Will this game save the rts genre again?

Will this game save the rts genre again?

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rts can't be saved with good games

The RTS genre is one of few genres that do not need to be saved.

>Windows 10 only
>UWP only

Fucking dead on arrival, and post launch patches will somehow make it even worse.

>after the complete disaster that was DOW3
I wouldn't get my hopes up.
In general, I don't know if anyone can even design a fun RTS anymore. Let alone one that isn't either a carbon copy of old RTS or a 300% dumbed down version for consoles.

More importantly when is aoe1 hd coming out?

i want more mythology

Not if they pander to 3-babbies.
Or if they're too scared and make AoEII:2 in order to not offend AoE2 players which don't give a fuck.
If it's shit or don't like it, they'll just continue playing AoE2

Delayed until q1 next year. If anyone can give a good answer why I'd like to know, how was the beta?

If you think the genre's dead then no it won't.

Post Sage relic making a sequel to series that went to shit with AoE3 under microsoft game studios? What could go wrong?
This is going to be anther trainwreck. Those fuckers just dont understand that people who are interesting in paying for the continuation of the beloved series dont want revolutionized gameplay with real world elements in story or multiplayer focus and seasonpasses with lootboxes.
(Deus ex MD, Dow3, fallout 4 and many more games parasiting on a beloved franchise name alone).
Unless its going to be singleplayer focused classic RTS (basically 3d hd rework of AoE2 with very few very carefully introduced features) with no DLC, yeah, a complete game, sounds crazy i know, with no retarded doctrines and\or unlocks, its destined to fail.

Devs are fucktards, just make a new game inspired by AoE. But no, we want MONNAY. Thats why we're going to make open world action and slap fallout name on it. Thats why we're going to make action driver fps\tps shooter with cover mechanics with no story and slap deus ex on it. Thats why we're going to release a MP focused online progression locked tactcics with rts elements and slap dawn of war on it. Then the same people are in surprise because nobody wants to eat their shit anymore.

Fuck im mad.

Also the prices, im no poor and since i dont have cash sinks it wont leave me broke to buy 60$ games. The problem is, no 60$ game i've seen for a long time deserves its price, the're all unfinished, full of bugs, retarded decisions and devs expect you to pay for season pass. This is pure robbery.
It just seems that once brilliant devs either lost their mojo or just forgot how to make games in pursue of making money via selling shiny incomplete products. When f2p games care more about their players than full priced singleplayer ones you know something is wrong.


Blame fanbase not games :^)

It will be shit. Did you see what they did to DOW3? Im afraid relic as a dev has been compromised

It was AoEIII that set that first nail in the genre's coffin, so I'm not too optimistic. Could be good though.

Its dead jim

>Age of Empires 3 is shit
>people just want Age of Empires 2/Empire Earth/Age of Mythology but looking pretty
>it will probably play more like Cossacks and people will get mad.

there is no reason for this game to exist.
people just want AoE 2 and everything that is different will be hated by the community (except for the matchmaking and modding improvements)

The developer doesnt have the talent or experience needed to achieve what people hope from age of empires 4

I imagine they'll try to recapture the magic of AoE2 and fail miserably.

Who need a shitty sequel when you have AoE2?

>Windows store only, no steam version
dead before it even began

Calling it now, it's going to be another bastardised MOBA.

microshills should read these complaints and avoid the inevitable

>No AoM 2

Realistic worse case scenarios:
>Focus on WE WUZ tier campaign scenarios with highly disputable historic facts
>Campaign will feature emotive cutscenes about the the horrors of the catholic church
>There is an avatar character
>Console focus
>Lootboxes and microtransactions
>RPG-like unlocks system
>Non-existent micromanagement, units are created as a platoon and you can have a very limited number of them at any time
>Discouraged expansion mechanics to appeal to tall building brainlets, only 1 of each unique building permitted
>Or worse, fixed starting camps
>DLC out the ass

catholic church bashing would be great
take my money

Refer to AoE2 comments. AoM is just as hated as AoE3 for not being "a true AoE2 sequel 'everyone' wants".
It's like making a new Quake Wars game. It's hopeless. People want more AoE2 and nothing else.


I agree, after all, RTS is a genre for intelligent people.

inb4 lootboxes

>the developers behind Dawn of War 3
>windows store only

>Will this game save the rts genre again?
This isn't a new C&C

>Will this game save the rts genre again?

The only thing that could save RTS is an experienced RTS developer. Have fun trying to magic one out of the blue.

Here's a simple excerpt of knowledge from old Ensemble. Even Relic forgot how this shit works. If you listen to people too much, you get DoW3 (built by the armchair designers like Wayward Strategist who was popular with the DoW3 design lead), Planetary Annihilation (game made entirely out of the dreams and wishes of the Kickstarter backers being fulfilled 100% without any wiggle room for beneficial changes the game needed), SC2 (the developers really didn't do squat in the years the game was on the market, only listing and using the "data" provided by the community to shit out new patches every other week), Act of Aggression (a game that lost most of its flavour because the loudest people online wanted Generals and created massive pressure on the developers to scrap everything and make Generals instead, resulting in a mess with a massive identity crisis and fuck-all interesting in it)...