>tfw 500 word essay tomorrow but im want to play gaems
Tfw 500 word essay tomorrow but im want to play gaems
based essay poster
>500 words
Hows high school
>tfw 7 character essay due in 36 yeas and I haven't even started
not funny
fuck off
You mean they make you write longer essays than 500 words? Wtf?
>tfw absolutely nothing due for the rest of my life and i haven't even opened word yet
>im want to play games
yeah lad, you're fucked
>tfw earth science and algebra quiz tomorrow but I want to play ass creed
why is school so hard Sup Forumsros?
I know it's a meme but that's like 2 hours if you work slow.
>earth science
>aka dude pollution's bad lmao
I need to program a video game and make a report in few weeks but I don't even have any idea what to make yet.
>mom noticed my cummies on her feet again this morning when she woke up and i have to write a 200 word essay by the time she gets back from work to apologize
>not enjoying the comfiest of science courses
for shame
>tfw physics exam this Friday but I'm not even playing bideo games but shitposting on Sup Forums
>tfw master thesis isn't due for another 6 months
>midterm exam tomorrow on the natural solutions of petroleum well testing
I just wanna stay home and play video games
>need to finish my thesis by the end of the month
>play vidya and browse Sup Forums instead when I get home from the lab
why do I always do this to myself
I have to do a psychology quiz, participate in the stupid discussion board by posting my own long ass fucking response and replying to others, AND have to write a 2 page paper about psychology in a film. All due before 4 pm today so suck my balls.
>presentation about recent evaluation due to tomorrow's meeting
>coworker calls if I want to take a coffee-break
>i just want to funpost on Sup Forums over my phone
>had enrollment for next semester on monday, and a geography quiz
>had a linear algebra midterm on tuesday, scores came out literally 6 hours later, did really well
>have an Old English (literally the different fucking language, its nuts to learn it in 2 months) midterm in 2 hours
>have a linear algebra QUIZ later today, the day after our midterm in the same class
>have a discrete math midterm tomorrow that I haven't studied a bit for
aaahahahah hows videogames guys
>no backlog
>nothing to play
>not willing to learn either
>anxiety just building up
>staring at the screen doing nothing
>tfw getting a job due seven years ago and haven't even started
>get week off from university
>come back home because I miss it and my peecee
>think I'm going to start some revision soon at least a couple hours a day
>end up staying awake all night playing games with my friends online and waking up at 2pm the next day
>tfw still haven't done a minute of revision
>1 character essay due in a year
>want to play video games
I love this meme.
Just mash together a few copypastas and say it's a study about datamining algorithms bro :^)
>she is majoring in psychology (FEMALE)
be my gf?
Ayy doing Master's? Same!
There's a lot of "DUDE POLLUTION" in earth science but it's a very comfy class
500 words? Ez Pz
College Classics program had me do 500 a night
Depends on what classes you take in College. For Marketing, every week we had to write 700-1000 words for a simple assignment. For our final project, it had to be 4,000-5,000. So yes, little bitch, get used to it. You'll be writing essays until your bony fingers fall off.
Apparently even with all that writing they don't teach sarcasm in college.
College kids BTFO
Cant wait till im done with university and get to just work a job that has a beginning and end. Im sick of all my days being this awful mix of procrastination and work which means im not having fun or being efficient
sarcasm is such a meme comedy, why should anyone take anything said ever as not what they actually meant? just say what you actually mean
>tfw 41 character shitpost due right now
>Exam literally tmro
>just crusing in bed
But I like doing nothing and chilling with friends. I don't wanna become a wagecuck.
>tfw time travel essay due last week
Which one of you guys did this? lol
I'm sorry you aren't very social user
Im sick and im tired and my stomach always hurts
You have no idea how easy you have it in school You'll off your dome when you step to the wagecuck life.
>he doesn't know about 20,000 word dissertations
It's the worst feel
>actually thinking being a wagecuck is better than being a student
You're in for a rude awakening
>45 characters
I felt the same way in uni but now my life feels a lot better now that I have a job
Being a wagecuck in a job you like is 100000x better than being a student. Being a wagecuck in a job you hate is a lot worse though.
In fact I am shitposting at work at this very moment.
>tfw 500 gaems tomorrow but im want to play essay
>have an IT related job
>make a good amount of money
>absolutely hate job
I honestly thought being sad with a good paying job was a meme but I feel it..
They probably just left themselves logged in somewhere on campus.
I plan on being self employed pretty early since my degree allows it but any time ive done long term internships in my field it was way more enjoyable than university.
Whats your passion in life user
>Have hundreds of games in backlog, some of them I've had since 2011 and still haven't played
>Piss away all my time on Sup Forums
>Penal Law exam friday.
>Browsing Sup Forums and playing vidya.
I'm going to fail that one, am I?
No way dude. College was so stressful I have nightmares about it sometimes
>doing school work
top lels
>tfw raid tonight but I just want to write essays
If you started the essay by writing this post you would be 1/50th of the way done
I don't have any passion, I thought IT was gonna be my thing because I spend a lot of time on a computer but I absolutely hate it, I've been going for 5 years now because I make nice money but I'm not doing anything with it. My parents passed away, I have no friends, I have no social skills. My family doesn't like me so I have nowhere to go to other than fucking blogposting on Sup Forums, ffs.
Not being an asshole is that hard?
You say IT but what exactly are you doing? There's like a million IT jobs.
But I know the feel, though.