of the game is to delay the inevitable. The meter draining basically becomes a real time countdown system. By finishing game objectives, you delay the timer. If you delay the timer long enough, Doomsday returns for a rematch and the culmination of the story. Superman beats him and is redeemed. If you fail to delay the timer long enough, Superman's emotions are crushed due to his constant failures. He hangs up his costume and retires as a superhero forever.

>Seriously fuck Superman

What's wrong with Superman?

If they make it an origin story, they could justify there not being any flying. They could justify why he doesn't have eye lasers. They could justify why his strength is not at highest potential and make the gameplay more similar to Batman.

By making it an origins story you have the perfect cop out to rule out many of the difficulties which comes with making a proper Superman game. That's why I'm worried. It's the easy way out.

My mistake then. Still, it's sad to think this icon was spawned from the mind of a child who missed his dad.

>stop Doomsday from destroying the world, but in the process he leaves a city destroyed and a single child dies, which is the only thing people focus on.
That sounds absolutely fucking retarded.
Kill yourself you utter moron.

At that point you may as well not make a Superman game.

>public opinion meter
Meters, timers and other forms of measurement are the bane of Superman media.

Oh, I get it. Yeah, I completely agree with that. Honestly, Rocksteady seem to have a good grasp on what makes a good/fun game while maintaining an interesting story. Hopefully this one doesn't break their streak of hits. Despite the issues and some lack luster moments, Knight was pretty good overall. I wonder, if this rumor is true, if they got John Williams for the score.

>To offer proof I will post this "leaked" twitter image from 2014!

That screenshot was confirmed fake long ago
OP is a lying piece of shit

god damn superman is gay

What if the villain is a future Superman but it's not actually Superman it's a minor villain that used a deus ex machina to steal Superman's body. And then Superman from the future teams up with minor villain from the present. And then future Superman and present minor villain fuse to become a literal godlike entity. And instead of Superman fighting the godlike entity he uses his own deus ex machine to erase the entire timeline and the Superman/villain fusion.

Do you think the only point of supermman is to be constantly kicking ass and nevwr come close to losing?

Get the fuck out of here El Padre Grande.

I get where you're coming from but the way you described it would be horrible.
Plus, if Superman stops the end of the world, a single child is never going to be the focus. Superman can blame himself, sure, but not the whole city.

look at this baby getting butthurt over his favorite superhero being insulted.
i knew people here were pathetic, but you manchildren need to grow the fuck up.

Batman: Beyond Arkham

dumb anime dog poster

No, I think limiting his moveset with narrative contrivances is stupid. If you want a game about Krypton, make a game about Krypton. If you want a Smallville game, call it Smallville. If you want Superboy, call it Superbly.

If you want a Superman game, don't write up bullshit excuses to duck around his powers. If you aren't willing to accept them, make a Red Tornado game instead.

Why does this sound so familiar?

No idea, hermano.

Man, I read all the original dragon ball manga's up to Dragon Ball Z and never read or watched anything that went beyond that and I feel like I've missed absolutely nothing.

How do you know this?

Guys how do we even know this is real??

It's not and that picture is related to Injustice.

We don't know if the announcement will be real but it's fun to discuss it.

Op is the New 52 costume from injustice over a bunch of comic sans text.

There has been rumors about a Superman project by Rocksteady for years. Personally, I wouldn't mind another Batman game. They could have their own unique spin of The Dark Knight Returns arc and give Batman and the entire cast a proper farewell. You could also split the story to where you get to control Supes as well for certain parts.

Justice League is coming out in the next couple of weeks, and they've been hyping it up each week with a new hero. If they keep on schedule, then next week should be Superman. Also, Action Comics 1000 and Superman's 80th bday is next year, so it would make sense to give him a game to coincide with that.

Don't worry, aside from a few really cool fillers across the various series (Piccolo getting his driver's license in Z and a baseball episode in Super) and some dope movie fight scenes, you haven't. The comic is the best way to experience Dragon Ball.

That said, I would heavily recommend reading Toriyama's other manga (Particularly Slump, Sandland and Jaco), watching the Battle of the Gods movie (Toriyama basically wrote it and it really shows), and checking his video game concept art out.

The level of shit you're missing out on is a mind controlled alternate Goku with pink Super Sayain hair making energy blades.

It's terrible. Ignore it. Creativity is dead here.

It's not mind controlled, Zamas swapped bodies with Goku and then killed him

Can you tell us anything about the game?

There won't be a successful Superman game cause people will shit on it no matter how good it would be. Look at this thread, people are already talking about how bad a Superman game would be. People have already made up their minds and will hate on any kind of Superman game released.

My superman game will be better i just need to start to work on it again

Please let this be real.

He can't because he's bullshitting.