How do we fix her, Sup Forumsros?
Donut Asshole
What's wrong with her?
The only thing I could complain about is that he's really frail for a tank. Other then that she is a beast
Damage wise she's fine after the projectile speed update.
Up her health to 450 or I don't know how you would adjust it, but make it so you can't get one shotted by Hanzo reflect arrow.
Give her what you put in the subject field.
What do you mean fix her? She's fucking cancer and all the people who are desperate to win pick her for a free win in qp since noone coordinates.
Bland, boring and uninteractive heroes like Orisa should be left to rot. Even Bastion has more playability.
More health and maybe a bigger clip and she's perfect.
Do you need a hug?
Her "clip" has already been nerfed at least once, and is still huge.
How does she compare to Rien in comp? I can hardly play Rien in qp because no one on my team ever pushes with me.
she's way too immobile to ever be good in a serious competitive environment
that doesn't stop her from being OP in ranked because of all the ragtag monkeys who don't know how to deal with Torbrisa and other cheesy ass spamming strats
inst this supposed to be on /vg/?
Great idea.
Why because you're triggered?
Nah it can stay, you little autist
>serious competitive environment
I still doubt that this is a real thing.
I think it needs to be a thread general to belong on the videogame generals board
Orisa is amazing if you can line up those headshots, but I can't, so...
Personally, the only change I'd ask would be for an optional radius indicator on her right click. I don't have a good eye for that sort of thing.
You can begin fixing her by removing Hanzo permanently from the game who can one-shot Orisa with a single scatter shot.
You guys lose to this hero in competitive? Seriously?
Fortify changes:
-blocks headshot bonus damage
-on a resource meter like Bastion's Self-Repair
That's literally all she needs.
That would be really good, maybe too good if you could always negate pulls/pins
I doubt it would be too good considering she's still the size of a barge with no mobility whatsoever.