PlayStation defends domestic abuse in trailers: "A game made by adults, to be played by adults"

>"One of Sony's most senior executives has defended trailers for new Playstation games The Last of Us Part 2 and Detroit: Become Human which show scenes of graphic domestic violence against women and children."

>"At the event the game trailers showed scenes of a woman being pinned down and attacked with a hammer, domestic child abuse and implied infanticide. Both clips provoked strong reactions, with critics denouncing the use of extreme violence to sell a video game. "

>"“The Last of Us obviously is a game made by adults to be played by adults. I should never prejudge this but it will probably be rated 18, I think it’s fair to say. And there’s that market for those people who like that sort of game. Adults who like that sort of game. And I think we cater for that, and at the other end of the spectrum there was Concrete Genie, which my eight-year-old decided was the game she would like to play very much. "

Are you okay with this much violence in your vidya, Sup Forums? Are we okay with this as adults?

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Who the fuck cares?

think of the women and children!!!!

This has been debated for fucking decades. If it was okay for Doom its okay now.

Games are for children. Of any age...

The userbase because violence against children is not okay.

Also weak-minded individuals might take this as a guide to hurt women and children.

I don't think children are supposed to play these games. What the fuck is the point of that article? Why are men allowed to beaten, cut and killed in vidya, but women not?

I'm not afraid to be called infant by "adults" who insert blatant propaganda into their games and expect everyone to ignore that.

Outrage culture needs to be outraged about something to stay relevant.

I think that polygon and other journalists who bitch about the violence or even admit it makes them uneasy in the slightest are faggots, but come on now. The Last of Us is a ripoff of Children of Men. There is nothing more childish that making glorified fanfiction, and the only praise that the sequel will have is for its strong and heavily pushed social politics.

I’m tired of failed critics and wannabe Hollywood directors having so much influence on video games.

The company is insisting that people found the trailer controversial because they want to drum up hype/attention for the game.

>Both clips provoked strong reactions, with critics denouncing the use of extreme violence to sell a video game.
Is it 2002 again? Fuck off with this faggotry.

My wife watched the trailer today for the first time. She plays a ton of games with me, and watched me play TLoU. The only question she asked me after the trailer was over was "Why would you want to play this?"

And I have to admit, every answer I thought of had nothing to do with the trailer we had just watched. All of my reasons center on the first game, and the experience I had playing it. It had a lot of similar violence, and the whole David part of the game was really messed up, but taken as a whole it was an amazing game.

But thinking about my wife's question, if the main trailer for the TLoU had just been 5 minutes of David attempting to rape and/or kill Ellie, I don't think I would have wanted to play it either.

It's Night Trap all over again!

a) What Outrage? Some people that think the overreliance on violence is tasteless and not “adult“?

b) Saying that adult/mature means beeing as cruel and violent as this trailer is pretty damn childish.

c) That modern “mature“ videogames seem to rely a bit too much on heavy violence (at least in marketing) is worth calling out.

d) Still hyped for the game and will buy it. You can criticize the stuff you love, you know?

Looking deeper, I want SJWs to censor more violence like that

The only reason why Last of Us and other ''emotional'' garbage sells is because these games can shock millennials and hipsters

- Oh she is so hurt inside
- omg now she has a reason to fight and kill
- even a 16 year old survivor can kill a nazi omg so fucking great

That's why in this case I support SJWs. They are helping western industry crash

>Druckmann is just using social justice as an excuse to explore his fucked up fantasies

This is becoming a common trend.

Who even cares? Why anyone would want to play this garbage regardless of the trailer is beyond me.

Why does nobody complain about it when males get beaten?

If they had showed the exact same trailer with the exact same violence, except all of the women were replaced with men, no one would say anything about it.

Don't fall for the double standard meme. Don't be outraged just because the media tells you to be.

You're a bitch, and so is your wife

The description of the trailer makes it sound a lot worse than it actually is. I watched it and it wasn’t shocking at all. The “kid” doesn’t even scream in pain while her arm is being broken. Pretty unrealistic. Also, I like that we’re introduced to two asian kids and a woman that looks like a man as if we’d care about any of them more than the niggers from the first game. Where is Joel or Ellie? All in all, I don’t even know if I’d pick this game up on sale. Maybe I’ll just read about how bad it is instead.

>domestic abuse

but it's just regular violence/torture?

so beating children is wrong but blowing off someone's head with a shotgun is fine?

People are just bored and lookin for something to do.

>A mature game for mature gamers such as myself

You care because the squeaky wheel gets the grease.
In (CURRENT YEAR) companies listen to loud complainers even if they're not their target demographic. A lot of fucking companies had to learn this the hard way after they shit out ruined products that nobody buys.

they're weak, defenseless and have to be protect...
wait, but the media says "womyn are stronk and shiet"

I'm confused now!

this has to be some neogaf cuckery

> becoming
I struggle to believe this hasn't always been the song and dance. I've only been paying attention since gg and feminist ally dude turns out to be creepy rapey dude has been the song and dance like the whole time.

The media is, once again, trying to hijack a term and change its meaning in order to make it easier to support their agenda.

They are trying to make "domestic abuse" mean "violence against women."

>amazing game
Did you mean to say average movie?


Is there any way we can make the SJW and Naughty Dog fight eachother? I want nothing but for Druckman to grovel at the feet of the people he trys pandering to.

We're at a time where we need to stop treating women like second-tier consumers, pic related. All things considered, this might be the worst era for women, we don't need Sony to remind us of that.


>this shit was too violent for the sjws

Don’t they remember joel going buckwild on that dude after ellie got kidnapped?

Shit was always brutal and it was great.

We're talking aboutviolence against women, sweetie.

Your brain on modern western education.

>Is there any way we can make the SJW and Naughty Dog fight eachother?
We can pretend we are SJWs and make reddit threads (also tweet) they must lower the violence.

Sounds like your wife's question should've been easy to answer.

A few years ago The Last if Us was praised for how heartwrenching the scene where Joel's kid was shot and died.

God forbid a video game be like a video game, but that’s really fucking hilarious considering the game in question is the last of us.

>Are you okay with this much violence in your vidya, Sup Forums? Are we okay with this as adults?

This is some straight soccer mom shit. Shut the fuck up.

i mean look at this shit.

This wasn't any different from the usual violence you see in cinema or on TV.

TloU 2 will be a "cinematic" experience, normies will love because it has no gameplay ot depth at all.

It’s a shitty scene used for cheap emotion. You don’t even have time to care for the kid and she dies. The mark of a hack, anyone who wrote that they cried in their review was obviously payed off.

there is no torture in this scene

Ben is a cunt, a cuck and has all of the wrong reasons for making this point (muh violence against woman sjw trash) but this trailer is a strange choice to say the least.

good for playstation to defend its position. Others would have budged.

its different now. In the 2000s it was the conservative right calling for censorship, now its the progressive left.

go back to facebook you fucking faggot

Ben Cuckchera.

reminder that lifetime and its associated channels produced abuse porn, because apparently that's what television for women is

>Hey, guys. I want to make a video game!
>Ok. Let's start hiring a bunch of actors and screenplay writers and faggots who study television drama.
>What? I said a "video g-

>this trailer is a strange choice

It’s a strong womyn being saved by two minorities. They’re trying to be as progessive as possible. Compared to TLOU which was a white man protecting a little white girl from monsters and bandits. A sign of the times.

As soon as you start the game in part 1 you see a woman get lethally injected.
and then later on it the game you see a couple get gunned down by hunters with the woman on the ground bleeding out begging not be shot again and killed.

Why is this even news?

Honestly, this feels like fake outrage to drum some media attention up for the game.

Tone down violence = less reason why people will feel emotions while playing game = Less reason why the game will be in the news = less sells


>Are you okay with this much violence in your vidya, Sup Forums? Are we okay with this as adults?
i hate having people like you who write like this on this board you annoying cum guzzling faggot

it's fake outrage to draw attention for their websites

Why aren't naughty dog just making movies ?

Like seriously, it'll probably cost a lot less money to produce, and you'd getan end product much better I don't get it.

say hi to your wife's son

I tip my hat for them having the guts to have her shot and die on screen though.

Because film critics aren't whores and fanboys.

sorry about your forum bro

they are

Aren't we playing as Ellie anyway?

I agree.

Your wife was also talking to me and Jerome about this and I gotta be honest, I didn't know how to defend this.

Fucking shills in full force once again....

and her mom apparently

i'm too lazy to get a funny picture of bob chipman from google so let's just pretend that i did

>its ok to have horrible movie and music that depict violence, drugs, and rape which children listen and watch every single day
>but its not ok to the same in video games ok think of the children

Nobody is saying it is!

Did anyone stand up at the conference and shout "DO IT HAMMER MAN!" Fuck no they didn't. The party inflicting violence on women and children is the villain. Say it with me: The VILLAIN. It's not glorifying violence, it's using the audience's condemnation of violence of this kind as incentive to hate the bad guy.

Also, anyone looks at this for a "guide" to hurting someone doesn't need to look to video games for it. There's plenty of pointers on the news from the latest mass shooting to be played OVER AND OVER AND FUCKING OVER AGAIN on your television, nigger music about literally shooting babies in their cribs, and films like Jigsaw and whatever other murderstravaganza for inspiration. If we stop depicting violence for fear of how retards and crazies will respond, they'll still find some excuse to be crazy retards and we'll have censored our society for no reason.

Go be triggered somewhere else.

>Sup Forums is now ResetEra tier

Them and their Xcuck friends need to leave.

>And the angrier it makes you the more you prove their point

Who's point? It's not like this is an intentional design idea to avoid being as "Video game like" as possible. Movie production differs greatly from video game production as obvious as that is.

>Are you okay with this much violence in your vidya, Sup Forums? Are we okay with this as adults?
Can you at least pretend to not be a blatant shill?

So a flashback where we learn how Ellie ended up with the soldiers?
Could be interesting.

Okay, not literally every single film critic that currently inhabits this planet of earth is a whore or fanboy. As opposed to game critics.

"I like life threatening tension"

Extreme violence and gore is a-ok as long as they're all fully clothed LOL

Like the BLACKED scene in nu Wolfenstein where nignog fucks PAWG while they're both dressed.

Let devs do whatever the fuck they want, you faggot snowflake.

Bitch boy

I’d tell you to take a walk in a black neighbourhood.


I don't get it. The most popular TV shows in the modern age are absolute gorefests, like GoT, Walking Dead, Fargo, Hannibal (was this popular? I don't watch a lot of TV,) then suddenly one video game has one person getting clocked in the head with a hammer and THE VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN MUST STOP.

I literally cannot think of a single instance of a game developer using controversy to sell their game, literally literal

they look exactly like I thought they would

the people complaining about this see video games as a completely male dominated hobby, like 99 to 1 male vs female, so any violence against women is a bunch of men standing around taking swings at a lone woman

if this sounds stupid and illogical thats because it is, these people overreact for a living

Did you forget the complete whining fest when Sansa was raped or when the pregnant woman died in Walking Dead?

American progressive left is puritan-levels of butthurt whenever it's about violence against women.

Which is hilarious seeing how TNO didn't censor sex.

how is this an issue
movies and tv shows do worse stuff all the time
>b-b-but video games were supposed to be my safe space ree dad stop beating me

>Also weak-minded individuals might take this as a guide to hurt women and children.
so are you saying Doom was the cause of the Columbine school shooting?

It's (((their))) version of trolling: annoying and retarded, but so are we for giving it attention.

just make some cute boys doing cute things fujo games nintendo
it's not brain surgery

They should make a special cut of TLOU 2 without any violence on it... like a fun apocalyptic wasteland or something.

I was okay with fiction depicting sensitive topics before I even started playing vidya. For those who want fiction to be a safe space that de-stresses them after work and tickles their nucleus accumbens, there's a huge market for that.

Stories that masturbate to violence and abuse without any meaning behind it is just shitty writing, and should be lambasted for being shitty writing first and foremost.

It has nothing to do with age. Mental maturity, maybe.

\i'd say it's on par with shitty american television where actors fuck with their clothes on

puritanism brought the immaculate conception era

>Story about societal structure crumbling in the face of global disaster
>People become animals, must fight for their lives
Sounds cool
>Women are among the affected and are held to the same standard as everyone else. Fight or die.

If anyone's triggered it's you, snowflake.