How hype are you for this game, Sup Forums?


Not much, I'll pirate it without much expectation, seems like the kind of game that will sacrifice fun in order to get historically accurate gameplay and story.

They better let me run down peasants on my horse and get away with it.

I would be hyped if my PC could run it lol


Will it be more like GTA or like Witcher 3, where the world is just a static decoration?

Please don't suck...

Pretty hyped.
It will get destroyed by the game journalist (((reviews))) but I take it as a niche game that will scratch my medieval itch wonderfully

It will likely be the case. More importantly, what games AREN'T like that? Besides Dwarf Fortress

GTA, Bethesda games, Deus Ex. I hoped for Kingdom Come to present a more realistic medieval sandbox where you can run around and commit violent acts. But if it's gonna be just another mediocre story-driven rpg, then whatever...

This game is flying under the radar right now, but i bet when it releases will be a hit

game looks promising and the devs really seem to care about details

Mildly. I think it'll be pretty cool. If I like the look of the final product I'll be buying it, not pirating. I will admit a fairly significant part of my interest is due to Butterlord NEVER EVER though.

Iirc there is supposed to be a lot of side quests and things to do in the game

>game looks promising and the devs really seem to care about details
But they don't care about enough diversity in the game and therefore the game is going to be destroyed by the journalists.

But will you be able to butcher a peasant family, undress their corpses, then set fire to their house?

Not at all. They're removing most things that are fun about medieval RPGs for the sake of a gimmick.
>muh realism
Nobody will remember this.

Sword combat looks too complex for the game to be fun. And since the game is pushing for historical accuracy your actions and decisions in the game does not matter at all which is fucking stupid

For example
>join the 'losing army' in history
>destroy your enemies by yourself with ease
>your army still lose because MUH HISTORY

Such as?

They actually have pretty much no ost of their own apparently, I've read that they straight up started copypasting XIV - XV century music books

You're extrapolating way more than is evident.

Very, but i'm afraid i won't be able to play it, from what i've seen so far, kinda looks like it runs like ass.

I'm still on the fence about this game but I really love that cover image

It has a lot of really cool thing going for it. World, setting, graphics, general focus on historical authenticity.

Although I'm not exactly sold on the combat. That shit looks finicky as all fuck, and I get it they're going for realism and trying to translate HEMA combat into something you can do with a mouse and keyboard or gamepad isn't exactly straightforward. Hell there was that kickstarter game Clang that basically existed to try to make some sort of HEMA combat simulator and it failed horribly because without abstraction it's nearly impossible to translate the intricacies of HEMA into a game a player is expected to control. I could maybe see something that heavily relies on AI to do the fighting for you, but that would hardly be fun since you're just sitting back watching the computer have fun instead.

The core game driving everything else is by far the most important factor in making a game enjoyable and from what I've seen it looks like trash. I hope I'm wrong though, I hope when I get my hands on the game it's intuitive and feels right to play. I just not exacting that at all.
