What are some games made by adults for adult gamers?
What are some games made by adults for adult gamers?
Hotline miami
super mario odyssey
ALL games are made by adults, no?
>made by adults
You mean the game set in a world where women only have A-cups?
>A game made by adults
Well I would fucking hope so
>adults being proud playing games
Last of Us Part 2.... did you not read your own pic, my dude?
>not taking pride in your pastime
Punching heads with hammer=hurf durf adults man.
Some of the cringiest people in the world are the adults who needs to let everyone else around them know how adult they are.
Whats the controversy?
Videogames arwnt old enough to be a pastime
Finally, an intelligent game for an intelligent gamer like me
>Burger education
Go look at countries in poverty, malnourished women don't have big tits
life is strange
Ah yes. Manufactured outrage.
Unturned was made by a 16 year old
It's a teen game
If by "adults" they mean "16-year-olds who think The Walking Dead is the best drama in human history".
honey select
>Videogames arwnt old enough to be a pastime
I've been playing videogames since the 1970s. They most certainly have been around long enough to be a pastime.
Fucking millennial.
So do you hate the fact that you play video games?
No you havent.
>literally mature games for mature gamers such as myself
What Sup Forums meme will weave it's way into reality next?
Monster Girl Quest
Why would you take pride in a consumer hobby?
And it shows.
sealed room breed 2
it's just violent. and the violence happens to women and some potential tranny thing that gets its arm hammered.
Yes I have. First console was Atari's Home Pong, and my first arcade game was Space Invaders. Fight me.
Why would a car guy take pride in his cars? Why would a gun collector take pride in his guns and shooting ability? Why would a fisherman take pride in his gear and trophies?
It's called a hobby retard.
>Naughty Dog
Cool, can't wait to "play" another SyFy original story with cutscenes every 3 minutes, insta-kill stealth sections and a crafting system to give you the illusion you're doing something.
Still don't see how anyone can take pride in playing video games.
>Fucking retards in this thread missing the point because they don't know context
He was being passive agressive towards SJWs who moaned that the trailer was too violent so he basically called them babies.
didn't wanna play your game anymore homo
I still don't see w-why people should feel anything at all ever since we're all going to die and e-everything is *burp* m-meaningless M-Morty. *burp*
nah i didn't miss the fact the fag said made by adults for adults
Finally, a mature game for a mature gamer such as myself
Yes, to imply that the people crying over this shit are babies who should go play baby games like Mario.
No it's still the 30 year old man playing Pokemon game son his handheld in public
He has a point. Movies get away with this shit just because theyre rated R. This will be rated M, there's no difference
Hey, I'm all for mocking SJWs, but "adult games for adulter gamers" is just too fucking cringey to say. Literally "Mature games for mature gamers such as myself"
>A game made by adults, to be played by adults
guy is still a giant fag for saying made by adults for adults
If you only play shallow bing bing wahoo or dating sims, yeah sure I can’t see why.
that's the passive agressive part, you're nitpicking a pre-made sentence here
i ain't nitpicking jack shit my man he still said made by adults for adults
>he actually is proud of playing video games
>has to resort to shitty Rick and Morty strawmen when he gets called out
I'm not tho. I don't take pride on something that given, I'm just not a complete mong and I understand why other people can feel proud about certain things that I don't.
Open your horizons a bit.
>Dude it's a game for adults
The recent TLOU2 trailer is the complete opposite, it's juvenile as fuck. It dresses itself up as a mature game for mature people while selling itself on pure, contextless violence. It's exactly the kind of thing 12 year old kids think being "adult" is. BING BING WAHOO at least doesn't reek of desperation of being taken seriously.
So kinda like DmC?
Also I'm not the first person you started arguing with, this is why sometimes a tripcode works.
There's a big difference between trying too hard and "reeking of desperation".
I'm pretty sure a company with that much money and fame isn't very desperate user.
so you just wanted to argue on someone else's behalf?
Yeah, adults means edgy teens
No, I shared the same point so I participated on the thread? Do you think Sup Forums threads are only between two people? Jesus christ, I'm not going to try to reason with you anymore because you're clearly just here to "win" arguments but with no intention of being convinced of anything so I hope you have a shit day and fall down some stairs.
>There's a big difference between trying too hard and "reeking of desperation".
When it comes to big gaming companies Druckmann and Naughty Dog is easily on the forefront of "muh mature games for mature gamers"
When asked if they would ever make a new Jak game they basically politely said "Nah we don't do that kiddie stuff anymore."
>If you only play shallow bing bing wahoo or dating sims, yeah sure I can’t see why.
Let me guess, you play those oh so complex realistic point and click shooters that all play identically or walk to cutscene movie games? Much skill, such complex.
>torrents umblr.
Not who you're replying too but you're projecting just as much as he is.
>I understand why other people can feel proud about certain things that I don't.
That's very vague and broad. I don't feel proud about sailing around the world simply because I haven't done it, but I would take pride in myself if I did it and I understand why people take pride in it. Same thing can't be said about people taking pride in playing video games, it's absolutely pathetic if you take pride in playing video games. The only video game related thing I would be proud of is making video games, but that's no longer playing video games, that's doing something actual productive.
stop using gifs of pedos
All of them
i really hope to see Ellie's story incorporate some of the extended universe
Which games would you consider to be objectively mature?
>wait a minute that card
People who complain about how "childish" platformers are tend to be dudebros who play CoD and FIFA/Madden or are big into girly cutscene telltale style games.
Most eroge, kids nowadays wouldn't last through a single hour of half baked gameplay just to see a couple censored tiddies
Life is Strange?
Dwarf fortress
There isn't any controversy, at all.
Attaching "controversial" to the title of something has been a popular marketing tactic for years. They stir up talk by pretending that something is controversial.
No, some are made by manchildren.
Postal 2
I don't see most kids enjoying a game like dwarf fortress
>Do you think Sup Forums threads are only between two people?
How ironic since you assume that poster is the one you had previous arguments with.
This but unironically
>obsessed education
They're junk food scavengers, which is the diet of most big-boobed countries today. The only missing element is milk, which has stimulating hormones from the cow in some places
Freddi Fish.
critics who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves, to be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence, and in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms young things ought to want to grow, but to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development, when I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so, now that I am fifty I read them openly, when I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up
Games have existed for about 5000 years. It is more of a hobby than TV or film, even when you use the "film is just theatre" argument.
You wish
Bing bing
so what's controversial about it? also what side are the sjws on? are they upset, or are they upset by the upsetness
Us adult gamers
>If you criticize it you ar a kiddo
>every game is Mario
every book is Twilight, every TV show is Barney, every film is Transformers, and every sport is whiffle ball
Go get a real hobby.
Hello CJ Lewis.
but that's not what they said, because critics are specifically butthurt it's violent
get the fuck off Sup Forums
>CJ Lewis
C. S. Lewis, fuck.
just follow the damn wardrobe CJ
>deflects all criticism to "we make games for adults xD fuck off"
This is why Crash 3 was the last game I bought from you Naughty Dog. "Lol"
>Makes tasteless uninteresting torture porn
>get called out on your schlock
>all criticism
refer to tard
"boo hoo this game features violence against women and hanging" isn't an argument