Why aren’t colored consoles as big of a thing now compared to 15-20 years ago?
Why aren’t colored consoles as big of a thing now compared to 15-20 years ago?
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>ywn have a grey gcn controller
>the only one is a panasonic that's $80+
because they're not marketed to kids anymore
Because gaming is for adults (manchildren who don't buy anything that isn't black or chrome) now
>orange gamecube was never released stateside
Wavebirds came in grey. Inb4 muh wired
Because it did?
No it didn't. Orange controllers were sold here, but the "spice" colored gamecube never was. A quick google search or look at the wikipedia page will confirm this for you, you fucking idiot
Seems like it's not great for marketing, as nice as they look. The Gamecube had big image problems.
ironically this, grown people dont want a colorfull kiddie thing sitting next to thier stylish black tv and media-player
nobody gives a shit what color the console is unless you are like 6. what people want is games which the gamecube severely lacked
I'm still mad we never got that Spice Orange Gamecube in the west but we got the controller.
This is also the reason why it only sold 21 million units compared to the PS2s 155 million units.
>the days of weird and wonderful console designs are over
>from now on everything will be a glossy black slab or a tablet
They're probably marketed to kid more now than back then. Just look at how many kids are playing CoD and GTA.
At least we have the joycons for that spice
>colored consoles
The word "colored" is offensive to minorities and you shouldn't use it. Say "console of color" or "african american console"
PS2 only stopped being sold like 5 years ago. PS2 games weren't playable on newer PS3 models whereas the Wii invalidated the GC.
There are skins and face plates if you want different colored plastic or your favorite *smoke weed erry day* logo
Clear consoles are another trend that just disappeared. I remember seeing purple gamecube controllers that were clear/translucent on the reverse side but that was years back.
Strongly disagreed. The GC has an overall much stronger library than the N64 and I’d stack its best exclusives up against anything the PS2 offered.
Black goes with everything. A black console will not look out of place in your living room or bedroom. Having one standard color is also cheaper.
I wish we had more white consoles desu.
yup and thats exactly why it sold less than the n64 and the ps2 as well as nintendo completely ditching their fanbase for the casual crowd with the wii. you gamecubefags are so god damn delusional.
Same. The Xbone S is sexy as fuck.
>Orange looks the best
>is infact the worst
Why is this allowed?
Say what you will but the GC’s library objectively has far more variety to it than the N64 offered. It’s a very under-appreciated console. As for why sales were underwhelming, I suspect it’s mainly because Sony had the Japanese and European markets locked down hard. The PS2 essentially had a monopoly in Europe during the sixth gen.
There's like 30 different ps4 colors and skins
>ywn have another purple seethrough gameboy again
Fucking nips, hoarding the spice.
Someone get CHAOM on the line.
most of those games werent even good. the gamecube is nintendos 2nd worst console
It was also hard to compete with a console that also doubled as a DVD player, when DVDs were becoming popular.
>gamecube was some of nintendos most powerful hardware
>sells poorly compared to other stuff they made
>they go making weaker hardware
>sells like hotcakes
Fucking hell it all makes sense
To each his own. I’m just pointing out that Nintendo made a concerted effort to get a larger variety of genres on the GC. It’s by far my favorite Nintendo console.
>It’s by far my favorite Nintendo console.
>brainlet posting
You have to understand, people browsing Sup Forums nowadays didn't play on a GC
Sony had every territory locked down back then. The N64 ended up being marginally successful only because it was popular in North America. By the time the sixth gen rolled around, seemingly everyone had switched to PlayStation.
The first PS3 model released in 2006, could play PS2 games, they removed the feature to make the console cheaper to produce back in 2009, when they released the PS3 slim. And before the PS3 slim had even launched, the PS2 had sold 127 million units.
Yeah. We’ve now hit the point where the Wii was the childhood Nintendo console for a large portion of this board. Fuck.
nice meme, my brother was born in 2000 and remembers the gamecube
Young millennials and gen z actually think this shit. And people wonder why modern gaming went to shit.
The gamecube flopped, Nintendo took the gamecube hardware and upgraded it, repackaged it, and marketed it in a more family oriented way and it became one of their biggest successes. Nintendo took a failed console and made it successful.
Because they aren't just considered toys anymore.
No fun allowed, modern gamers too "mature," etc...
wow look at you, another fag born in the early 90s who thinks hes hot shit lol
All my consoles are black or black-ish anyway, even my GameCube.
And if it wasn’t black, I made it black.
>born in the early 90s
I wasn't though, kiddo.
False. Don't you see all the people claiming that Sunshine is the best 3D Mario game ever?
There are different ways to customize now
>grey gcn controller
aren't the silver ones close enough?
This is prime European Sup Forums hours though. Barely anyone over there owned a GameCube. If you want a comfy GC thread you have to wait for American evening hours.
The controller isn't that bad but why would you want a brown console? They should have made the console one of those zombie things instead.
I found a Japanese orange controller
>pc fags are so childish and immature they put rainbow colored lights and fans inside their computers
holy shit why are pcfags so fucking immature
The controllers were released stateside just not the console for whatever reason.
Spice controllers were available in the U.S. but not the console.
Brainlets love the "sleek" look so now every electronic has to be black and glossy
The GameCube honestly had the best third-party support of any Nintendo system. It gave us fucking REmake and RE4 for one thing! While it’s too bad a lot of the ‘exclusives’ eventually ended up on the PS2, you can’t deny they were significantly downgraded in the process. Sony struck gold by being at the right place at the right time, and so developers naturally flocked to them. Why bother developing for another system if the game will sell more on the PS2? The Xbox and GameCube had no hope of catching up, but that by no means made them bad systems. The GC still has one of the stronger libraries of any Nintendo consile IMO, miles ahead of the N64 and Wii U at least, and has some hidden gems like Battalion Wars, Chibi Robo and FF: Crystal Chronicles.
Image is everything. The Gamecube may have had more powerful hardware and a lower price, but it looked "childish" while the PS2 was seen as a more "cool" machine.
Well said. Sony’s complete dominance in Europe at the time can’t be overstated. The GC barely managed to sell more systems than in Japan in all other territories that weren’t the Americas.
not a console
Its the only gaming console currently out.
okay buddy
>Image is everything.
>The Wii
confirmed, nintendo fans love Penis more than anything else.
The Wii is sexy as fuck looking.
europes consumer base is roughly the same population as japans
I think you are overstating the importance of any market that is not america, japan or china
Because video games aren't solely for children and manchildren anymore
It’s really that small? I always assumed the U.K. at least represented a pretty huge market.
estern europe only has 3 developed countries that have a consumer base larger than 10 million or so. the uk is one of them, germany kind of is one, but the east had stll italian levels of income, and french people are half retarded, both of those factors retard market effects. the rest of europe is too poor to be a significant market today, and developed europe had ben even poorer than today every decade you go back
there is a reason the e.u. is failing. even today they have less than half americas per capita income in the richest DEVELOPED countries
europe barely factors into electronics/tech markets at all
I have no idea but that's why I wait until a specific game release. Waiting for Halo 6 edition then I'll pick one up. Sucks there was no BOTW Switch, but then again the Odyssey was just joycons...so that was shit. Anniversary PS4 is when I picked it up and still didn't even play a game on it until Uncharted
Damn. What a shithole.
Is this what they're teaching in American schools nowadays?
Went from having coloured consoles in coloured bedrooms to having consoles that don't look dumb in the living room. Aye, we grew up.