*parry's your attack*
Protected BTW
Other urls found in this thread:
>playing the game instead of opening loot boxes
you're confusing HotS with OW
*blocks your fun with 70% total maps being bad*
>that Rag
*carries qm*
*takes your bot tower*
*almost kills you in one hit of any spell*
*stealth's behind you*
How do I fight against sgt Hammer as Sylv?
Only way I can even get close enough to use any abilities without losing half my health is teleporting next to her which just ends up with me dead.
*cucks your shimmer*
you tell someone to gank her because she's a free kill
Leoric is my favorite when it comes to looks, voice and animations. He seems a bit underpowered though.
you posted the wrong one
*blows your dick incessantly*
Tassadar is based af
the patch when this game went from okay to complete shit and when cancerous mechanics like "protected" and the copy pasted ow lootbox system started to show up out of lazyness and incompetence
Can't fucking stand this piece of shit. Him, Garrosh and Tracer make me want to fucking strangle someone.
>Abathur has no good skins
Why is this allowed.
Is garrosh actually that good? I haven't played hots in ages so never played garrosh, i'm not a fan of playing tanks in the game because most retards never follow up after an engage, but garrosh actually seems fun if i do play hots again.
What build should you generally go?
It sucks that some hero are total shit on some maps
I want to play Murky on all maps
He is not THAT good but 90% of the people don't know how to deal with him
I want an Abathur skin from the cyber theme they have, like Kael and Leoric.
>tfw to smart too play other specialists
Only thing you care about in an aba skin are the locusts and hat models which these two do well
forgot meme pic
Fight me Jim-jams are bae
*hammers your shit up*
wud u fug britewing
>runs away while low on health
>playing this coward genre
>no genji
Teach me your patience senpai
>stun Genji
>he's basically dead
He's in Tier 2 of shit that infuriates me along with Muradin, Mediv and Nazeebo.
Nazeebo players should be entombed in dry ice.
Also applies to tracer
Doesnt make it any better, specially in QM with a random team
True. I kill so many squishy assassins who think they can 1v1, and the wall is so much fun.
Why tho. He's like the most fair warrior to play against
Pure autism
How have you managed to play this game so much without killing yourself?
no, there's even articles about this very subject these days.
he's just incredibly punishing to play against because if you fuck up garrosh is gonna put you in the bin with very little risk to himself or his team, in the case of the other top tier tank ETC he has to dive into your team to punish your fuckup
the safest bet is to just ban garrosh and not risk dealing with him
*right clicks the entire enemy team to death*
*melts 75% of your health from the other side of the map*
I'm more curious as to how a person's body can possibly withstand so much cancer. He should have died from the tumors by now.
Cant unhear it
stop playing QM then lmao
He's fucking insufferable. Put a pocket healer on him and he will not die. Will. Not. Die.
>sneeze at ZulJin
>he dies
At least he's hot as fuck.
How about I CRIT your shit up!
What's wrong with Grinman?
Hots lootboxes are waaaay more generous
when's the announcement
The fact that you can reroll them is enough proof, I think the dude's just talking out his ass.
>He seems a bit underpowered though.
His recent rework makes him pretty much unkillable with all the life steal he has.
>Almost dead
>Use March of the Black King
>Hit 3 heroes
>You are back to 100% health
>is going to be a healer
top ultra kek
>Literally titled 'The Aspect of Life'
>Not a healer
Hope your ready for big-tit AoE heals.
People truly underestimate how hard a Tass can hit, even more once you go in Archonte mode, so many assassin/specialist think they can kill me because I'm under 50% health and get fucking obliterated
>death isn't part ot life
>People on this board are ACTUALLY fighting about characters being worse than others when they ALL far below the highlord
Maybe the chain of ascension should be more literal... like the chain I beat you with until you understand just whos the one in charge around here.
Ive known much better healers...
Her name is alexstrasza the life binder. Her entire domain and magic is giving life, why wouldn't she be a healer? Hello???
Who cares the reasoning behind it? There's nothing more atrociously horrible in this game than healers. Even hybrid supports get to have somewhat some fun, she is going to be just another boring ass healwhore outclassed by older heroes.
MMMMMMMMM Acceptable
Samuro feels so weak now compared to earlier in the year.
I'ma laugh when she turns out to be a Specialist with AoEs that heal allies and damage enemies. Also Dragon-Mode ult for all kinds of stuff.
Well naturally nobody mentions the Highlord. He's so far abkve everyone else that the other might as well not compete.
He's so risky to play but he's fun
What makes people so sure she's right around the corner? Beenseeing a lot of Alextrasza posting lately
never thought I would have so much fun playing Varian, when I first saw his kit he looked so basic but when I playd him for the first time I absolutly loved him.
>mfw diving under an ennemy fort in the middle of the ennemy team to kill their squishy and then walking away like nothing happened
You know literally NOTHING about what her kit will be, shut the fuck up autist.
Also only auto pilot healers are boring. Auriel, Ana, Kharazim, Stukov, Uther and Malfurion Tyrande are fun
I can't into him, I can't do telekinesis right. I just can't.
Pretty sure she was next up on the leak list, and she's perfect for a Blizzcon reveal.
Somebody leaked Garrosh, Kel, Ana, and Junkrat and included Firebat and Alex as well.
she's going to be a specialist and spawn dragons in the base
>who cares about logical decisions that make sense and fit the character?
Oh wow gee that's a real brain buster that one.
Lets hope for it. Always appreciate some new cuties
I wish hots had buff and debuff bars.
>playing a game where you can't carry
>playing a game with a tiny skillcap compared to lol, dota 2 or smite
so this is where the shitters hang out
What do you mean? You have icons near your health bar when you have an armor buff/debuff, and a little bar under your health bar for when you are silenced/stunned/sleeping
>Mfw im a Highlord, Zuljin, Azmadunk main and just cant stand to play anyone else anymore
Shits like printing wins DESU
>Garbage/Hybrid support/assassin
>Garage/Actually a hybrid support/assassin
>Garbage and boring as fuck
>Boring as fuck
>EXTREMELY boring as fuck
>Hybrid support/Assassin
Probably the best character to come out of sc2
Loved him how he keeps roasting templars in the campaign and they just do not say anything back
>playing a game that is forced to change basic mechanics because of hots
>playing a game where the first 15 minutes is making sure you click minions at the right time
So, this is how retards think!
Literal autism
>implying LoL takes more skill than HoTS
I haven't played dota 2 so i can't vouch for that one, dota 2 looks more complicated though at least.
>playing with a carry
Spotted the shitter. Go back to silver.
i only play brightwing and medivh on this game
and im bored as hell
>Taz'Dingo is incredibly useful
>Guillotine kills never stop being hilarious
They fucking nailed Zul'jin heroics.
i'm happy as long as we dont get cancerwatch or space bald marines like morales/raynor/that other dude or the shitty angels
>we get all wow aspects in human form
is what will happen because fuck blizzard fanbase
>hating on Based Frog Shotgun Man
How about YOU fuck off?
>Cant carry in hots
>what is zuljin, alarak, sam, chromie, khara, vala
They keep casualizing dota and its fanbase is much more autistic
Hammer is hard to kill if they do proper positioning and don't waste their speed boost on stupid shit.
You forgot (Kerri)gan.
I mean maybe try playing other characters. Maybe?
how the fuck would you manage a dragon sized character in a moba you fucking klut
>Nazeebo players should be entombed in dry ice
That's a nice channel you're doing on that map objective. It'd be an awful shame if someone threw a jar filled with fast moving, unkillable spiders that will completely ruin your efforts until they die of age.
Kerrigan is incredibly sensible to level difference, if you are a level behind with her you're gonna have a hard time, and if you are ahead you'll just murder everything.
So much like a carry, then.
Its "parries" you fucking illiterate monkey.
Your average hots player everyone.
you dont understand
im a dota player and it infuriates me that i cant just tp to a lane from the fountain unless im that hammer guy on the bird or britewing
thats why i wont be able to unlock ranked games