
around 700 vs 1000 people, so are these the last WoW players or is this poll done on another one of your minorities?

>40% of the playerbase
>loud minority

the biggest circle jerk after the reddit atheism community

That's a substantial amount of players, and it's worth noting the poll is on a website frequented by players who enjoy (or at least tolerate) neo-WoW, which can hardly be representative sample of people who have played the game at least at one point of its life

Let's face it, no sane person would actually pay for the outdated content

only if its BC or wrath
vanilla is fucking trash and this is coming from someone with 5 lvl40+ on elysium

Wrath was literally worst wow time


the joke's on you.

i can't wait for gearscore and 1+ years of ICC

Of course not, it's literally a loud minority that browse WoW threads here and on MMOChamp. I played vanilla, I had fun pvping and nothing else. I don't give two shits about legacy servers. Especially if it means less work/content on a new expansion with the excuse of 'muh legacy servers.'

Nostalgiafagging is one of the worst cancers in the entertaniment industry. Every fucking side of it is affected by it. Go to the movies, it's some fucking remake/sequel. Watch E3 streams, over half the new announcements are some shitty "HD remake" of an old ass game that wouldn't benefit at all from HD. Just make new content. If you want to play vanilla so bad just play on a private server.

All that said, I wouldn't be against them implementing legacy servers at some point. Just not at the expense of actual new content.

Earth to plebian: MMOs were never good, and stacking more shit onto WoW won't fix it. Give people their Legacy servers and let them revel in the only thing WoW can give anymore: nostalgic escapism.

You are assuming that a lot of people that quit WoW years ago would come back or be excited for legacy servers.

You couldn't possibly have worst taste. Wrath was kino Warcraft. I've played since 04 and Wrath was by far the most fun I had in the game. Worst is a toss up between early Vanilla and all of WoD.

>Almost half of the playerbase want to play on legacy servers
You just proved yourself wrong

Earth to Nostalgiafag: MMOs are a dying breed yes, but turning WoW into Vanilla 2.0 will surely kill it off. Even the most ardent nostalgiafaggot will kill himself after farming nature resist sets for two centuries just to almost survive one AoE poison wave from Huhuran.

Vanilla was shit and 9/10 times the people that beg for vanilla to come back are people that never played vanilla.

>implying its hard to farm resist sets

>implying some shitty poll on MMOCucks is a good measure of what the playerbase wants.

Yeah last time people believed that nonsense was when MMOChamp was shilling Blizzards no-fly stance in WoD. That sure turned out well.

I'm not assuming anything (in terms of concrete numbers, anyway) but even in MMO-Champion that can only be biased towards favoring neo-WoW, a substantial part of the users are in favor of legacy servers, and the number of people not on MMO-Champion but interested in legacy servers is certainly non-zero.

Nothing in WoW is hard you tard. Everything in vanilla was needlessly time consuming. Everything had a rep grind.

>MMO Champ

hahaha, I'm sure these Blizzdrones aren't biased at all

I'm not disagreeing with you on people being interested on legacy servers on some level. I just think MMOChamp and a lot of people that browse these kinds of threads over-estimate the number of people that really want legacy servers over new content. Not everyone wants to play 12 year old outdated MMO content.

I think they should patch in legacy servers slowly. Maybe one expansion a year. I just don't think they should prioritize legacy servers over new content. I'd rather take a new class/race over playing Vanilla/BC again. As much as I had fun doing that when it was current. I will never relive those days because part of the fun was the people I played with. I think a lot of nostalgia fans don't realize this.

No fly was a good thing.
WoD had literally many others problems like fucking almost two months for first raid to open

How many people were polled to see if they would play WoW when it was first released? The answer is none. And yet, the game became wildly successful. Weird isn't it

i just want hardcore servers

>but even in MMO-Champion that can only be biased towards favoring neo-WoW

Not really, I've been on MMOChamp for years. There is a large number of users that make doom/gloom threads about the state of WoW. There's like an anti-LFR/anti-flying thread daily. There's a handful of recognizable users that shill everything Blizzard does, aside from the mods.

>turning WoW into Vanilla 2.0 will surely kill it off.
Yes and

>ignore something many have been asking for
>something that is easily done, that others have done for free
>lose playerbase because of it
>retards on Sup Forums make stupid bait threads about it

Flying is nothing more than convenience. The biggest argument against flying was from a world PvP standpoint and that fell apart since servers started depopulating and BG's were introduced. I do agree that it was the least of WoD's issues. I didn't give a shit about flying as long as there was a good stream of content. WoD was hot garbage from the announcement.

>lose playerbase because of it


Those are people who play the current trash version of the game, not the 90% of players who have quit.

>Flying is nothing more than convenience
It's little more.
Before you got flying in the legion for example, you needed to ride through territory where elite mobs could kick you from mount and kill you, more than once when you did some world quests. With flying you could just ignore them

Presumably there are posters who haven't played for years but by an large the people on MMO-Champion DO still play, or might consider playing with new patches or expansions being released, so they at least grudgingly tolerate the current state of retail, else they wouldn't be on the site.

It's his headcanon

Legacy is what the players want. Light's Hope has 10k people online, even with the whole Elysium fiasco. That's probably quite close to Legion numbers.

>parking anything on mmo champion or battle net forums

These are the people who turned WoW to shit, due to endless complaining about too hard content and wanting free purples. They will also tell you that flying mounts are great.

A shitpost so bad, a (you) I can't give

>Light's Hope has 10k people online
It doesn't, literally fake population with all hot spots empty.
I tried to gather party for the DM run, and couldn't even find dps.

>That's probably quite close to Legion numbers

>With flying you could just ignore them

Why do people insist this is a bad thing? What could you possibly get out of being annoyed/slowed by having to kill or run away from a mob you have fought before. It's artificial difficulty and you have to be a complete Blizzard dick sucker to think it adds some level of complexity. By the way, once you learn the layout of an area you can ignore mobs easily and never have to deal with it. Or you could just use FP which cheeses the world more than flying. In BC there were demonic strongholds with canons that shot you out of the sky. It's not like Blizzard can't implement flying into the game properly. It's that they are too lazy to develop the idea past making cash mounts for the shop. Again, there is literally nothing wrong with flying mounts. At least not a level cap. The only good argument I see is for flying to be a reward once you hit max level. You shouldn't be flying around in new areas at launch.

>lose playerbase because of it
they're not losing players because of this delusional child, they're losing players because it's a decade old game that fails at inovating in any aspect, it's dated and people are sick of it, you should too

I cleared almost everything in Vanilla and I don't even remember farming resist set.

Nobody waned flying back in Draenor either except for the autistic screeching minority so fuck you, op

If third world french men can set this up, why is it such an impossible feat for a multi-billion dollar company?

>That's probably quite close to Legion numbers.
A cursory glance will tell you there are more than 10x that in the mythic raiding scene alone, let alone everyone else.

>These are the people who turned WoW to shit, due to endless complaining about too hard content and wanting free purples. They will also tell you that flying mounts are great.

Maybe Battlenet forums but MMOChamp has been one of the biggest contributors to no-flying, more rep grinds and no-LFR/easy mode raiding. They are the biggest nostalgiafags in the WoW community. There is this one dedicated shitposter named Jaylock that posts an anti-anything post Vanilla thread almost daily.

last time Blizzard released subscriber numbers they were in freefall. Follow the line a few years and 10k isn't far off. If the numbers were good they would have announced them.

MMOC is one of the worst places on the internet

Thats lovely dipshit, but wowprogress tells an entirely different story.


How would legacy work anyway? There are over 7 expansions for WoW + vanillia so technically 8 different vertions not even counting major patches.

Then you never did AQ. Nature resist was 100% required to clear several of the bosses there. Nobody would even consider you if you didn't have 140 resist gear. Pretty sure you also needed shadow resist for Naxx but I never raided Naxx so I can't say for sure. Did AQ several times, well more like my guild wiped for days against bosses downing half the raid before giving up and going full PvP.

>Thinks MMOChamp is a good place to get poll results when it is Blizzard cocksucker central
>Especially when they all think Legacy servers would "take resources" from modern WoW

Wrath is dogshit. Braindead easy 5 mans, recycled raids, and ICC is overrated as fuck.

>believing a third party site run by wow fanboys over blizzard's own numbers

It details every raid and every character connected to the site, which are linked to raid logs that you can actually see. I'm sorry you're in such horrific denial about this.

Blizzard would never allow legacy servers for the simple fact it would be tantamount to admitting they ruined their own game.


Battlenet and twitter were constantly bombarded with normies wanting flying back. Also Blizzard kept making flying mounts for the shop despite not being able to fly in draenor rubbed people the wrong way. Fact of the matter is that far less people care about flying one way or another to take a stance against it. I for one could not care less if they didn't implement it on any further content but I know the majority of the playerbase would complain because they would see it as Blizzard taking something away from them.

oh wait you're serious? let me laugh even harder

I would rather play legion private servers than blizzard vanilla servers

to me it's about not giving blizzard any support for this travesty of a game anymore.

there were 12k players queuing on the fresh elysium PvP server at launch, that is something called revealed preference, surveys don't mean shit by comparison

>muh raids

Most people who enjoyed WoW didn't give a shit about raiding. just leveling and the endgame 5 -mans were what most players saw. Shit like Scholomance and BWL would keep a smaller,casual guild busy for months.

Don't forget a free weekly loot pinata with current tier/glad gear for the retarded children

>12 year old archaic MMO design

Hey, if you want to pay $15 a month for shit tier gameplay be my guest. I sure as fuck wont subsidize that shit. Having 200 spells on your spell book, healing using low tier spells to not expedite your mana isn't my idea of complex "fun" mmo combat.

A lot of people want legacy servers but don't keep up with any kind of WoW related shit because there's no point in it

The game is dead and the only way to bring it back is with a full reset

The game would be better off it just went back to vanilla and progressed through to wrath and then reset again over and over.

Nothing in the future of WoW will ever be good again

As someone who hates modern WoW and would love nothing more than to watch it burn, ignore the stupid retard you're replying to. He's either falseflagging or has a brain injury. At the minimum WoW still has a good 1.5 - 2m active players.

>implying Blizzard wouldn't use it as an excuse to sell you a half assed expansion with less content.

Come on now.

Completely forgot about that. Holy fuckWrath was really the start of everything terrible in WoW, uncluing gearscore. And why is gearing so streamlined now? I remember having tons of ways to gear for Kara in BC. You could start raiding in quest greens ffs.

I miss shit like healing power, fiery/frozen/nature's wrath, dodge and defense etc.

Activision Blizzard would do fucking anything if they thought it would make them a shitload of money to put away in their tax haven coffers. Don't ever fucking doubt how greedy they are, they'd make Legacy servers in a heartbeat if the dumb fucks that still play retail stopped shelling out $40 a pop for pets/mounts/namechanges etc.

Give me modern bosses but old journey

>The thousands of people currently playing a private server don't exist because retail players voted on a third party website

I mean I don't really care about all this but surely there must be a better indicator?

Reason they are not doing it because they can't hook it up into their Battle.jew launcher. Also, there would be so many people who are going to whine about all the bugs and shit in vanilla and they don't want to deal with that. Also they don't want to divide their players.

>why is gearing so streamlined now? I remember having tons of ways to gear for Kara in BC. You could start raiding in quest greens ffs.

Thats some olympic level cognitive dissonance if I've ever seen it

I just like making retail players insecure about their dying game. 1.5-2m is probably accurate but that's a tenth of WoW at its peak. Maybe if they brought back vanilla they'd capture some people back

There were 10k people on the server and 20k+ people in the queue at one point. Took 6 hours to get in.

This, pic related is what ruined WoW.

If you knew where to look and what quest to do, there were indeed some greens for a few classes and specs that you could raid in. Now they throw purples at you for standing around.

They'd use any excuse in the book, doesn't mean they're true.

I mean shit, they're peddling that the trickle of content for OW is because of policing the "toxic" community, as if the programmers, artists, modellers etc. are leafing through player reports every day.

>I just like making retail players insecure about their dying game

You can do that without spouting asinine bullshit that makes people who want old expansions look like dribbling idiots.

>y-you wouldn't play because it would cost money! privatefags only do it for free!

Do these people not understand that the only reason I faithfully re-log absolutely every single day on private servers is because I have someone else to play with?

The current game QoL automation changes doesn't even make me feel like I'm playing with other people, especially when no one talks. You basically need to be in a progression guild to even feel any kind of human contact in the current game.

>mmochampion poll
>still manages to get 40%

>I remember having tons of ways to gear for Kara in BC. You could start raiding in quest greens ffs.

Bullshit, only way you could do this is if you were carried by your guildies. Nobody would take a scrub in greens. Not even to kara.

They play it because it's free.
There 10k online on the wotlk server with character and epic shop. Do you think people actually want it?
There 1,2k online on the unplayble warhammer server. do you think people actually want to eat shit?
Also as LH demonstrated, some admins literally fake population despite servers being empty

True, I remember some years ago when people first started begging Blizzard for legacy servers in Blizzcon they said something akin to losing the source code for Vanilla. How fucking dumb do they think their playerbase is?

So why doesn't Activision roll out a legacy server that free to play. And when players are sick of it they can migrate their lvl 60 character to the pay to play server. Makes sense to me. Well, it's Activision's mmo so it's up to them.

I don't understand why everyone has to be funneled into the current raid tier every patch,at the detriment to the rest of the game.

>tfw you'll never spend a few weeks clearing Scholomance with your tiny guild and just enjoying all the small victories.

They said they lost database, and it's more likely true

>So why doesn't Activision roll out a legacy server that free to play

Because that wouldn't be making them a shitload of money so they don't care.

Yes, thats totally impossible to do on retail.

here's why the "bu-bu it's free!" argument falls down:

There are free wow servers for all different expasions, yet vanilla ones are the most popular. Explain that. Maybe you can admit that vanilla was the best version now?

Nah they said they lost the source code years back which was confirmed bullshit a while back.

>There are free wow servers for all different expasions, yet vanilla ones are the most popular. Explain that.
Lol wut
Popularity goes
Wotlk>Cata ones(before last patch on the only active three servers hit and they dropped little above bc)>>>>>>>>>>>>>vanilla>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BC
Why are you lying on the internet?

I wouldn't pay for legacy servers desu, but I know many pserver players would. In fact, lots of my guildmates the last time I played would go on retail between raidlogs.

The biggest Wrath server 100% fakes their pop numbers it's confirmed.

The reason nobody plays BC servers is because BC is notoriously hard to code correctly and every attempt that has been made so far has been shit.

It fakes it and yet there are more people here than on any wrath server when wrath was retail
so who gives a shit?

Its like you completely forgot Ulduar exists. Ulduar is STILL the best raid ever made.

>every attempt that has been made so far has been shit.
what did he mean by this

Ulduar remains my favourite but after farming it that much this year I had too much
>15 tries on thorim hm

>Why won't Blizzard open a server for its own game providing inferior content and services at an inferior price to compete with their main game while stealing away manpower from it

>muh raiding in WoTLK was too casual and easy and that's what killed the game meme.
I was a guild officer back in WoTLK. The only people I ever heard complain directly to me that they felt the raiding content too easy were the people who were allowed into the core raid group for no reason other than being nice personalities to have along but were just terrible at the game and basically getting carried.

And they would always send me these messages right after a wipe. Often one that was partially their fault.
>I ran out of range of the healer because this game is too easy.

I meant that every BC private server so far has been coded like shit.