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What's really funny is how like every major modern board game is Kickstarter based and has expansions.

Im not reading all of that. The internet has caused my attention span to dwindle to about 1 to 2 seconds.


well, he latched onto the loot box controversy and made about the most obvious comic possible

not only does he trace his shitty art, he also traces his "jokes"


Except board and card games have same shit of needing to buy extra pieces or cards separately.

but hes actually right. you cant start a thread with an actual decent comic. where the fuck do you think you are.


I swear this comic gets worse everytime I look at it.

where's the loss edit?

Some board games are just as bad with all the fucking expansion packs.

Just look at Catan

>1 to 2 seconds

Stopped reading there.


Bad board games don't get expansion packs. That's like addons for vidiya in 90s.


>I'm a fat ugly loser that has no friends so I pretend I don't want anyone to talk to me
Like every /r9k/ virgin about women

ayo hol up so you be sayin

>Implying people actually approached him before other than to make fun of him



>not much time anymore
>dont want to spend money on lootboxes, dlc and shit
>just decide to spend my money on miniature games
>don't have any friends to play them with but atleast I can paint them however the fuck I want


>"fuck yeah i'm proud the be a cuck"
every fucking time


This has to be satire. Just making fun of it all.
No one can be serious about this shit.

>the woman is fat
>because of course she is

but board games also do the money first thing

He cant be that alpha if he gets his rocks off by fucking some guys fat ugly wife.



Here's the linux version of D&D. Books cost only $5 but if you're poor as shit you can download the pdf for free.

Trust me, there's always a alternative.

as a introverted person, I get tired as fuck after interacting with friends and coworkers. I am ok with it but it's tiring. I understand the need to only enjoy yourself while in public but that dude is just pathetic.

>I'm not reading
stopped reading there


The difference is that vanilla Arkham Horror is actually fun and feels complete.

you know that mona lisa picture?
board games are still in the "the expansion is a whole new picture" era




>Linux version
Wait, so is it a book or a program? All I see on the downloads page are PDFs and Libre Office files.





Everything about that comic just makes me feel sad. Just imagining that there are people out there deluding themselves that thier miserable, failing relationship is actually healthy because the prospect of being alone is just TOO terrifying is just bleak.

>darkened pupils seem like they could only be a fanart thing
what the actual fuck
also I'm pretty sure they meant conspicuous and not inconspicuous

anyways that's a pretty good breakdown

I'm not exactly a fan of the left but right is just disgusting.

is this true, Sup Forums????


Fuckley is too retarded to realize the real red pill is playing retro games.

great cans



Fuck that's hot.


Looks like PinkĀ“s wife.

oh no

>antisocial-harpy-loli (male)

wtf I like Mike now?

but you don't need to tap your communicator to talk to the computer in a holodeck





>why do you buy dead bodies
I mean I'd kill them and eat them myself but where I live becoming a properly licensed hunter is the legal equivalent of taking the one ring to fucking Mordor and getting ground beef from the store takes about fifteen minutes. That's why I buy and eat dead bodies.

what the fuck man?


Sup Forums BTFO LMAO

Jesus Christ, where do you live? It's easy as shit in Pennsylvania.

>Right girl


>he doesn't hunt, skin, cook and eat wild rabbits
Top pleb

This one pisses me off more than any other comic that the Son of Dob has done. He walks into a store that clearly says CLOSED, and then has the audacity to think that tabletop grognards are more pathetic than him.


my dick


holy shit is this real?



Is this real? Does he really look like THAT?

It's gonna be interesting to see how board games get shit up as badly as video games.

It's an edit. The original noise is something like AWOOOGA

stopped reading becasue i know you're just formulating a shitpost opinion and therefore, has no actual merit or Nobel Prize contribution to society

The one on the right is perfect.

Triple digit IQ people prefer left.

I'm very confused but also quite aroused.

Hush, you are distracting me!



>Why do you buy dead bodies?
Because I want to eat them.
Animals are delicious. Ask them why.

>Brother and his wife get me a Settlers of Catan boardgame
>It's just one of the expansions
>I don't have the base game

what do you choose?

This will never fail to make me laugh, simply because of how stupid and ridiculous it is

>A bunch of edgy dudes are using "cuck" as an insult to describe everyone they disagree with
>Clearly the problem is that they're kink shaming actual cuckolds because they don't understand it!

>Pawning his hambeast wife off on some loser under the guise of it being a "cuck" fetish
>Frees him up to go to bars and pick up non-fugly girls
Is he secretly /ourguy/?

Holy shit, depraved society at its best.

Well they aren't board games but GW continues to raise prices on their plastic space men, and WoD has some problems trying to separate their politics from their books (usually its fine, but Beast was comically awful).
Wizards of the Coast are fine (albeit a little overpriced), as is Fantasy Flight (again, a little overpriced due to their love of fucking tokens) so its not all bad.

>why are you delicious

Post the edit

Number 2.