Childhood is when you idolize Blood Money

Childhood is when you idolize Blood Money.
Adulthood is when you realize Contracts makes more sense.
Elderhood is when you accept that Silent Assassin is perfection.

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Why is Contracts praised? After the first half, all the levels are the same nighty rainy asian sceneries

>Contracts makes more sense
>makes more sense
What are you even saying here?

it's a meme you dip

Only a nostalgiafaggot of the highest order would think Silent Assassin is the best Hitman game, let alone perfection.

It was the game that got me into the series and it had some great levels (which were conveniently the ones in the demos) but it has ton of garbage levels too.

>taking the bait

How's the new episodic game? I lost all interest in the series when Absolushit came out and haven't bothered to keep up.

Hitman 2 had amazing fucking music. But it was hard as hell.

Perfect is the wrong word but it was the most memorable for me, I love how it plays out like a spy movie and not just as a series of self-contained levels like the other ones.

>that jungle level in the first game

It's really great

SA with cheats is the best.

Hitman 2 made me feel more like James Bond than a cold blooded killer.

The second half of Contracts sucks because it's all Hong Kong missions, but the game still has the biggest amount of god-tier missions in one package.
>Meat King's Party
>The Bjarkhov Bomb
>Beldingford Manor
>Traditions of the Trade
As opposed to the other Hitmans
>Silent Assassin
Invitation to a Party
Basement Killing
>Blood Money
Curtains Down
A New Life

Only a nostalgiafaggot of the highest order would think Blood Money is the best Hitman game, let alone perfection.

I wish the new Hitman had Jesper Kyd and better voices.

The first jungle level is interesting but holy shit the boss one is the worst level in the entire series, the best part is how it crashes sometimes right near the ending.

>Curtains Down
So you haven't played the mission more than twice?

Are you retarded?

In how many ways can you complete the mission? It's the most limited mission in the game. Killing the actor is okay but the old dude is a really shitty target.

>but it has ton of garbage levels too.

which ones?

All of Japan and Afghanistan

Hidden Valley, At the Gates, Graveyard Shift, Tunnel Rat, Motorcade Interception, Temple City Ambush, probably more that I forgot.

bad taste

>Defending the shitty half of Hitman 2
Nostalgiafag detected

What's up with the new Hitman? When's that GOTY version coming out?

>Hidden Valley, At the Gates, Tunnel Rat

it has a really weird way of spoiling all the possible ways to kill a target through notifications for achievements, it's really great if you turn that shit off before you even start

The Japan level where you can serve the poison puffer fish is great. Afghan I give you.

Shogun Showdown is one of the best levels in the series you moron. Yes it is preceded by the two worst levels, but that mission was excellent.

>The Japan level where you can serve the poison puffer fish is great
No, it isn't. The only way to beat that mission stealthily is by going through a very linear path and doing everything the game designed you to do.




Curtains Down is like that too and somehow people still praise it.

Hitman codname 47
>Start of the franchise by mixing third person shooter with stealth elements.Revolutionary ragdoll physic but nothing else also realy bad level design 4/10

Hitman Silent Assassin
>The base of what future hitmans would be based of, compleatly improved everything the prequel failed to deliver. Still wonky stealth gameplay, enemys had 200km eyesight and could snipe you with a pistol, also only hitman with an interesting plot 7/10

Hitman Contracts
Improved what Hitman 2 did but added nothing new, also it was rushed as fuck, Buggy and half of the levels where (BAD) reskins of codname 47, still has the best stealth-gameplay in the series 7/10

Hitman Blood money
>Added many more features, some ot them good (pushing people over edges, distracting guards with throwables, throwable weapons in general) but also some of bad (reputation system is not thought through), but the true shining star is the perfect level design which makes every mission different, demanding but fun. 9/10

Hitman Absolution
>HEY, hey guys
>what if
>We throw away everything we build up the last four games and do an cinematic driven steath-shooter with a plot written by an 9 year old
>oh OH and since we want the casual console playerbase we devert all our resources into the graphics and cinematics, fuck gameplay
>oh and to make that game fit ot those shitty consoles with all of these effects, lets shrink the levels into the size of an 4 room apartment and either strech them and make shity hallway passages or we put a big room in the middle and some rooms on the side disposed like a donut, yeah out fans will certainly like that 3/10 shooting-mechanics where nice but you can't finish any mission with pure violence(WHAT THE FUCK)

Didn't played it lol


The new Hitman is really good, aside from the elusive target shit.

Every Hitman game is extremely flawed in one way or another. Silent Assassin and Blood Money are polar opposites. Blood Money is a cakewalk with the worst disguise system in the series (I haven't played Absolution, but it's only fitting that Bloodbabbies cried when it was no longer invincibility-mode) and Silent Assassin has a ridiculously inconsistent level of quality ranging from excellent to downright awful, along with broken disguises, guards who shoot people running on sight regardless of distance, and often linear level design.

Mechanically, Contracts is the most balanced of the games (besides 2016). It's also the shortest and most repetitive unfortunately. On the surface it seems very similar in mechanics to Silent Assassin, but after playing both back-to-back I can say they are very different and Contracts improved in a lot of ways.

>realy bad level design 4/10
>he never played the japan missions and traditions of the trade in 47

>bad level design
it has one of the best levels in the series

Wait, what? What do you mean by that?

It has a very linear solution, the only difference is that it lets you fuck around the map doing nothing as if you owned the place.

The only ways to kill one of the targets are to snipe him (not SA) or drop a chandelier during a scripted sequence. It's shit.

>it was no longer invincibility
it was totally useless

Traditions of the Trade is indeed the best level of the entire series, but other than that level, C47 is completely trash in its level design. Even Absolution is better.

It's a mix between really great and disappointing.

They really should have made it less scripted and made the world run in a more natural fashion.
It takes tension away when you know that the option to poison Novikov will always be there because nobody will ever mix him his special drink despite talking about it. Scripts revolve around 47 too much
Or you can hear multiple times about an assassination option that 47 could easily use but I have to go back to the start of the level to trigger the first dialogue that allows you to follow up.

Grinding level specific XP was also a god awful idea. It both locks you out of shit to do on a first run and trivializes later runs.

There's also not enough levels and it really hurts replayability. While each level is much more detailed compared to previous games it's a lot easier to remember all the key parts of the level when there are only 7 of them.
It's not like they are endlessly huge sandboxes either.
Having 12+ levels sort of smudges them a bit.

Every mission has exact one solution, which won't even work 100% of the time
See last china level, you are supposed to breack that toth out to get the key but you can only do it if you already diguised as a guard, which makes the whole passage with the sneaking pointless.

Why the fuck is everyone using this word now

What fucking meme have i missed

>you are supposed to breack that toth out
oi that's 47's future wife you're talking about right there

Silent Asassin has the best ost sure.

But contracts is literally a better silent asassin. The ai was pretty bad, I never got disguises to work right so id end up being a mass murderer.

wish they brought her back as an easter egg like Smith

Someone should just import the updated Contracts engine onto Silent Assassin. Would fix a whole lot of the problems (and exploits) immediately.

So when is the original game gonna be fixed?

Who though that having a dedicated sprint button is a good idea?

I want to hold the button/toggle it then press the forward key not press to sprint forward.

>Traditions of the Trade is indeed the best level of the entire series
It is the one in which you could fuck around the most but nothing else, there where two easy reachable points you could eliminate the targets with no problem and then you had to go on a scavenger hunt for the bomb
Yeah "good design", contracts redid the level much better, you actualy had to think about how you progress, since everywhere where metal detectors

fuck no, contracts ruined it

47 doesn't sprint, stop being a fag.

Yes he does

>contracts redid the level much better
Funny. It removed half the hotel and people and "having to think" is just a matter of getting a guard disguise like you do in every mission ever.

I'd like to see you sprint irl

>removed half the hotel
Fuck, that makes me want to play C47 now, even though I heard it's pretty shit.
Do you have any comparison images? Or can you show me a screenshot of the part of the map that was excluded from the Contracts version?

I mean they had half the hotel closed off so there was nothing there but one small easter egg.

C47 is pretty awful. It's not really a Hitman game insomuch as it is a third person shooter where shooting guards doesn't have any penalty.

It has garbage missions like the colombia ones and the finale but the japan missions are tiptop and let you be stealthy, things get out of hand pretty easily though and missions always tend to end in huge shootouts.

it's unique in its own way but it's super clunky, it doesn't even have a save function

>japan missions
you mean hong kong

It's china, japan was in the second one

yes I'm retarded

I played C47 on release so it still has a special place for me

The jungle theme from the first game is GOAT

You can push him off the balcony in his box.

is in any game possible for the guards to accidentally kill the target?

Good luck with that when there are 2 guards to him and a ton of witnesses in the theater.

What about

>blood money theater stage
>enter the theater like any normal person
>this starts playing
This shit makes me panic too much

So get the guards to leave the box. Then push him when no one is looking.


PTSD inducing
Fuck those dogs, gates and the ship

Getting the guards to leave is easy, but there's no way to avoid witnesses without just getting lucky.

You only got the last one right

>run for half a second
>everyone starts shooting at you

swap 2 with BM and Contracts with 47 and it's accurate

Just because you can't do it, doesn't mean it can't be done. There's nothing random about it.


>There's nothing random about it.
Do educate me, I'm interested.

I just told you. Push him when no one is looking. NPCs are not static. Their attention shifts. When no one is looking at the box, give him a shove.

Almost every game is the wrong position here. Is this a joke?

First, there is nothing Fedora about Blood Money, the game is the least serious and most goofy of the four. So if anything Contracts is Fedora (being the most edgy) and Blood Money is pleb. That leaves Silent Assassin which should be Kino because it's the most movie-like with it's visuals and musical presentation, and that leaves only C47 to stay in Patrician.

You see this right here?

I can't get away with that in other Hitman titles.

Contracts is garbage


>I can't get away with that in other Hitman titles.
Yes you can?

Depends on what you mean by "get away with". I once slaughtered the entire casino in Blood Money.

>C47 above anything
Swap Silent Assassin with C47 and your list is alright.


>more freedom is bad
also you can

Come on, this is the only hitman where you have such abundance of ammo. I murdered all those guys and still have 50 bullets left.

None of the other hitmans let you have that much


The NPCs do stuff randomly if I do anything that gets the guards out of the way. It's luck whether they give me an opportunity to push at all or not.

