>there hasn't been a Rocket League thread in forever
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>there hasn't been a Rocket League thread in forever
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I dunno, it's been months since I last played.
Does the community still toxic?
>demoted back to plat after getting my 12th win for diamond
Wouldn't know user
>voice chat Disabled
>text chat Disabled
There's almost nothing to talk about this game besides personal experiences, its a sports game.
>stuck in plat
>my ultimate goal is diamond
>everytime I get into plat 2 it's immediate losing streak back down
I'm level 60 legend currently, 500+ hours, shit's tough now
>be level 60 something
>have over 800 hours in the game
>got past gold last night for the first time
i'm shit at the game but i love playing it for some reason
>playing triples with two shitter friends
>I'm diamond, they're both low plat, so of course we play high plat/diamond
>One friend has a baby, he bails at the beginning of a game we're up 1 point in
>We think he'll be back soon, but he doesn't return
>Me and my other friend have spot-on rotation the entirety of the match, somehow preventing this uncoordinated group of chucklefucks from getting easy goals
>We score on them, 2-0
>They score on us, one says in chat "Two more" and "we aint losing this shit"
>We hold out with clenched assholes the rest of the game
>gg ez
I stopped playing after that, the high was fucking incredible
I like to hit the big ball with my car
One time i was going fast and then i hit the ball
I have never understood one word that has ever come over the voice chat in this.
Is it just terrible?
>toxic fanbase: the game
When will they do something about it?
Switch version will come soon without any communication shit
disable chat
that was hard
900 hours here, I'm Diamond 1.
The grind is real. I'm going to be thrust back down to Plat 3 soon, I feel it.
Just gotta git gudder.
though if you get 12 wins while in diamond it don't matter cause you get diamond level rewards then
Other cross play platforms cant type to PC.
Only Voice Chat which is fucking god awful, sounds like you're listening to underwater radio, so that shoulkd've been disabled by you immediately.
Stick to Text Disabled (Quick Chat only) and Voice disabled. If you can't deal with sarcastic quick chat spam, get thicker skin you fucking pansy. Don't type to your team mates if they're bad, once you hit high plat/diamond you realise the vast majority of the player base are Gold 3 shitters and are shit at the game. Just chill out and do your best.
If I can't contend with DIamond, especially when i queue with my Diamond 1 and Champ friend, there's no way I'm hanging around in Diamond for long.
Also I got promoted so fast this season I've yet to complete 12 Gold wins, then 12 Plat and THEN the Diamond rewards.
>Play a lot when it came out
>Have a fantastic time because it's chaotic, but winning takes a lot of teamwork and set up
>Stop playing for a while
>Start playing again
>Winning has become whatever team has one guy who is better at aerials, because that cancels out 90% of the teamwork aspect of defense
I'll probably play more when the Switch version comes out so that I can play a lot of new players and get back into it.
How low rank are you?
i'll give it a go, but i'm shit at it so whoever gets me on their team, gg
I don't know if you guys are all the type to not have any toppers on your cars and whatnot because "muh hitboxes", but I like collecting everything. I hate how they did Halloween items this year, since I'm not paying for loot boxes, so I'll permanently miss out on those items (minus from the three decryptors you can get with candy corn).
But there's like 20 items you can unlock with the corn and for the ones in the boxes you can just trade for?
1 more
Just trade online you dummy
>inb4 console pleb
The halloween boxes can still drop
Rarely though, Psyonix wants to make quick bux.
The ones you buy with real money don't require keys though, if you're fine sinking MUH CASH into it.
This is the first event I haven't had any income (Quit my stress filled job and struggling to find work) and it hurts man. I have all the corn items, and my buddy gave me all his Halloween crates ready for when i can buy keys again as he has Titanium White everything from the crates anyway so needs nothing from them. He trades a lot.
If it makes you feel better I think the box items are complete trash and the whole thing is tainted by the fucking dabbing reaper goal explosion
I hope things turn around for you soon user
You know you can unlock an unlimited amount of halloween crates with candy corn, right?
>tfw hitting close to 60 hours
>Silver 4
I'm garbage at this game but damn it is actually fun
acshully, it's 9999.
>If you can't deal with sarcastic quick chat spam, get thicker skin you fucking pansy.
Or I could just, you know, like, disable it. Get better content that you spew out or stay disabled.
I like that user who play rocket league just keep to themselves. Best community desu. I'm always surprised to see that huge 40-80k twitch viewer count when RLCS is on.
Takumi reporting in. Tried to go for a synthwave-ish feel
I might get it for Switch but when I tried it on someone else's system I absolutely sucked at it. The concept is real neat and I kinda want to git gud
You hit walls like that at certain ranks but the fact that you even realize what you need to do puts you above plebs already. Dribbling and goaltending skills can get you pretty damn far even if your aerials aren't quite there yet. It's mostly muscle memory anyways. Just make sure you're positioned properly and you'll lessen the chance that you'll have a bad time.
I've used Octane since the start and kind of hate how it has become the staple "tryhard" car.
To add to this:
Positioning is everything. If you know when and where to stand, you can reach plat with only mediocre ball skills
>bought game to play with friend
>have a fucking blast, bantz with enemy team
>shitting on kids
>next day go to boot up game
>you have been banned for 24 hours
>friend was banned for 72 hours
fun is dead and it is never coming back
>buy some decryptors and halloween crates with candy corn
>open 3 different crates
>hit Jager car body, Reaper goal explosion, then Lime painted Mantis all in a row
Luckiest shit I've done in a long time. Too bad I can't trade away the Mantis. The Jager is pretty nice though.
well honestly it is one of the most balanced cars there is, if not thee most balanced car, so yeah it's the tryhard car.
2nd place goes to the Scarab, love that eggmobile
octane just feels like everybody's default imo batmobile and dominus types are the tryhard cars
theres like an 80% chance of saltmining if you What a save! somebody who uses those cars
But you can only buy 3 keys with candy corn, essentially getting 3 crate items for "free", but then you're forced to buy or trade.
i've hit it big twice, on the very first crates (champion crate series 1), i got heatwave black market, and later pixel fire boost
a few months back I got a centario, or the one that looks like a euro supercar that is in the same crate as the animus. thats the best luck i've had out of like 20 crates opened since crates came along
game died thanks to pubg, overwatch and dota
>it's a teammate calls you a shitter episode
>Being so ass blasted you disable chat
>it's a teammate doesn't move out of the goal episode
trading is easy
The only people who complain about a toxic chat are bad at the game. If you were good you would be the people you complain about
I just get triggered easily and the moment you retort the game is lost
>use decryptor
>get a titanium white mantis
tfw pick a treat but get tricked instead
>Tfw I only ever score by complete accident
At least I know there are people even worse than me.
>titanium white mantis
son thats still worth some keys, if you don't want it i'd gladly take it off ya
The best response is ":^)"
Usually triggers people for some reason
cant be traded buddy, that's the trick
my 3 decryptors got shitty rare decals out of the crates
I'm mad. They should just make a non event currency tradeable for decryptors. Make so 100 games on average can buy you one. That's around 10 hours of play.
Also they should fix their fucking servers and make it so a loss doesn't offset 2 wins and you don't get matched with teammates you just lost with.
I still feel bad for being such an asshole sometimes. I'm definitely the kind of player that people would call 'toxic'. But fuck, it's not my fault if my teammates keep fucking up. It's not my fault if I've centered the ball a million times and they keep missing. Or if I let them center it and they fuck it up by being greedy and giving the ball a weak little tap in the hope that they might center it AND score the goal (which they never do). It's definitely not my fault if they keep fucking ramming me over and over, or send the ball flying against the wall at the last moment right before I'm about to put it in the goal.
I'll just keep spamming 'wow!' and 'what a save!' over and over whenever they screw up so, maybe, they'll learn their fucking lesson this time. I'm just used to doing it now either way. It's as much a part of my muscle memory to bitch about my shitty team mates as it is to play the game itself.
being an asshole doesn't help anybody
>center ball 3-4 times a match just perfectly, opposition can't reach
>teammate completely whiffs ball everytime
>lose or have to carry
i can't fucking even. Yeah I whiff sometimes too but god damn not at that frequency.
post your best goal. webms or it didn't happen.
have a save instead
>opposing team scores
>opposing team spams "NICE BLOCK" and other shit ironically,
>opposing team spams "GG EZ" after one goal
>people are this toxic in a game for kids
Even without chat the game gets boring fast after a few games, not to mention any cool unlockables are locked behind the loot boxes
there's like 90 new items, however most of them are from trade-ins, where you put in 5 commons for an uncommon, etc.
Very nice. It reminds me of how I really need to work on my aerial game though. I struggle to turn in the air like that with any degree of precision.
here is how learning aerials goes...
>learn you can even jump
>50 hours later
>omg i actually hit the ball while it was high up!
>10 hours of playtime after that
>this will be your only aerial for the next 100 hours
>watch some youtube guides on aerials
>fail all of them spectacularly
>just get better with repetition
>200 hours later you start making them more often, have some form of control finally
>you still suck at wall aerials
>200 hours after that you still suck at wall aerials just not as much
i get aerial goals every few games now, 600 hours in
Easiest way to go from ingame replay to webm?
>game's network ran flawlessly at launch
>1st DLC pack releases
>constant rubberbanding during matches
>follow port forwarding guides and their own troubleshooting FAQ on steam discussions
>post about it giving detailed speed/ping test results and traceroute outputs
>told to refer to their troubleshooting FAQ
>200+ hours of enduring 2/3rds of matches with rubberbanding and What a save! give up and uninstall.
Sad as it was my go to game to pass the time, weird how no other game gave me network issues like this.
>people are this toxic in a game for kids
>when you realize you're getting trash talked by kids
A lot of people love it but it's not for everybody. Game sells for $15 average, items you get can be traded, can just use keys to buy what you want. Psyonix has to make money somehow and for all the free content they add they're definitely the most respectable studio with a currently successful online game.
Not sure what my best is but here's some good double taps
I'm looking forward to the Switch version later this year. Going to be cool playing against PC and Xbone players. Fuck Sony!
did someone say webms?
What you doing? Solo 3v3? Duos?
If you're doing 2v2, you're going to go up against a lot of people grouped up. Solo'ing 2v2 is cancer.
who's your favorite pro?
This is the sort of shit I'd like to accomplish. I sometimes get them out of sheer dumb luck or the opposition whiffs it into me hurtling past.
I'm still stuck at trying to do anything off the wall. Shit's disorientating as fuck.
Marky was but he sucks now
hes way too fucking good
Practice practice practice. I know it's what everyone says but that's the truth.
>using toxic unironically
You have to go back
I only started playing this around two weeks ago because I finished building my computer.
I've just been sticking to casual matches but I'm really loving it. I'm slowly starting to get better as well.
It's one of those games where the movement is so satisfying that even driving around an empty pitch is fun.
Is there a way to sell loot boxes though? I don't need these things.
you can trade with others, but its not like people want them really
Trade for items/keys on reddit
There's also the option to hide them
Only problem is people spamming blatant scams like this
Does rumble count
Game itself is fun but the matchmaking is really discouraging to me.
I play pretty bad and sometimes struggle to hit the ball even when it's just slowly rolling, for no clue how top fly properly etc and yet I get matched with people who do cool tricks all the time.
Why can't I get matched with other shitters so we can enjoy the games?
You rage you lose 1/3
*got no clue how to fly
matchmaking is broken. I'm sick of having shitters like you in my team, even in diamond you're still rampant.
I raged so i lost 2/3
Rumble counts. There's still some skill involved in between power ups, and timing is important too. I've froze many a mans balls from scoring.
all competitive games are toxic as fuck. this will never change as long as you are playing a game that is defined by your skill.
how is that your team8's fault exactly?
that game is cancer at all levels
yryl 3/3
>how is that your team8's fault exactly?
lol aerials are not even the hard things. if anything aerials are the best to block. Its the dribblers that are tough, you must be a low rank if you are getting tanked by aerials.