Why are Nintendo games so overrated by critics?
Why are Nintendo games so overrated by critics?
critics don't have real opinions they just regurgitate what the brainwashed massed love to hear, and they love nintendo
They're the Apple of the vidya industry. They will get good reviews regardless.
>e-celeb twitter garbage
who are you quoting
With every franchise, they always give the most enthusiastic and knowledgeable about the games to review the latest instalment. So considering how far back these games go, and how much they mean to people who grew up with them - you have your answer. It's the same shit with Kojimadrones. Critics are most likely fanboys
Is this not a critic?
It's the best game this gen.
What did Joseph mean by this?
>3/5 for Odyssey. Scales up to a 6/10.
Thank god he did the math for me, I forgot my multiplication tables
Lmao 3/5=6/10, is this guy autistic?
no, that award goes to bloodborne
Matthewmatosis > Joseph Anderson
Uh paid critics? Wouldnt you do the same thing
Guy is an absolute moron and knows nothing about what he's saying.
Is this Sup Forums's favorite "critic"?
He hates the numerous collectibles. He doesn't enjoy exploring worlds, just fighting bosses and meeting new characters.
Actual Odyssey owner here, I stand by Joseph's views on the game. This game is incredibly overrated and given a Nintendo bonus.
>different people have different opinions on the same piece of entertainment
Discovery of the century, user.
Why are Nintendo games so underrated by Sup Forums?
He's completely right.
Is this the new Joshy?
Sup Forums overrates ninty games you moron
look around you
This isn't your picture, buddy.
Most critics are nu-male americans which grew up with nintendo.
I mean he's got a point. Tight controls are more about movement but still, just saying "te controls r gud" with no further context is fucking retarded.
Not actual owner here and only completed on a borrowed switch. Easily one of the best games I have ever played.
But I do own this aircraft carrier
Picture is proof obviously.
He's right though. The Moons are an awful idea. Older games did it better. 10 Stars a level with different scenarios each Star. The Moons are boring and too easy to get.
Also, the bosses are awful. I'm not a seasoned Mario player and even I can beat them in a minute.
Pathetic. Stop false flagging you obnoxious moron.
Even as far as modern video game critics go, Joseph Anderson is in an entire level of idiocy of his own. This is going to be the new norm, though, shitting on Nintendo just because it gets clicks and views. Contrarianism is a symptom of post-modernism. Get used to it.
A true attention whore if I've ever seen one.
>Joseph "3D World is better than 64" Anderson
This guy needs to stop.
Can you do maths or not?
He is the guy who likes Dark Souls 2 right?
Maybe some people just have reverse taste? Like Dobson?
He's clearly baiting, given the number of subs he got for the BotW review.
Which is fine, but to claim that you're not doing it for subs, that's just insincere.
>3/5 = 6/10
its the same shit on different rating scales
fucking retarded twitter cancer
That's hbomberguy
Obvious contrarian review score.
Also, never review anything out of 5. It has way to much potential variance
>Reviews a puzzle game about flipping sausages and calls it the best puzzle game ever
This guy
This is the same guy who says he loves fallout 4
God how many shitty reviewers are out there?
holy shit nice
Someone post excerpts from his book
He clearly prefers linear mario?
what a retarded statement
i guess he never played a game which had input delay or long ass animations which cant be cancelled, thats what people call bad controll, but having controll over your character without any input delay and being able to cancel any animation for new ones, thats great controll
but i guess someone who looks like a mouthbreather cant see the difference
(i dont own mario odyssey, just pointing out that his statement is infact incorrect)
>See people give scores like 3.5/5
Literally the scum of the earth.
Oh? Christ sake, the game wasn't that good. That's just that.
that was back in april?
he just said yesterday hes doing a video for odyssey
He spent months on a BOTW review and didn’t get a single dollar from it.
I would do the same.
Also, Nintendo is within it’s right to do it, i’m not arguing that.
But i get reviewers like him ignoring Nintendo, he’s doing this for a living.
>LPer who hates nintendo and lets his hate seep into everything he does
I fucking hate Sup Forums for giving these people even a % of their attention.
Were you not around for the past 15 years where game journos had such a hate boner for Nintendo that Nintendo decided to fuck off which led to the creation of Nintendo Direct in the first place?
I just threw up a little from all that bad taste.
looks comfy
Is he one of those "Lol I can't go back to other games because of Dark Souls xD" guys?
You know what I can't fucking stand about nintenbros? They play nothing for so long, and long when they finally get a game they suck it's cock like it's the best thing ever when it's just your average game. But that's not even the worst part. They fucking freak the fuck out in an autistic fit of rage when someone from a non biased point of view doesn't worship whatever "new" first party Nintendo title, and they can NEVER do anything but personally insult the person, because they can't defend their game with anything but, its "fun" and that fucking great, Im glad you thought it was fun, I also had fun with BoTW, but it's not 10/10. The new mario also looks fun, but it's not the best fucking thing ever.
This board would be vastly better if we just made a Nintendo board. Sonybros can be very annoying too, but not to this extent, Xboners barely exist, but they don't seem to bad, and the Mustards are okay, but the falseflaggers are insane.
well that misses the point as to who the target audience for them reviews/critiques are. They are for the lowest common denominator of the mainstream. They arent like us or that guy. They would not understand an actually nuanced and correctly explained thing as to what is meant by that since they just wouldn't understand and want shit to be as concise and to the point as possible.
The complaint while valid is stupid since it disregards the fact that shit is meant for dumb people to understand. Like shit blame capitalism instead since that is the culprit since all they are doing is aiming at the most profitable demographic whom tends to be ignorant as all fuck about this type of shit.
Why would you want me to do that to our fellow anons, you sicko.
this better be pasta
Can't believe I used to listen to this autist
was paris expo was that big of a bomb, nothing 4 the gaymers?
How retarded are you. 3/5 is a less precise scale that can range from 6/10 to 7/10. He clarified it
You sound autistic, very autistic
Didn't upload the first time but here.
People don't give reasonable reasons why they don't like the games, that is the problem.
Oh god is this how he actually looks? Jesus christ that's sad. Though I guess this face perfectly fits a guy who does a 4 hour long "analysis" of Uncharted.
>someone thinks this guy is an authority worth listening to
>you're not allowed to complain about shit aimed at the lowest common denominator
Kill yourself
It's the 'literally who reviewer fits my shitposting so I'll pretend he's right' episode.
is this halo fanficiton?
The power armour, cortana etc.
Okay NOW here it is.
I bought Odyssey because I'm enjoying my Switch so far and didn't have anything else to play. I don't even particularly care for Mario games, despite being a Nintendie, but Odyssey is no joke one of the best games I've ever played. Even if you don't like Mario you have to admit that this level of quality and polish is extremely rare in the industry these days. That being said, it's not perfect. The moons in particular are just too much. As others have said, the older system of 7-10 per world with different world setups for each one and a few secret ones would be much better. 64 and Sunshine got it perfect, this was a bit of a regression in that regard. I also felt like the platforming was a little too linear and the way the momentum worked was a tiny bit frustrating, Sunshine did both of these perfectly. Everything else was absolutely amazing, though. Favorite world was the Mushroom Kingdom, by far, just for all the nostalgia and references to older games.
I just realized this post makes me sound like a Sunshinefag, but honestly I don't have a dog in this fight, Zelda is my thing, not Mario. I can still appreciate the quality of the series, though.
Post your face
Wrong. Another uninformed Nintendo fanbaby defends their shitty jew tier business practice. Not surprised!
Even if Odyssey has the best gameplay ever made (it doesn’t) it’s a game that doesn’t even try with the setting, story or even music.
It’s a good game but it will never be better than something like Witcher 3, Automata or Persona 5.
I’m talking about games with good gameplay that actually try to do something other than gameplay.
I view Mario games the same as COD.
Mario and Zelda games just get a high amount of polish, more than the large majority of other AAA games which often feel like they were rushed to meet a deadline.
post this guy's face already and get it over with
>game that doesn’t even try with the setting
The level design has a good few tropes that rarely appear in platformers.
Someone get this poor man a fucking microphone. No one should have to go on camera like that.
>but have no idea that it would upset you if she wandered off to check out the balloons across the street
Am I autistic now? How is a girl doing something irrelevant upsetting to me?
He is a let's player
>witcher 3
>good gameplay
I mean persona 5 has great gameplay but nier? Witcher?
Is he retarded?
Not insult retarded but genuinely not okay?
>Make game with 999 collectible objects
>Make a good 30%-40% of them worth while challenges equivalent of that of a regular Mario game that when combined make up a good 30+ hours of playtime, more than most games.
>Make the rest of them found through hidden bonuses, other small interactions or tied to certain milestones.
>"Hurr, the games just full of padding"
People are fucking retarded.
mario bosses are always easy
t. nintendo child who hasn't played automata
you know we can check image info right? this proves nothing lmao grow some balls
Yeah people think this reviewer is intellectual and deep because his videos are long but he praises some of the most benign shit and always dislikes whats popular. Hes contrarian. Hes Sup Forums. Hes shit.
Scoring games out of 5 is the only reasonable way to do it. A game can't be accurately represented by a more finite score. What's the difference between a 94 and a 95? It's fucking stupid. No "half score" bullshit like 3.5 either since that's just a 10 point system in disguise. A 5 point system just gives a very broad indicator of overall quality relative to other games, anything more in depth than that should be covered by the actual review. It also means that games can be 5/5 without retards going "hurr are you saying it's perfect", and that scores like 3/5 can actually mean "average" unlike the 10 point system where 5/10 means "shockingly bad" and anything less than that is a joke score.
Try to play Witcher and Nier on hard.
Once you get out of the tutorial in Nier, hard is perfect, it’s a shame so many people played on normal and broke the game with healing chips.
pack it up boys he has absolutely horrid taste
t. Faggot who haven't played other platinum titles
Nier has the weakest combat of them all, even worse than transformers. Infinite unpunishable dodge, easy as fuck combos, too easy to heal, RPG elements clashing with the supposedly skill-based gameplay, hacking is a chore, the minigames are too prevalent and shallow as fuck to boot
Story is good but let's not kid ourselves here
>all them nintendobabs on the state of high level damage control to some random tweet from a literally who
So this... is the power of... chink brainwashing with visual and sensory conditioning with BING BING WAHOOs huh?
t. falseflagger that wants people to shit on automata
And to think Reddit absolutely fawns over this guy. Holy shit. Guess any shmuck like me can be a video game """"critic"""" now, if this guy's stuff is this bad.
They do though. You just choose to ignore them.
>mfw his Witcher 3 video is coming by the end of the year and there's nothing CDPR shills can do about it
Get those nooses ready, Follow Red Trail 3: The Rushed Hunt is about to be BTFO once and for all.
>hard is perfect
Hell naw, hard mode nier is the least balanced mode in ages. It's not even hard, you just have to power through to once again get the overpowered chips.
Witcher death march does not fix the shit movement and combat that boils down to dodge and poke. And no, souls don't have good gameplay either.