While Sup Forums hates AC Origins being the autists they are, its quietly on its way of becoming GOTY

While Sup Forums hates AC Origins being the autists they are, its quietly on its way of becoming GOTY

Kojima is overated.

we wuz kojima and sheit

So what if Kojima likes it? The real question is what Hideo thinks of it


I never play Assassin creed but plan to start with AC origin because I love ancient egypt

no one cares. fuck off namefag

Kojima literally said DS was going to be like Destiny and The Division. Who cares what this hack thinks? Shoving Hollywood actors into your game isn’t going to make the gameplay not trash.

It's a good game to play but I doubt you'll be able to find enjoyment out of the others afterwards. There's quite a lot that's different this time around.

okay but MGSV has some of the best gameplay ever created so

combined with trash level design

>make AC:Kangs the GOTY and get called a nazi
>make Wolf2 the GOTY and get called racist


>okay but MGSV has some of the best gameplay ever created so

Streamlined =/= best. The Twin Snakes used MGS2 gameplay, which was strictly better than MGS1, yet because MGS1 was not designed around MGS2 gameplay, it turns the game into a joke.

MGSV just did away with the pressure-sensitive button options in favor of menus.

Gave me a hearty chuckle user.

>the entirety of africa minus the mansion


>Streamlined =/= best.

okay that's not what I said

>kojima is whoring himself for money

Why am I not suprised

game might as well not exist if there is no crack

Don't forget the Devil's House, the spoops leading up to the Devil's House, the forests at BOTH ends, the oil refinery and yeah there are some open steppes, sure

The game is pretty damn good, best I've played this year tbqh.

It is though, MGSV gameplay is just 3 and 4 but streamlined.


play more games

yeah it look pretty good


t(-__- t)

The brainlet hiveminds of Sup Forums aren't willing to admit that it's a good game yet because it hasn't been cracked yet. You're just going to get labeled a shill for no reason.
After the game has been cracked for a couple of days we'll get a lot more people who are willing to admit it's a fun game.

Is it better than Chaos Theory and The Metal Age?

MGSV plays nothing like 3 and 4 didn't even have any gameplay lmao



I'm not a manchild

>plays video games
>not a manchild

>nintendoGaf doesnt like a multiplat for all systems except nintendo consoles

We lost Kojima to open world western crap.

Death stranding will suck

we finna wuz dem kangz nigga

Where is reply saying "Nah the game is shit, son"

We waz bing bing wahoo xD

>no 1up
Fucking casual.

yes but still one of the top 3 game directors so its invalid argument he do and say very stupid things tough.

what makes lesves shit? you can literally approach your quest on any direction or style or did you play with fucking bullet time?

name 3 better gameplay and mechanics in games. hell just name one.

wolfen is shit. it's an objectively shitty game. sjw dumpster fire. tanking on steam. good riddance.

ac origins is good. it is an objectively good game. the madmen actually did it. we /kangz/ now.

win some, lose some.

Hideo Kojima is a Westaboo though

what the everlasting fuck you can drop o fuking tank on sniper tower or fulton a car to hit a helicopter, there is nothing stream lined on mgsv mechanics.

Metal Gear Solid 4 had better gameplay and mechanics. It had LESS gameplay, but better gameplay when it was there since it still
>encouraged stealth by giving the player limited health
>let the player use any weapons they had whenever they wanted
>didn't make the player move through large open spaces full of nothing just to get to an objective

>kojima is a westaboo with bad taste
Is this supposed to be a surprise? Is everyone here too young to even remember the MGS4/asscreed crossover?

If they fix a few interaction & collision bugs, and if the DLC is well received, it will probably get GOTY, if only because other games this year sucked.

invalid arguments. you dont understand the variations of approach in mgsv. and propably used bullet time.

>tfw even japs like westashit nu-games now
gaming is FUCKING DEAD.

best games are japanese western style games like Silent hill, Dark souls, MGS, Resident evil.

What the fuck was the purpose of these responses, tripfags are so fucking weird
