Fuck you, Sup Forums.
Fuck all of you casual faggots for not buying Nex Machina, one of the best fucking games of this year and the best twinstick shooter ever made. Fuck you. This is your fucking fault.
Fuck you, Sup Forums.
Fuck all of you casual faggots for not buying Nex Machina, one of the best fucking games of this year and the best twinstick shooter ever made. Fuck you. This is your fucking fault.
>make shitty game
>no one buys it
Sure it looks neat but it's nothing I'd buy for the sake of it.
how can it be shitty if nobody bought it?
Cry more faggot.
The game had lack luster marketing and PR, blaming consumers for not purchasing a product that the majority of them didn't know existed is disingenuous. Advertising and marketability are responsibilities of the publisher, the developer making a good product isn't enough to guarantee success.
>best twinstick shooter ever made
shut the fuck up with your exaggerations. Just because you like it doesn't mean it can compete with the classics.
Name a better twinstick shooter.
t. assblasted dev
>The game had lack luster marketing and PR
Stop sucking marketing and PR dick and acquire taste.
>blaming consumers
Stop being a "consumer" faggot and acquire taste.
>Just because you like it doesn't mean it can compete with the classics.
If you seriously need "marketing and PR" to inform you of the next project from a studio as accomplished as Housemarque, you are an utter fucking pleb and have no business posting on a site devoted to videogames.
Nex machina is good but hard as shit. No wonder plebs avoid it like plague.
Rocking tunes too.
what are these games
never heard of them
sell like japanese devs do. aaa marketing is getting out of date
never heard of it
maybe you should have shilled it harder instead of blaming me
Never even heard of it.
>another braindead twinstick shooter bites the dust
And nothing of value was lost.
That's what you get for making pretty much same game for over 10 years. Finally they start to make something else.
Literally who?
Bought it, played for 30 minutes and refunded. I say godspeed to them and good luck in their multiplayer centric approaches. I never play multiplayer game though so i don't give a fuck about them anymore.
What's surprising?
Casuals can't into arcades,
and nex machina is arcade perfection.
yeah too bad we're not at the arcade, doofus
>>Stop sucking marketing and PR dick and acquire taste.
I didn't even knew this game existed and I got N++
What's disgusting is the amount of casuals on this very board, as the seven posts above yours attest.
It's not even like Housemarque is obscure. They suck the dick of every other Sony first-party studio and repost their asinine tweets all day, but happen to ignore the one that consistently makes kickass, hardcore games. They made Resogun, for fuck's sake, which was the only game the PS4 had until Bloodborne came out.
Yeah because console multiplayer is so much better.
I honestly miss arcades.
Hotline Miami
You should've had played it Sup Forums.
Too many games on PS4.
Should have brought it to Switch.
Twinsticks are for stupid people who can't handle real gaming, get lost.
Being the best twinstivk shooter ever made is like being the tastiest turd ever shat. I'm still not going to eat it.
>For more than 20 years we've been carrying the torch for RPGs," wrote CEO Björn Pankratz in an open letter to fans. "However, despite critical success and numerous awards, our games just haven't sold in significant numbers."
>"We'll just keep making RPGs though because we love them, even if they don't earn us a fortune."
Not really.
Maybe more janky and frustrating.
I don't get it, what do you play then?
Is there a purer distillation of a faggot German than this man?
>no minimalistic retro meme visuals
no wonder no one bought it or even knows it exists
Nah man, I thought everyone was buying Ruiner. We had shill threads for it constantly during September.
Oh wait...
Well you certainly listened to the part where I said "Cry more faggot" because that's literally all you're doing.
Maybe you don't understand how capitalism works; each day millions of companies produce millions of products and then try to get consumers to purchase them. If a consumers are not made aware of a product, if a product is prohibitively expensive, or if a product is presented as not very good in advertisements, the actual quality of the product doesn't matter because the company FAILED TO DO ITS FUCKING JOB which is to sell their product. It's not
>Stop being a "consumer" faggot and acquire taste
How does one stop being a consumer? The only answer I can intuitively think of is piracy. For someone who is so butthurt over his pet game not selling, I can't imagine you'd be advocating that. Or could it be that you don't have a fucking clue how consumerism works?
I have taste fwiw, I also have standards. Something apparently you lack.
Yes, and Tim Schafer revolutionized point-and-clicks, doesn't mean that Broken Age can compare with Monkey Island or Grim Fandango. Or would you rather I mentioned Inafune, the 'creator' of Megaman; or Igarashi of Castlevania fame. People who make a good game in the past do not automatically get a pass when making new games. Stop sucking Jarvis' cock and argue what things set your shitty pet game above established classics of the genre.
Alternatively you could save everyone a lot of time and shut the fuck up.
Assault Android Cactus.
>Yes, and Tim Schafer revolutionized point-and-clicks, doesn't mean that Broken Age can compare with Monkey Island or Grim Fandango. Or would you rather I mentioned Inafune, the 'creator' of Megaman; or Igarashi of Castlevania fame
Yes, all trash, you could tell from the Kickstarter pages, and yet everyone (including Sup Forums) decided Mighty No. 9 was worth so many millions of dollars and Obduction wasn't worth the budget it fucking needed, and it still turned out well for what it had and -surprise!- Sup Forums didn't care and didn't buy it because you are all fucking plebs. Again, not like Rand & Robyn Miller are obscure, they only co-created what was the best-selling PC game of all time until the fucking Sims.
Nex Machina is an absolute masterpiece and there is no argument against that; you haven't played the game and likely have barely seen it either. It's the only Western game in a decade worthy of being called "arcade".
Insultingly easy, ugly, amateur garbage, practically impossible to die in if one is awake regardless of the difficulty mode. Has nothing on Nex Machina.
No, Ruiner did get shill threads
It was retarded
>making arcade games for 20 years
>don't bother diversifying into games people actually want to play
Breh, I love arcade games but there's no fucking way I'm paying for overpriced rip offs of classic arcade games.
But I did buy it
I buy all of their games but I didn't even know it was out.
I really just don't care for their specific brand of twinstick shooters. I'm not really big on twinstick to begin with. I liked Resogun, but if I'm being honest a big part of that was because of the ship creator.
>they're the people behind Dead Nation
Literally generic as fuck and the scifi reskin still has the terrible visuals and shit camera.
>Flops at 40k
>Meanwhile Hat in Time is a success at 60k
Nice budgeting retard LOL
Well to be fair Finland taxes you for like 105%.
I did buy it OP but Sup Forums is shit and would rather play games with loot boxes in them.
People would have bought it if it was ps4 exclusive like their other hits.
Should have expanded Alienation more desu
>Hat in Time
>of $30,000 goal
yeah idiot
Did they ever add a mouse cursor for the game on PC? It's unplayable without it.
>Just use a controller :^)
It's a twinstick shooter. You play the game with twin sticks. You're seriously gimping yourself by using WASD to move anyway; you can't dodge as precisely as you need to in only eight directions.
Not every game is designed for a keyboard.
user what do you think they do with Kickstarter money once they reach their goal?
I'm gonna take that as a "No, they didn't add the most obvious feature to make the game playable on keyboard"
Why am I supposed to feel sorry for them again?
Jesus fucking Christ this thread is full of so many plebs. No wonder Sup Forums is shit.
Nex Machina is fucking fantastic. I guess it's good that they're stopping with the genre since they literally perfect it with every release and have no peer
>Never heard of them....
So you've never heard of Resogun, Dead Nation, Outland, Alienation, and Super Stardust? Never played at least one? Then you're a fucking pleb, plain and simple. Go get Nex Machina right now and stop bitching about spoon feeding. Enjoy one of the top 5 GOTY released this year.
Y'all are quick to complain that games aren't video games anymore, and this shit literally contains the soul of vidya. And then to shrug it off with "oh well they should've marketed it to me better." Fuck outta here with that pathetic shit. Does mommy need to hold your hand while crossing the street? Or should I link the 88 meta score and start flinging console war faggotry to get this game on your radar?
WASD is no substitute for a stick. The game shouldn't have allowed KBM control at all. Get over yourself.
Hey Housemarque your arcade genre games are dead hahaha
this is the most angry thread i have seen in a while, why so bitter?
Smash TV
>KBM shitter
lmao this isn't counterstrike, kid
>pc game
>no keyboard mode
Glad they hit the dust. Retards.
Yeah not heard of any of those games and thanks to your post iv lost all interest in even looking up this nex rubbish, good job salty dev
>>Wahhh didn't buy my game, time to vent out
I love it when people involved with making games get so upset
I always thought Gothic and Risen games had weird faces, but looking at him, I suppose it makes sense.
Maybe they should have thought about adding a mouse cursor to the game. That's what they get.
No, but after reading this post, I will pirate all those games and make sure Housemarque don't get a single cent.
I won't even play them.
Nignog there's a difference between a fan of quality games and a dev. Doesn't change the fact that you're trying to make excuses for your plebianism. Pathetic really, the sooner you come to terms with being mediocre at your favorite hobby, the better. Your rubbish opinions and justifications have zero ramifications on my hobby, so thanks for sticking it to me I guess
>ree, I'm a human being, one of the most adaptable species on planet earth, but I can't wrap my head around a twinstick shooter genre being best with twin sticks. Who fucking knew??
If they've already decided it's a flop why would they shill it here?
There are zero devs in this thread. Whatever basketweave/batshit crazy theories you have are self imposed through mental illness. By your logic every Mario praise thread is straight from the treehouse and not a bunch of series fans.
Nigga show me one arcade cabinet with a keyboard and mouse setup
Hahaha holy shit dude calm down
Truth does tend to hurt. Do better and play better games
>twin stick shooters
get the fuck out with your faggot genre
First I'd heard of it. It looks kinda cool. Not enough shilling on Sup Forums.
I don't care that the genre is best with twin sticks, I wanted a simple feature to be added to improve the mouse + keyboard controls, and they refused to give it to me, so as far as I'm concerned, they can get fucked.
Looks great time to pirate it!
You should at least attempt to use it over your preferred method. It's not like in fighting games where sticks are expensive and only marginally make you better after a year of practice. Any third party controller would even do it justice. Thinking about it, adding a mouse cursor would trivialize a lot of the challenge/spatial awareness/reflex that the game asks for from the player
I don't even know what this is.
Go home Housemarque, you're drunk
all the good germans died in WW2
yo if any Housemarquee devs are reading this, porting Resogun, Alientation, and Nex Machina to the Switch would be a dope bunduru desu
might actually sell if there's a commercial for it
>no linux port
no tux no bux
I do. That's why avoid anything by Housemarque.
They released the game on PC. Asking for a mouse cursor to appear is not too much of them.
So, OP is assblasted that game literally nobody knew even existed, of unpopular genre and of top of that requiring a specific hardware that barely anybody owns to properly play haven't sold well? Jeez what an unexpected outcome, poor OP nobody knew this could happen.
game is actually good, but being this surprised over it being unpopular and not selling is very weird
You're mentioning the worst game the studio has ever put out
>wahh nobody bought my gaimu
Literally never even heard of it until now
They clearly don't want it in or it would've been there. That's like asking for lock-on and health bars in monster hunter. You're basically asking them to make it a bit more casual. You gotta respect their decision somewhat when you look at it that way, no?
>So you've never heard of Resogun, Dead Nation, Outland, Alienation, and Super Stardust?
Resogun and Alienation were shit and the rest are literal whos.
This is quite literally the first time I have ever seen or heard of this game and I browse Sup Forums for hours every day.
They only have themselves to blame for making games in an unpopular genre and then doing NO marketing for them at all.
They wanted to fail.
I'm probably going to play the games and mourn the loss of another developer that makes something besides competitive multiplayer shooters, but you're still a faggot.
>out longstanding commitment to the arcade genre has come to an end
>the industry is moving more toward multiplayer experiences
Goddamn it.
I just want to play a game by myself without worrying about servers, lobbies, getting a full match, connection issues, online population, etc. A single player game that ISN'T a movie like Uncharted. Is that really so wrong?
>specific hardware
Isn't that every vidya
Also not surprised, i only knew it released when browsing the PSN store. Thought it was an error and bought it ASAP. Oh well, I'm ok with this gated-community genre staying as is
>Only thread related to Nex Machina to get more than 10 posts is about Housemaque stopping making arcade games, and half of it is casual faggots who don't even play arcade games
The only reason I didn't buy it is because it's $20 and only 4 hours long. I would have paid $10.
>literal whos
This. From this list I played only Alienation and only because it was free on PS+ and my friend recommended me it.
I've seen the name pop up a lot in those GOTY threads
>Super Stardust HD
>One of the darling PSN titles from the early PS3 days
>Literal who
I swear as shit as the Sup ForumsGAs are I'm gonna push for a 'Most underrated game of the year' where getting nominated in any other category means it can't be in