Underrated or Ps2 gems?

Underrated or Ps2 gems?
Looking for stuff to play on my Ps2, I've played most of the popular games. Just looking for some gems, already got Onimusha, and Tenchu.

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Urban Reign; a 3D beat em up made by Namco

Siren 1 & 2

Dark Cloud 2
Bujingai : Swordmaster
The Simpsons : Hit & Run

Ico wasn't that popular? If you haven't already played it, 11/10 story.

ask /vr/ they love retro titles

Kengo, an excellent sword fighting game with an interesting career mode.
Kengo 2 didn't have as much style though

Matrix Path of Neo
Destroy All Humans
POP Warrior Within

forgot second sight

Soul Nomad

How are the PS2 versions of Viewtiful Joe 1 & 2?

thanks to whomever recommended this game in the webm thread. this is some excellent stealthin. ill probably finally play tenchu after this.

Kuri Kuri Mix is a great co-op game

Man, the 6th gen was a great era for vidya. Also, add NBA Street Vol.2 and NFL Street for the sports section, and add Def Jam Fight for NY for fighting

evergrace, action RPG made by from. Combines elements of kings field and shadow tower, feels alarmingly like a souls game prototype. Also has a sequel that was... mediocre.

The maximo games are made by the GnG team at capcom, action platformers, really enjoyable.

Dororo is an absolute masterpiece, definitely worth playing.

Shadow of rome, if you can get past the god awful stealth garbage, has one of the most polished and enjoyable combat systems on the PS2.


Blood will tell

Battlefield 2 Modern Combat. It pioneered scenario destruction in the series and had the best OST of all the games by far.


>WipEout Fusion
>Metal Slug Anthology
This list is wrong.

Don't you need to have online to play these?

Ape Escape 2 and 3

they have single player modes too, but yes online is the meat of it.
And there's still private servers.

Ape Escape 3
Metal Gear Solid 3 Subistence
Metal Gear Solid 2 Substance
Syphon Filter The Omega Strain
Need for Speed Hot Pursuit 2 is better in PS2
Mercenaries Playground of Destruction

Urban chaos riot response

Wonder why this never came out in America.