What is it about left wing feminist pandering nu-males and being pervs and creeps lol
What is it about left wing feminist pandering nu-males and being pervs and creeps lol
The left belongs to the perverse to begin with so it shouldn't be a surprise.
I like that cartoon. Imagine if all the male feminists would just stop. Stop enabling then, stop whiteknighting, just stop.
They become an "ally" because they have something to hide or to atone for. The same logic behind troll shielding.
Some people wonder why so many men hate male feminists but it's because they can see them exactly for what they are.
They're not smart, handsome or talented so if you really want to get laid what can they do? Try to exploit the "i'm you protector" thoughts and pretend to be exactly that, then shut out other males by saying how they're all gon'getcha unless you stick with him.
They're bullshit artists.
this. it's all an elaborate act in hopes of getting women. Although, I have seen much more elaborate.
Never heard of this guy until this thread.
Give me three good reasons why I should give a shit and why this belongs on Sup Forums.
Shocking. Are wh*tes even human?
you're funny, user
Yet another dickless self flagellating male feminist game journalist turns out to be a creep.
Jackie Chan
Jackie Chan
Jackie Chan
reminder that literally half of all black girls are sexually assaulted by the time they are 18
This. They probably are or were discriminatory towards women, and just assumes that every male out there are as just a big of a shit as he is. That's the only way I can believe that a guy can be convinced in the "every man is a racist/sexist" bullshit.
wh*tes are the goodest goys
Once the wh*tes are eliminated, only then things like faggotry and judaism will be a thing of the past
fck off t*rkroach scum
What's this medium site about? I've been seeing it a lot recently.
just more shit flinging on gaming journalism, which it rightfully deserves
It's video game culture and YES we have established that video game culture is actually Sup Forums material. Feel free to contact Nisimura Hiroyuki if you don't like it.
Not surprising. Usually the guys who didn't get pussy in highschool or college are really resentful towards women deep down and are still desperate for sexual attention. They think that beta orbiting and white knighting will get them what they want and when that fails they sperg out and reveal themselves.
lefties think they are morally superior, but end up being more degenerate than Sup Forums.
They're all scam artists trying to get money.
Fuck off Anthony.
go back there
>Getting triggered by spaces
by black people
any white with half a brain wouldn't r-ape
every day I feel more and more like I dodged a bullet by being a pathetic incel.
Reported for not vidya.
The right also belongs to homosexuals and retards.
So it's bad on both sides.
The best side is the middle.
Is there anything more delicious to watch than seeing all these male feminists get turned on their masters?
Did you call your father triggered when he scolded you for touching other boy's dicks on the bus?
Snakes are cute
When left wingers are outed as sex offenders they are ostracised. When right wingers are outed as sex offenders they are elected president.
Because now this is a Super Mario Odyssey thread
this shows that even male feminist get the knife.
>Did you call your father
Did you just assume that anons parental figures gender?
The only side to take is no side. The more you care about something, the more it consumes you. People fight against monsters so long that they become monsters. It's a very basic philosophy that has proven itself time and again. The left will fight against rape and pedophilia then end up being rapist and pedophiles. The right will fight against gays and traitors and end up getting sucked off in airport bathrooms by Russian allies.
The more you make the mistake about caring about ANYTHING in this material universe, you've already lost. Drop out. Play videogames.
I too enjoy to watch Rick and Morty.
I know you're baiting, but there's literally nothing wrong with Rick and Morty.
What is troll shielding?
The first episodes are fine, but I had to drop it when I saw that get schwifty song.
It looks like it's heading down the same path as family guy and the Simpsons did, but at a faster rate.
Avoiding being trolled by joining a group of trolls. They think they cant be outed as a perv if they join a movement for women.
I don't know user that shit is standard for Justin Roiland.
incels are another level of pathetic. If you dont have looks you need money. If you have neither you need to kill yourself.
I honestly took for granted how good looking I am, I am a complete and utter sperg that can just about manage in social situations but get carried through life by my height and looks.