8 days

Still not cleared. Why are FFXIV raiders so casual?

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Time gated progression and lack of interest to complete because the only reward is to fight one boss three months later

Raiders had the best gear available when they started taking on the new boss so time gated progression isn't an issue here.

Help them out champ, you could probably solo it

Careful, next someone's going to complain about how it's '''''''''artificial'''''''' difficulty.

What raids are you doing?

The thing about FFXIV is that there is a BIG gap between casual and hardcore raiders.

There is no true answer to find a good raid, as there isn't in any mmo.

It's dying today.

>Spend months grinding, poring over spreadsheets and formulae, practicing rotations, playing the AH for funds, searching for a team of people exactly as dedicated as you are (but not more so than you, or they'll boot you out on your ass) and finally devoting an entire week to fighting through a wall of unspeakable bullshit to beat a raid just so your ilvl is ten points higher than the next guy and you can look pretty while you AFK in town
>Then it gets nerfed, receieves echo, has its time gates removed and becomes killable with welfare gear and an hour's practice a few months later while you're back to destroying yourself with the grind for the next raid

I never understood raiding mentality. It's not like the community's worth being a part of, even.

Some man just gave me 320 ilvl gear after I reached 70lvl. Am I supposed to suck his dick now?

Because is fun?

I mean, i do don't do it. But it's kinda the same in crafting... But i do get profit in the end.

I think you're supposed to let him fuck your boipussy actually

learning the fights is fun
that said I don't subscribe to a raiding schedule and am in a casual fc who just raids when we have people on for it

either for the challenge or the e-peen of waving your raid mount and title around at all the peons

>tanking with a drg in the group
>main drg so I know when their shit is ready to use
>go "afk" before bosses when I know they have 3 eyes ready to pop
the cycle of hate must continue

I was doing 60lvl dungeon and I got tank who wasn't tanking. I mean when you have 5 classes 60lvl and 60lvl tank aren't you supposed to know that boss isn't supposed to be in front of the party and not to stand in burn fields?

Are you retarded? This is neither time or gear gated. Everyone has had maximum gear for months and you can try the fight unlimited times.

>to be in front of the party
facing the party*

most people in this game are retarded due to it drawing in the final fantasy crowd who have no idea what an mmo is. And that's on top of the average mmo player being shit as well.

Are you retarded?

You clear the hardcore raids because of the challenge, not for any reward. And you don't have to do a single bit of grinding to do so, because the raid itself gives you better gear than you can grind for.

I will never understand the mentality of casuals who play the game to dress up and ERP. What's even the point of playing if it's not challenging?

>still no kill
>top groups take week of vacation
>think they are hot shit and will kill it
>uh oh no penta melded crafted gear this time
>already bitching on twiter "its no fun anymore"
>still no kill


>already bitching on twiter "its no fun anymore"

>make 20 minute long encounter
>at the 12 minute mark slap in huge mechanic vomit with insane rng
>now have to go through 12 minute perfect execution pull
>just to see 10 seconds of bullshit and wipe
>probably even more such walls later in the fight

the very definition of artificial difficulty. encounter would be down with a few checkpoints already.


They probably stuck something as silly as nisi in the last phase, with no way to cheese it.

Unpopular oppinion time?

I would love for SE to disregard the fucking class balance and fflog shitters and just make fun jobs that are incredibly distinct and double down on their uniquness. Homogenization is the worst thing that can happen in this game.

>implying a /xivg/ tranny would be able to stomache any hard content

So waht? Artificial or not, there are only two ways this can end. You are good enough, or you are not.

>but artificial difficulty is not worth bothering with! Its cheap!!!!

So not good enough it is then.

opinion discarded

>ask for hard content
>complain when you get hard content

The state of the North American raiding scene.

>I would love for SE to disregard the fucking class balance and fflog shitters
They already do, that's why they havent given a shit about the double ranged godcomp since midas, and sam/blm cucks are still being btfo.

>Homogenization is the worst thing that can happen in this game.
Remember when summoners were complaining about vercure being better than physick, yoship told them to suck it up and that rdm are half white mages in lore which is why they get good heals. Guy might be a hack elsewhere but if that's not anti-homogenization I don't know what is.

FFXIV raiders are THAT casual they need ACT TRIGGERS


A lot of the role action stuff was absolutely homogenization.

He clearly prefers hard dicks.

>They already do

Then why the nerf AST to the point that is has the same support as SCH but less damage and worse shielding? Why not just say "Fuck it, AST is a buff monster, SCH gets better sheilds and WHM might just as well be able to solo heal 8 man content"?

Because no one plays this game? Because it's midterm season for their college-age playerbase?
Because people quit playing before they have the gear required for the raid?

Didn't most fucking groups use cheese method in A4S?

Even world first elyisum? at the time cheesed that fight.

Is there any way to make the breast expansion permanent? I'm tired of resetting every zone change.

was it? literally every dps was required to have skills like blood for blood before and it was at least as homogeneous

Nah, trannies in this game are 100% into girls.

I have contact with one of the world prog raiders. They said it's going to be ages before it's killed.

They're consistently past grand cocktet, but the heat just keeps piling on with [redacted] and [redacted] happening.

I stopped playing because everyone is fucking shit at the game.
It's amazing in a way.

Ask them to attempt the fight without ACT calling things about :^)

So much this.

>"Random mechanics are Artificla difficulty, we use ACT to tell us what will come next."

What a joke.

FF raiders would never last in WoW mythic raids, kek

> Cleared end game content in the first 2 days.
Fucking casuals ruined gaming. MMOS were good when raiding was hard blah blah blah.
> Content resists to being cleared.
Artificial difficulty shit, it's impossible, reeeee, etc.

Get your shit together people, you are dissatisfied no matter what. You should be happy to have content in an mmo that is breaking every anus out there. it's good for the game. Otherwise, it would be just another boss beated on the first day.

World First did nisi almost the entire fight and didn't let wirbelwind happen, I believe. Although they sacced on the final set of pentacles right before enrage. The team changed to the common strat after farming it for a few weeks.

World Second did what would now be known as the common strat for the fight.

More of you'd be stupid not to use it if you're racing for world first.

Sure if you're not going to first then feel free to gimp yourself, but if you're going to try to get World First everything is fine including cheese strats.

WoW the game that literally has mechanics designed with DBM in mind.

>using DBM
shitter detected

They should have made deltascape savage the hard to clear content not just one fucking fight which is just some old bosses/mechanics slapped togheter.

>everything is fine including literally cheating

ACT is a crutch but the cheese strat is legit cheating.

>More of you'd be stupid not to use it if you're racing for world first.

It is literally cheating and SE should ban all the dumb asses who streamed themself using it.

90% of players that cleared A4S using sac strat should then be banned.

Awww, the sweet sound of PS4 user that thinks a rotation is when you spin the boss.

That's a valid, but unrelated complain.

>As for Eureka (name pending), balancing is taking quite some time, so we are aiming for release during or after Patch 4.2. Instead of focusing on upgrading weapons, we are planning for a fun new activity of strengthening the player character themselves. Please stay tuned for more details.

>mfw it's FATEs again

>Time gated progression

>fun new activity of strengthening the player character themselves

Specific FATEs with random spawns please look forward to it.

Its XI merit points.

of course it is fate.

And don't worry, even those this zone is specifically for the new relic weapon (possibly gear)

You will be needing to do old outdated content again to keep is alive :^)

Enjoy that satasha.

>mfw it's FATEs again

That's the same as saying

>The state of the raiding scene

You eurocucks just are so bitter.

>You eurocucks just are so bitter.
Given the EU DF scene, I don't blame them.
They make fucking Aether look competent.

Who the fuck is telling you this shit? AST is still strong in the lead with buffs.

so that guy made a pretty much impossible encounter just like nisi again huh. probably got jealous of mythic kj

Apparently sudo always designs encounters this way, but they get nerfed before they ever reach our hands.

This time he was given free reign so he went crazy on it.

How hard can it be?

If it's mathmatically possible, then I have no issue with how difficult it is.

I will happily watch a video when someone finally clears.

What moves in a game would you consider unfair or artificial difficulty? People complain about random moves in raids, but if they weren't somewhat random wouldn't you just perfect it after one attempt each?

Who /NIN/ here?

so, at what point top groups fail now? or is it super secret? watched streams a bit, but everyrhing seemd like shitshtorm of coil mechanics

no fun allowed so nobody knows.

this is why i root for eu/jp

NA get some raiders that aren't cringe as fuck

Last bit I saw was Bahamut channeling Exateramegaomegaflare while Nael and Twintania are both actually on the field attacking people.

Nisi most definitely was horribly designed and just about the epitome of artificial difficulty.
There was just nothing you could do a lot of the time, even with perfect play you would end up dead simply because of how the damage ticks would coincide with raid damage that couldn't be avoided. If it did half its damage it would be completely fair since you could circumvent that issue completely through shielding at the right time, it would still be hard but it wouldn't be impossible half the time.

If sacc'ing Pentacles wasn't a thing in A4S it would not have been cleared by more than a handful of groups period, Nisi was that retarded. Didn't help that the mechanic started 8 minutes into the most boring boss fight SE has managed to design so far either. It was just all around god awful game design and easily the worst ending to a raid I've ever seen.

Remember when Kael'thas wasn't downed UNTIL the next patch was already released?

clips twitch tv/HorribleTrappedLatteThunBeast
This part on stream at least.

Remember in FFXI when they released a monster that literally couldn't be killed?

Boy that was fun.

Anything that causes a wipe that nobody in the group understands after observing it. Like a boss randomly just killing people standing at a location that has nothing particular about it. Also mechanics that go against everything previously shown in the game. Like if an encounter had the iconic stacking marker on someone, but it actually killed people who stacked on him.

You guys don't think this fight can be killed in current gear?

>Wanting jobs to get excluded from all serious content even more than they already are

Are you retarded

Pre-nerf C'thun i guess. I saw people in another thread praising that fight but in reality it was just a buggy mess.

Wish this couldve been downed the first week so the top jp group could WF it. Now they have to work while all of Angered is unemployed and just gets to casually steal WF thanks to being fucking mouthbreathers

Sup Forums loves to defend content they didn't even do. They'll praise things that are toted as literally impossible, and just claim that the current raiding base isn't good enough and that they could easily do it but they just 'didnt feel like it.'

WoW raids literally hold your hand and tell you where to stand and what to do, retarded mouthbreather.

No WoW boss is nearly as hard as even A8S or T9S, let alone Ultimate.

If you're sponsored then you're not unemployed.

>tfw MMOs have become 'do these 4-5 fights and the rest of the game is worthless'

Fuck all of you.

>here on your employment history, you listed "playing a video game" care to elaborate?

Why not just keep playing games for life and become a streamer?

95% of the playerbase doesn't raid they play the game to dress up and rp and all that other 'worthless' shit.

>WoW raids literally hold your hand and tell you where to stand and what to do, retarded mouthbreather.
funny because i dont remember big orange circles on the ground telling me to move in WoW

Even worse

>just to see 10 seconds of bullshit and wipe
>10 seconds
Fuck you.
There's a solid 2 minute dance of RNG determined patterns of insta-kill bullshit that require near-perfect execution of at the very least 1 healer and 1 tank for your party to survive at the 16-17 minute mark assuming your overall raid dps isn't garbage.
You think it just ends after 10 seconds, that's cute. No really, that's fucking adorable.
This entire encounter is a sadists wet dream as it piles up in difficulty.
You think the streamers have it bad now? Well good fucking luck with the next phases.
And to the fucks who are all 'muh gear', the only thing that gear will improve is to get to the bullshit faster.
Would that help people learning the fight? Absolutely.
Would that help you survive insta-kill mechanics? Fuck no.
And you fucks that think that it somehow gets easier as you get to harder phases, get your heads checked.
Fuck this game.
Fuck this community.
Fuck all of you shit-talking under-performers.

>aoe circles
>savage mode
Pick one

>Not telling them you were an adviser/instructor for an online strategy development firm focused on promoting diversity and goal setting through digital media

Take your girl pills hon

Nearly every raid in WoW is 20m long and most in XIV are at least 15 on release. Why do people suddenly want fucking checkpoints in raid encounters?

Fuck of Momo
Youre a queer

Not even that hard desu, if I could clone myself 7 times it would be down already.