What are some games where I can collect and utilize rocks and minerals?
What are some games where I can collect and utilize rocks and minerals?
Other urls found in this thread:
Die you degenerate Barneyfag
dark cloud
stardew valley
Games like that tend to be a rarity, however Rust may offer that experience.
Fucking get beaten to death, faggot
minerlfag save this thread
What the fuck my man.
Literally get your head chopped off
Fucking get blown into shit
Stop posting already. Nobody wants you here.
t. degenerate
Get killed
if you don't want them to keep posting it, at least don't bump the threads when you post your images in them, you retard
literally die
fucking die
>summoning mineral bro in a thread tainted by the not self aware antibarney policeman
nah he deserves better
this thread deserves better too, and mineralman suffers whenever there's no minerals being posted
there is only one solution to this
post dogs to calm lee dogson
get hanged and die
I only have this dog
Anyone want pic full of Barneyfag info.
The fuck? Sesame street was lit.
barneyfag can not actually seriously honestly be just one guy right, it can't be one guy monitoring every thread 24/7 and have this super extensive knowledge of every single vector graphic that was ever used in any episode of MLP, every piece of MLP fan content and fan characters and what not, right.
It's some elaborate joke where one guy posts the "stealth" pony footage and then the same guy points it out, right? I mean what the fuck it's a fucking rock, I bet you a hundred bucks they reused the same graphic asset for a thousand shows
Hey Lee, I heard you're into biting.
This dog will nom on your circumcised cock you filthy jew
literally die
Or it's a bot/script/etc.
>it's a fucking rock
>I bet you a hundred bucks they reused the same graphic asset for a thousand shows
Only one show. You're clearly fooling yourself.
And what, may I ask, have you ever contributed to society?
literally die in pain