What the fuck did icefrog do to dota?
It's ogre
You say this literally every patch, though.
I stopped playing ever since the matchmaking was dedicated.
What were the worst changes they made in the game throughout the years ?
Honestly, this is the first time in years I'm actually excited to play Dota outside of Overthrow. Can't wait to get home so I can do stupid meme shit with all these changes.
Are you ready for tesla medusa?
>lvl25, split shot uses modifiers
Why do the two new heroes look so LoL-y to me?
I always liked maelstrom as an early farming item for Medusa so fuck yeah I am.
Cute lolis in Dota when?
this patch is really good
how do you do, fellow summoners?
Literally Sylph. She ran away from home to piss off daddy.
>turning dota into lol
for what purpose
It's funny because LoL dropped the whole summoners/champions framing device ages ago.
He is dead, and has been dead for a shitton of time. Valve's been turning dota into lol for years. Just look at this
Because they're not based of a WC3 model
"Throw a stick, and the servile dog wheezes and pants and stumbles to bring it to you. Do the same before a cat, and he will eye you with coolly polite and somewhat bored amusement. And just as inferior people prefer the inferior animal which scampers excitedly because someone else wants something, so do superior people respect the superior animal which lives its own life and knows that the puerile stick-throwings of alien bipeds are none of its business and beneath its notice. The dog barks and begs and tumbles to amuse you when you crack the whip. That pleases a meekness-loving peasant who relishes a stimulus to his self importance. The cat, on the other hand, charms you into playing for its benefit when it wishes to be amused; making you rush about the room with a paper on a string when it feels like exercise, but refusing all your attempts to make it play when it is not in the humour. That is personality and individuality and self-respect -- the calm mastery of a being whose life is its own and not yours -- and the superior person recognises and appreciates this because he too is a free soul whose position is assured, and whose only law is his own heritage and aesthetic sense." - H.P. Lovecraft
because lol is a huge success
>Taking animal advice of a total beta faggot like lovecraft
Someone give that boy a blin.
cats are just a lot stupider than dogs tbqh
>play dota rarely because of work
>will now have to start playing with retards instead of semi-competent people at 5k mmr, and to play with anyone with a brain I'll have to play a shitload, and it'll reset anyway
Guess I'll just have to stop playing, thanks Valve.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand cats.
"Seasons" is easily my least favorite thing about the esports meme.
Just turn the patch number upside down to see what Dota has become.
if you guys were smart you'd use the custom game stuff to preserve whatever version of dota you liked and dump the mainline game
I don't get it.
>the concept of obedience and hierarchy is alien to cats because they're unnecessary when you're a loner and don't live in packs
>"therefore cats are superior to dogs"
>projecting human characteristics onto animals
I like his work but it looks like he was a huge retard.
its a guy flipping a table you dummy
good luck with your spatial reasoning test
They sure did a shit job at it. Fucking half the champion lines still have references to "summoners" and they refer to pros fighting as "summoners". Flash and Ignite are "summoner" spells. They did this shit because I guess the lore writer got tired of fucking framing the story around super powerful wizards who could rock anyone's shit making all these guy's their bitches who fight for them/glory to make a story around the champions themselves without interference
It kind of looks like a guy crouched and hunched over in front of his laptop.
What about black people, though?
reminder that lovecuck died a virgin and was afraid of water
but it is an upside down lol so we have become the opposite of it
did you know that
It's funny, it's the mistake MtG made but in reverse.
i think it's a zero degree angle, but the rest is indecipherable to my human eyes
I really fucking hate niggers?
Reminder that Lovecraft named his cat Niggerman.
Like a lot? Like I'd name an elder god "shub niggurath" aka "nigger wrath" that's just a black mass that does nothing but pump out black children?
And science will make an outer god set eyes on earth and still your virginity, right, lovey?
no one at riot games is competent
>When you are so racist you get other racists to lay off because they don't want to be associated with you
>no bad word about doggy!
steal** looks like it's too late cthulhu is eating my brain, SOMEONE STOP SCIENCE
I don't care about being superior, what matters is that dogs make life worth living
That's literally a Sylvari and Charr from Guild Wars 2
So has anyone done a Virgin Lovecraft Chad Howard yet?
Cats are just Evolved cockroaches.
And they are far more dumber than dogs, and still not tamed. Try training a cat to be a guide cat...
>More furbait
This tbqh
>tfw I can stack mines as techies again
I'm curious to know more
Valve is the soul reason we have lootboxes in vidya now. Between TF2 and Compendium bullshit I don't think you can even get items by playing the fucking game anymore.
I don't understand how can anyone take this fedoralord seriously.
Mjollnir has an internal cooldown of like .3 seconds, so it won't proc multiple times on one attack
Don't short snout dogs have a lot of breathing problems?
>mmr is supposed to be a prize and not simply a way of assuring everyone has good matches.
I fucking hate this meme.
Outer gods are cool as hell, everything else about lovecraft is garbage
t. someone who never played Dota 1
thinking that cats are smart because they aren't as effusive as dogs is the same as thinking your jaded cynism means you are smart
Which I hate because the lore was actually vaguely interesting before they did that.
Magic actually did exactly the same thing too really early on. Read some of the first novels.
I mean he got less retarded towards the end of his life and a lot of his stories are really fucking good.
Also most authors are just fucking nuts. People kinda learn to just ignore it.
Literally every game has ranked seasons.
I don't say i like it either, but im not surprised
Yeah most purebreds are absolutely completely fucked. Go look at kennel club photos from like 70 years ago compared to now and see what we've done to the poor little doggies.
>Do the same before a cat, and he will eye you with coolly polite and somewhat bored amusement.
More like cats are too retarded to interact with their owner outside of meowing for food and getting in their face and legs.
Why would you be against seasonal mmr?
>Hey look I got 5k mmr back when the game was entirely different from what it is now and haven't been playing since then. Surely it is still an accurate representation of my current skill
meant to quote
I don't see the problem
i blame people who think that shit is "cute". Specially pugs, goddamn that breed is ugly-looking
Becuase they wanted to make account until they have a luck streak, and then stop playing ranked to brag about.
Pretty much. I'm tired of shitters that haven't played the game since 2 patches ago ruin my game.
>zero degree angle
Anything you'd recommend without extreme nigger nor women hatred?
Jews are ok though!
>the virgin smile
Everything. His nigger nonsense is some early shit he done.
The seasons are meant to stop the mmr bloat, retards. It's not for you 2k-3k tards.
When will they remove turn rate and lock russians in their server
You mean South America?
>It's not for you 2k-3k tards.
Nice projecting.
No, that's just the line they feed you. The real reason is to try and get players to keep coming back season after season to keep those numbers high. It's just another layer of trying to addict people.
And was really racist in general.
No u
The numbers are high already. These systems don't work in games like DOTA. See the mess in TF2 for that shit.
>only reason they play the game is to keep those numbers high
Then they deserve to be screwed over desu.
jesus that character design is shit
>we want the furry audience
>I stopped playing ever since the matchmaking was dedicated.
What do you mean?
>implying pangolin is the first 'furry' character
Do you even play dota?
literally shittiest designs
>It's just another layer of trying to addict people.
This was me actually, ruined some games in 7.0 because my skill level for that patch wasn't as high as the previous and I didn't play as much.
>we want the furry audience
I'm surprised more games don't. Furries are notorious for keeping things alive for very long and for throwing money at anything that panders. I should know, I've spent a few hundred dollars on commissions these past couple months.
Lootboxes and microtransactions are already designed from the ground up to be as addicting as possible. You're shockingly naive if you don't think that same philosophy doesn't apply to other aspects of the game.
Dota has been a wild ride of bizarre patches for a long, long time. If you're still sticking around you should be down for it.