$60 game

>$60 game
>3 Year dev cycle
>9 multiplayer maps at launch
>Previous CoD games launched with 12-16, most 14-16 with a 2 year dev cycle

People are defending this

Other urls found in this thread:


battlefield 1 is better


>map packs and lootboxes

We also only get 1 zombies map

Wow, it's almost like Activision knows that this franchise is for dumb plebs who will eat it up regardless of how much content they strip out and sell back to them for additional fees!

It has 12 maps you retard.

BF1 is better. it's still a piece of shit though but it's got sprinkles

>boring d-day cinematic campaign

>This new patent appears to be about how Activision plans to use “tricks” in their matchmaking system to lure players to purchase more in-game items through the course of playing a game.


No one gives a shit about War

>People are defending this

Name 5 people who are doing this

its a lot harder to render old dated WWII assets than current or futuristic once because you have to render them and then wait for them to age to look like WWII shit

Yeah, it's pretty disappointing that with all the diversity of choice granted by the WW2 setting they went for the generic SPR cinematic bullshit instead. They even managed to include the generic American WW2 character tropes:
>the square-jawed, all-American hardass Sergeant
>the devout Catholic
>the Jew (who inevitably clashes with the Catholic)
>the troublemaking joker (merged with the Jew character)
All they need now is an Italian-American and a rural Southerner and they're set.

I love that shit tho

I buy cod for singleplayer and zombies.

>rural Southerner

the main characters is from texas

I'm curious as to how they'll try to coerce people.
Sending a goon in a suit and dark glasses 'round to everyone's houses to rob them?

Anyone who thinks they spent 3 years on this is stupid, they changed to cod ww2 after all the battlefield hype and infinite warfare negativity. It's so obvious. Think this might be the first cod that performs below expectations.

They're going to show other people buying & opening boxes in the background of the menus.
It also matches you with people who have better cosmetics than you to coerce you to buy more crates.

At least it's not like Exo Zombies that was added with the DLC.

Only real difference is that Exo Zombies was good.

His character description also includes
>As he had been never left his hometown, he acted naive and sheltered from the outside world
Literally a copy-paste character with 0 effort put into creating interest.

I liked it during the PC Beta.

There were (and still are) a lot of people like that in every war.

It's been done too many times though. Honestly I'd prefer it if they just left out the backstory altogether like in the old cods

you get matched with people who have stuff you dont, thus compelling them to also purchase the extra gear, or else they get constantly reminded of what they dont have

But muh boots on ground

Unless they somehow add an F2000 to WW2, I don't care enough to pay for the memeboxes.

So no Soviet front? That would be the only interesting thing.
Western front is boring.

You forgo the
>loot boxes drop from the sky for everyone to see you get the shiny thing using you as a living ad

>gun x is strong against people who use gun y which is gotten from a loot box
>activate special matchmaking which will match player who have gun x with players who have gun y

Or to give you an already implemented system, Hearthstone. People on /vg/ and some I know in real life have been claming since forever that the matchmaking feels rigged since right after changing a deck they get matched with bad matchups, but after buying stuff and make a deck with new cards they suddenly get matched with people who don't have the new and objectively better cards. Oh look, Blizzard is owned by Acitivision. Coincidence?

Bought it and have it preloaded already. This is the best CoD on PC since BO2. Glad to see a non-Treyarch dev giving PC some love this time around.

I'd rather 9 heavily polished and balanced maps than 16 garbage ones.

But the beta maps were all shit so who knows.

>they're after (you)s

>making polished maps for the base game and not map packs

user please.

Yeah asking for that many good maps is a reach. With the games that have 15-16 maybe 4 are good so with only 9 launch maps there might be 1 or 2 decent ones

People are just happy there's no wall running

Plus there's a 10th map locked behind a season pass paywall so the playerbase is fractured from the start

Wait war is back?!

Didn't like the beta, canceled my preorder

Its not the old waw gamemode

That's you personally, but on the grander scale, this sort of thing does exploit human psychology and help persuade people to buying extra shit out of envy.