>LTTP is best
>OOT is best
Bitch please we all know Wind Waker is king
>LTTP is best
>OOT is best
Bitch please we all know Wind Waker is king
King of shit. It started the Toonshit cancer that nearly sank the franchise and failed to produce a single good game. Toon Link is also the worst design for Link.
>Zelda games are good
The only people who prefer OOT over Wind Waker are nostalgiafags with no taste
soon the anti-boat fags will show.
t. little baby that had the Gamecube as his first console
I hate to break it to you, but I'm in my 23 and my first console was a gamecube. We aren't little babies anymore user. You're just old.
>you just proved his point
Nah, Link's Awakening is the best Zelda.
It's whatever. He can be butthurt if he wants. The youth is the future baby. Video games are made for me, not some jaded grognard.
I only played LttP, MM and OoT. What should I play next? Wind Waker, Oracle of Ages/Seasons or Link's Awakening?
Link's Awakening and Majora's Mask are objectively better than all those alternatives, faggot.
>Majora's Mask are objectively better
I'm sick and tired of this fucking shitty ass contrarian meme. Majora's Mask is NOT a good game.
>4 dungeons
>useless masks
>shitty filler quests that give you a mask that only exists for another quest
>finish the quest with the mask you just got through a quest that gives you a mask
>a heart piece woop-de-fucking-doo! no feeling of accomplishment
>no plot whatsoever
>objectively shit saving system
>fighting the same miniboss multiple times in the same dungeon is acceptable
>worst bosses in the franchise
>rupees are reduced to nothing but collectibles
>the different transformation masks are useless outside of the segments where they're required
>b-but the game lets you skip straight ahead to the boss fight if you need to beat the dungeon again!
>reused assets and all around laziness
>b-but it's an alternate universe
Dungeons were pretty sweet though
>Wind Waker
>sailing through nothing for extended periods of time
>having shit dungeons and not enough of them
It was a good game, but it feels unfinished as fuck.
WW is good, but my personal favorite is MM. I just wish we could have a darker Zelda game again. The closest we have is TP but it's not the same.
The closest we technically have is the original Nier, which takes tons of cues from Zelda. Makes me kind of with Automata wasn't a hack and slash but...
Yeah, and the future looks shitty. Have fun with that.
>no plot
But it literally has the best plot and some of the DEEPEST LORE of the series. You're simply wrong.
The game with big flat overworld that a pain to traverse and shit dungeons?
a link to the past is ok
ocarina of time is horrible
wind waker is decent
twilight princess is meh
breath of the wild is garbage
WW is LITERALLY the worst zelda game
Which zelda game is then actually good in your opinion?
>in4 none of them
You already know its none of them, that's a butthurt sonybro there user.
i guess windwaker because i like the sailing and the visuals and a link to the past because of muh nostalgia. i mean i have been playing it since i the early 90's.
lmao project harder jap
>Literally unfinished game padded with filler and an empty ocean of nothing
>Better than the 2D title that served as the foundation for the pre-BOTW Zelda formula
>Better than the application of LTTP's formula in 3D.
Wind Waker fags are the cancer of the Zelda series
Ys is better than Zelda anyway
That's a funny way of saying Alundra
both aged like shit
Alundra 1 is great, but Alundra 2 is absolute garbage
>people saying all these zelda games are meh or okay
>most of them have 90+ metacritic scores
so you're all admit that nintendo games get unrealistically high scores from critics, then? its about time.
Wait two years or so and it will be socially acceptable to shit on BOTW, like most Zelda games.
>Triforce Quest
>Best anything
spotted the fedora cuck
>You're simply wrong.
Nope. Majora's Mask is reddit tier garbage
>aonuma zelda
>best anything
I emulated this shit recently after hearing it's better than zelda and i was totally disappointed by the awful clunky combat. 2d zeldas are incredibly smooth compared to alundra shit
Alundra 2 gets too much hate. It's a solid game.
It would have been much better received if it was called "Flint the Pirate Hunter" or some shit.
Fucking Wind Waker. I recently started to replay all the 3D Zelda games, leading up to playing BotW. OoT and MM were great and still hold up, but now I'm partway into WW and I just can't get any motivation to keep playing it. The sailing sucks, the artstyle isn't my thing, and the dungeon design and combat never rises above "okay I guess".
Wind Waker is the only Zelda I ever finished, I liked the sailing.
>Tfw every boss in Breath of the Wild is Gohma
>hearing it's better than zelda
only autistic story faggots believe it's better than zelda
It has literally 3 times as many dungeons as Link to the Past, better graphics, better music and harder puzzles.
You're right it's Fedora's Mask. Cause it sure as shit isn't WW.
it's definitely the prettiest one.
>moving around on a flat empty blue field for 10 minutes straight to do the most linear hallway dungeons in the entire 3D series
And significantly worse game design in every aspect
You are wrong.
charge your phone, savage
dumb ratposter
>the artstyle isn't my thing
but shitty early 3D is? lol
>it's definitely the prettiest one
It isn't even the prettiest Toon Link game. Minish Cap's sprite work makes it the best looking game in the series.
I like it a lot, but it's not in my top 5 favorite Zeldas. I really like games with good dungeon design and Wind awaken was just okay, the last two being escort dungeons really sucked. Really nice enemy design though, and it was the first Zelda to add a 50-floor endurance trial which I like.
Lmao no
WW is good to an extent. i did enjoy the strange single player co-op with the sages, but collecting triforce shards was tedious and boring. there was a lot of wasted potential with the exploration of hyrule
oracle series. Probably Seasons first
ww is my favorite but it's pretty much only because the overall tone is great and the sound design is one of the best in any game, it didn't really blow my mind or anything gameplay wise compared to alttp, oot, mm or all the gb games
>wait a minute that room
Kinda sad that the remaster will forever be trapped on the Wii U and I will never be able to play it on the go on the Switch desu familia.
Same with the TP remaster
If you consider the dungeons in alundra to be as complex as the ones in alttp then you're fucking deluded
As undeniably great as WW is it wasn't quite as memorable as OoT in terms of music and general presentation, and it wasn't as influential for its time.
>filler everywhere
>"exploration" for the sake of exploration, world is full of copypaste and has terrible rewards
>baby easy even by 3D Zelda standards
>supposedly about "freedom" but heavily restricts you at the start and has a nonsensically linear dungeon order
>all the items are either copied from previous Zeldas or heavily inspired by them
Wind Waker
MM is literally a hipster-tier art game. OoT is the actual video game
The most annoying thing about MM for me was having to go back to dungeons and refight the bosses just so I could change the environment and do some retarded quest. Or going back to a certain room in a dungeon just to get a frog.
LTTP is objectively the best you shitter
Gamecube was my first console and I still think TWW is trash. Granted, I didn't play it until the HD remake came out.