So we can all agree that streaming culture and e-celebrities are the literal cancer on society, right?
So we can all agree that streaming culture and e-celebrities are the literal cancer on society, right?
Other urls found in this thread:
kek. That's incredible.
celebrities and e-celebrities, television worship and youtuber worship, yes.
Holy shit, what the fuck is happening to the world.
as opposed to people to meme spout things from television shows
>implying this happened
Also why would anybody allow his fucking toddler to watch Youtube?
I remember beeing put into my bed when 9pm hit on the lock until i was 14.
I was allowed 30 minutes of Gaming every day and now millenials allow their fucking kids to watch fucking Youtube all day?
>My friends toddler told him he likes to watch
>What is this nu-cuck generation
Too much of anything is bad and kids will get raised by the media of the age since there’s nothing else to do
no, as opposed to saying goodbye
My friend's toddler babbled "There's no way Trump will be as bad as Caesar, right?"
I froze.
I mean sure, but no more than pop culture and real life celebrities. Nothing new under the sun.
Ah, Weimarica.
You got left in the times grandpa, things are different now
I seriously hope you don't believe this actually happened.
3 younger cousins do nothing but click click click on their ipads it's fucking insane people keep saying this newest subgen isn't fucked because we were raised by television but this shit is just fucking retarded. I got my fucking baby cousins an xbox and a kinect in hope that they would play things like just dance and minecraft (they're 7-8) and all they did was just watch youtubers play the games instead (on the xbox).
youtube is more popular than television among kids.
Just cause you had shitty parents doesn't mean everyone else did.
will kids born in the 2010s even grow to be functional adults?
Shit parents are. And I am not even trying to joke here.
Say what you want about retarded kids shows on TV, watching TV had at least one educational purpose as a kid: It taught you couldn't get everything you wanted at any time you wanted it. TV just had its merciless schedule and if your show wasn't on you could go fuck yourself. No amount of whining and crying would change it, you just had to learn to deal with it. Missed an episode of your favourite cartoon? And it was the second part of a two-parter too? Learn to fucking deal with it, because it ain't coming back for a few weeks. At best you could ask your friends what happened and hope they didn't feed you bullshit. They did.
It also taught you the value of scheduling. If your show is on at 14:30, it's on at 14:30. You better get your shit done by then, because it won't wait for you. Take too long to get home, do your chores or you plain forgot the time then you are shit out of luck.
Fuck, I remember distinctly that my drive to learn reading when I was 4 years old was because I wanted to be able to read the TV program so I knew precisely when Winnie the Poh was on. It's also why I vigorously learned reading both digital and analog clocks as soon as I was able to, I wanted to be able to tell when the stuff was liked was coming on.
Say what you want, but making this shit available to kids at any time they want it by means of DVD and streams means that this venue of natural learning is lost.
I find it believable.
No you stupid libtarded fucks. Stop thinking that it's okay for children to be exposed to fucking YOUTUBE where they can watch porn and learn about 55 genders. They're going to grow up to be retarded, you can't let kids have everything they want because they literally don't know what's good for them. This mindset of "I will get whatever I want" will lead them to drug abuse, alcoholism, and other hedonistic behaviors that give them a quick dopamine release.
I want to leave this century
I'm sorry, dude, but you need to realize that you're the equivalent of the old man going "TVs are shit, radios taught you to use your imagination"
Get with the times
back to r*ddit
it's easy for single moms to give their kid an ipad and be done with it, the kid can look after itself that way
same reason single moms can only cook oven ready-made meals and microwave stuff, it's low effort and something they can accomplish
what's better than kicking your feet up and drinking red wine, eating some chocolate whilst watching soaps? it's been a hard day at the office man, a whole 6 hours of work, single moms need to unwind
>Thread about youtube
>Sup Forumstard finds a way to start bitching about trannies
You retards are so fucking mentally ill
I was born in 1999 and I did not grow to be a functional adult, so maybe not.
No, SJW are.
Streaming culture and e-celebreties are a benign mole.
Not really. Kids gonna be kids. When I was small I loved Young Hercules and Pokemon. We all enjoy shitty things when we were children.
nigger you're 18, you're still barely an adult
don't reply
Best post of 2017. Saved.
Youtube is very popular amongst children even below 3. People these days are so distracted by their internet addiction themselves they don't even notice how they pass on the addiction to their children.
The next generation will have next to no attention span.
and now youre on here whats your fucking point?
Well you're right but I don't think I'll improve in the future either.
>Know next door neighbor since he was born
>One day comes up and asks if I can show him how to properly use the computer because all his friends talk about minecraft all the time and he wants to be able to watch it at home
>Decide to gift him the game straight up
>Two years later and he's running a big server and several smaller ones with the help of donations, with mods and special stuff and all the shebang
>All self-taught at the age of fucking 11
I'm kinda proud of him.
Not him, but are you going to tell me this is fine to see?
Would you want your kid to see this?
If TV is the thing that taught you about time management your life wasn't exactly healthy either to be fair.
People who like streamers and lets players have something wrong with them. They need supplementary yelling voices of people who may or may not be funny to accompany them. The only streams or lets play acceptable to watch are speedrunners and competitive matches.
Every time I see a family with kids on TV nowadays they have a kid under the age of 5 that's glued to some shitty tablet device watching youtube while being completely apathetic to the rest of the world.
I used to play way too much video games as a kid and in my youth too but atleast I didn't fall into an autistic rage if had to stop.
I don't mean to be that "kids these days"-guy and I'm in no place to talk shit about people with addictions but I believe we'll reach a critical mass of autists within our lifetimes.
That Sup Forums isn't shitty?
Neofag lefties detected.
Proceed to killing yourselves.
Don't forget to subscribe!
there's a difference between someone running a gaming community and doing nothing but watching streamers and retarded lets players on youtube.
If that's real it depresses me. If I ever have kids I'll never let them use the internet until they are at least 15
And that's the point.
Each successive generation is being bred to be little else than discrete sources of labor, stupefied and kept complacent by out of control hedonism, vapid consumerism, drug laden food and drink and brainwashing media.
Lazy, unfit, mentally fragile livestock that cannot even think about rebelling against their semitic masters.
And people still have the gal and the sheer ignorance to insist that there is no grand conspiracy to undermine the entire human race, when the fucking proof exists in front of their own eyes plain to see everywhere one can possibly look.
The species is doomed. Nuclear hellfire would be a blessing and a far better fate than what awaits us if this shit continues.
It is getting worse with each new generation. TV is already a detriment to a child's development, games even moreso. Youtube is the worst though, if you have ever seen a kid browse youtube you will know what I mean. It is like cocaine to them.
>using common sense makes you a Sup Forumsack
Wew, lad.
>I remember beeing put into my bed when 9pm hit on the lock until i was 14.
>I was allowed 30 minutes to play games
Did this actually happen to you? I remember when I was 13 and I flunked like 2 tests because I was too busy playing GTA 5 all night, when the game launched.
what the heck man that's not cool
>Thread about youtube
>Sup Forumstard tries to derail it into talk about trannies
As I said: Mentally ill. Just like trannies.
No, you fuck. I'm glad that we live in 2017 and I can watch anything I ever wanted at any time with just a few clicks. Technological advancement is great, but I'm wondering if we should just dump all of this on kids. Because there IS value in learning about scarcity and scheduling in a non-critical environment like watching cartoons on TV. If people can teach their kids this shit another way that's great, but let's face it: Most people are shit parents. Most of our parents were shitty too, but as I pointed out TV had some educational value. What's the value of watching youtubers do episode 7000 of a Minecraft Let's Play?
thats just as bad dipshit. this hot new thing called moderation typically works just fine
Is this video not on youtube??
Please God tell me you meant GTA 4 at least
It is not a conspiracy you fucktard. Entertainment is a business and the business that makes their customers spend the longest time on their product will eventually become the norm.
It has nothing to do with semites, it is simply a business taking advantage of our primitive brains for no other reason than profit.
>gta 5 released 4 years ago
I turned 18 in October
>13yo when gta 5 came out
the state of this board
We should all agree that giving your child an iPad on the YouTube app set to infinitely loop "children's" videos should be considered child abuse. Just sit them in front of a television, like my parents did to me.
TVs have no educational value whatsoever. If you're bitching that the kids with shit parents will have even less worthy substitutes, then fine, I guess, but a kid with good parents is gonna make it just fine in this digital age.
Self-Teaching time management at the age of four isn't exactly the hallmark of a terrible childhood.
lol i don't fucking care, you're still underage
you can learn how to play minecraft and minecraft has been proven to make kids smarter XD
and then the whole bedroom stood up and clapped
Top fucking kek, imagine brainwashing someone's kid this hard
No. See
Twitter is the ultimate (You) catcher you know.
I don't have any kids. Stuff like this is why. Fuck tecnology. We've gone far enough.
Those are the same kind of people that unironically believe in NoFap. They fap 3x a day, every day for years and then try to go completely cold turkey not realizing that normal, healthy human beings masturbate a few times a week.
At what point did you realize that your parents are not capable of fulfilling even the most basic duties that come with parenting?
Yes. Don't forget trannies breathe oxygen, so we should be bringing them up in every conversation about anything related to beings who also happen to breathe oxygen.
Also, they exist, so, really, we should be bringing them up in a thread about anything that exists.
I'm not even mad that some trannie decided to do a video about the tedious labor involved in getting a vagina.
But how the fuck will I ever be able to enjoy Star Trek Voyager again after this?!
True but usually you have you know, parents that teach you that stuff so you don't have to learn it by TV scheduling.
I just use Anonymize 24/7 and call it a day. Trips are fucking gay and have been detrimental more than helpful on most boards.
Are you implying that your childhood was normal and made you into a decent adult? Because you're stuck here browsing Sup Forums
No. The real cancer is faggots like you who makes threads with a random gaylord's twitter post like this was fucking Sup Forums.
>Kids gonna be kids.
Literally this. We all used to believe the dumbest things when we were young. The environments have changed, doesn't mean the kid won't grow up and learn the meaning of these words like everyone else.
You're just making up excuses to spout your miserable "what has the world come to???" nonsense, slowly becoming exactly what you used to hate.
Watching Tv with 4 is demonstrably bad for a child and if you can't tell that it is you should try working with children to see the difference.
Just monitor their internet use and limit their time. Not too hard.
That's not an argument retard, we were talking about how kids are allowed to see Youtube so damn much they just keep repeating everything they see in the platform
And this IS a problem
>Sup Forums is actually pro-Minecraft now
What the fuck happened
I understand it's at least better than watching E-celebs but still
This twitter screencap is clearly the symptom of a nation-wide, irreversible degeneration of millions of people
i discovered the internet when i was 7/8 and i pretty much blame it for turning me into the fucked up adult I am
can't imagine growing up with it literally from birth
Remember that non-vidya Twitter threads like this get deleted if enough people report. Do your duty.
>video game related things belong on Sup Forums
>announcing reports
>using sage as a downvote
>butthurt tranny
go dilate and cry on
>we were talking about how kids are allowed to see Youtube so damn much they just keep repeating everything they see in the platform
Right, and then you tried to derail the thread into talking about trannies because, in the platform that is youtube, with quadrillions of videos about every possible subject, you managed to find a video made by a tranny
>Just monitor their cigarette use and limit their smoking-time. Not too hard.
Debatable as to whether it is on society but within the realm of gaming it definitely is.
>the absolute state of trump's divided slaves of amerikkka
I'm not derailing the thread, i'm talking about the same fucking topic and it's repercussions, and it's not just one video user, you're delusional if you think that
my fuck, get out
False equivalence. Nice try, though.
i refuse to believe this is real
I can believe it. mainstream media in Europoor countries are reporting kids adopting American accents from youtubers.