Spelunky 2 is going to be the savior of gaming
Spelunky 2 is going to be the savior of gaming
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ruh roh
I didn't even know they were coming out with a Spelunky 2. I guess I'll go take a look.
spelunky 1 is legit trash
the most hamfisted bullshit RNG cancer ever
>someone who has never been to hell
>he cant even pass level 1
this and isaac are the reason we have these bullshit """rougelike""" elements in games
it is quite honestly one of, if not, the best game in the shitty, overpopulated "roguelite" gemre
Weeaboo can't into anything that aren't visual novels
it legit made my daughter cry. the RNG is way too loose, the fagget devs didn't bother to set decent boundries for it.
Was Spelunky meant to control like trash?
I loved the concept of the game, but I felt that it was an uphill battle to get the game to do what I wanted.
Hopefully Spelunky 2 won't have the same issue.
Its not trash but the RNG does remove a lot of skill from the game. Like Issac.
maybe your daughter should git gud
I'd make ur daughter cry too if you know what I mean
Spelunky is so shit, it literally made my wife's son enter a fit of primal rage. I now have to explain to the bull why his ps3 was broken
I don't know what you mean
gay ass bait mate. I don't know why Sup Forums has to white knight for a RNG shitfest that requires almost no skill and only luck and time
Only thing wrong with spelunky's controls is the climbing gloves being on constantly. It worked better in the first game where you had to press yourself against a wall for them to work.
He means he wants to stuff her in an hamburger and eat her starting with her legs
>implying that games need saving after the ride that was 2017
2017 was fucking awesome for vidya
>first spelunky thread in ages
>is full of shitposting
It's been so long since I've seen this game discussed here that my folder only has gifs, no webms
Spelunky doesn't have forced combat or sponge bosses
Did you even try to get better at it? I can't think of many platformers that control better than Spelunky does, it is one of the best most satisfying games ever to play.
The only part that is awkward for new comers is the slow walking speed and the very fast running speed, but once you get past that and get comfortable running its perfection.
I doubt that, but I'm hopeful ti will be good. It has a tough act to follow though.
I don't know why people always call this game RNG when there's really no way the game can completely fuck you over, outside of maybe getting a dark level you aren't ready for or very rarely getting parts of the level blocked off in the temple or hell, which could force you to use bombs you don't have.
If you're careful and don't waste resources basically every death is on you.
I've put in 4 hours total over the span of few years, so not really.
And yeah, that was probably my biggest problem with the controls. Falling off ledges due to walking off too slow or running too fast. That and how the ledge grabbing worked in general, but I haven't played it in years.
Might give Spelunky 2 a go when it comes out, because the series does look very appealing.
Spelunky 2 was confirmed? When did this happen?
Paris Games Week few days ago.
You mean your wife's daughter?
Plenty of people will just write off something as bad if it has any element of RNG. It doesn't matter if it's well implemented or not.
Not with that art style it isn't.
Fucking gross.
While there's certainly improvements that could be made I'd pretty much just be happy with more of the same
I've played the first game so much I have the fucking level generation memorized.
>looking to the skies
>emphasis on the moon behind the logo
We moon spelunking?
Exactly, Spelunky is no Binding of Isaac. This game is incredibly well balanced, and while it is really hard, it is pretty amazing how 99% of your deaths you understand exactly what happened, why it happened and what you did wrong. It makes you a better player to die over and over.
This balance is something I hope Derek doesn't fuck up in Spelunky 2, I'm more excited to see new areas than I am to see a game that is a much bigger Spelunky 1, the game doesn't need a billion items or even be longer. Ideally the sequel is as long as the original, but maybe offers alternate paths that lead to different ends.
is that baby hat kid?
That's adorable.
Ive played Spelunky a lot and can honestly say my only complaints are the shopkeeps blaming you for any damage done to them or their stores, like when an orange frog exploded in the black market 3 times in one day, and the Ghost making new players rush/worry. But other than that everytime I died I knew what I did wrong and got better. I can now run Hell 1/3 times and it's always fun to revisit.
>he doesn't kill a shopkeeper anyway
Learn to fight shopkeepers. If you aren't wanted by the time you're leaving the mines you're doing it wrong.
I do kill Shopkeepers now, it's easy since they have low range. But the point is their AI is just "any damage is the player's responsibility" which is stupid and can be unfair on new players.
I'd buy a Switch just to play Spelunky 2 anywhere provided the game isn't a disappointment
The ghost is a genius game mechanic and while I understand why it'd make new players uneasy and feel like they're constantly being prodded to move forward, it is absolutely vital to the game.
Everything in the game would be trivialized without the ghost, exploration would lose its bite because you'd have to make no sacrifices, you'd have time for everything and and there'd be no reason to improve as a player at being faster and more efficient at gathering gold and exploring for items.
The fault in the ghost lies in how it punishes advanced players that want to ghostmine diamonds, this is why I think the sequel needs an internal "ghost" counter, where the more time a player spends with the ghost in the map, the faster it gets over the course of the game. This would only impact advanced players that end up ghosting, since inexperienced players would rush for the exit the second the ghost comes out.
I suppose it's unfair, while it would be nice to not blame the player on environmental damage it would probably be way too easy to exploit damaging the shop without getting in trouble.
It might just be better to have the shopkeep be an unfair asshole.
Spelunky is one of my favorite games and I agree with you. Fortunately it doesn't happen too often but I personally consider it a design oversight. Not sure if the creator has said anything on the matter though.
says the pedo, HAH!
It would be really cool if not killing shopkeepers resulted in something in the sequel, I think advanced players have little reason not to kill them once they get good at the game, but some incentive not to do it would be interesting.
Say a 2nd black market entrance that becomes available by a friendly shopkeeper in the temple "stage" of the game.
Speaking of VNs, have you heard of our Lord and savior Doki Doki Literature Club?
>high school hag
>And so it begins...
I like lolis and I disagree with you. That picture is not a loli. Pic related, this is a loli.
I didn't say anything. I was just watching.
I'd like if there was some ability to get a ghost whenever you wanted instead of having to wait until 2:30
Overrated trash. All this game did was make me want to play cave story.
That too would be nice, like at the exit let the player either exit the level or beckon the ghost by pressing a button.
My bad.
my wife is asian
You're also always guaranteed a chance at Hell. You're not fucked over or restricted to certain paths like in Isaac.
Spelunky really does do RNG perfectly. Skill trumps all in that game.
Yeah, the ghost becomes more of a help than a hindrance once you learn what it does. I love it. Spelunky is fucking genius.
How are your father-in-law and your mother-in-law?
fucking wait devs i still need a couple years to finish the first one
Actually RNG in these games encourages skill/mastery of mechanics by removing your ability to depend on memorization. If you can't deal with it you're either a potato or a fucking pussy when it comes to risk management.
is it the new "i'm vegan" ?
This guy's right. The game forces yo to think on your feet.
this looks really gay.
I'll stick with la mulana, thanks.
>I will never get teamwork achievement
la-mulana is never coming out
what a disgusting abomination. at least post a decent artist.
>tfw I got it using my keyboard and controller by myself
I did it on my own. I forget how, but I know I did.
already came out, bud. spelunky is too much of a tryhard mario wannabe. it thinks it's cute and charming, but really is just hollow. it's got that offbrand feel to it.
Plug in a second controller and carry the other character. It's easier than normal single player, because you can revive your characters.
What a cute babby girl (male)
Anyone remember this cool glitch?
It's better than Mario, though.
was this the one where the shopkeepers heads would keep growing if you did something to them?
Speaking of glitches:
I wish they didn't patch out breaking through the Moai statue with the ball and chain. I loved how it gave you two ways of getting to the city of gold.
>anime poster is retarded
it's like pottery
They didn't patch that out. When the glitch was discovered they patched in a visual graphic for breaking the moai statue, that's all they did.
I think they patched out getting the helmet. Maybe.
I might be mistaken.
>that nose
>going after gems n shit
This has potential to be the greatest game ever, I hope they don't fuck it up. I can't remember the last time I've been this excited for a video game.
M for MONTY.
I love his art.
Wew, good to know I'm not the only one who thought that.
I have like a 90% hell success rate when I'm just 5rying to finish hell. Git gud
I bought the game yesterday and I'm wondering if the game has a ending? Never play a rougelike game before.
whose the semen demon on the right
Hey user come outside we have a sick unmarked van out here come check out the water bed in the back
Yes, it has an ending. Dumb question.
I'm a lolicon but posts like these still manage to make me deeply concerned.
Kill yourself
Does the game give more stuff to do after you beat it?
There's Hell, which is a super hard secret level that you can only get to by reaching certain requisites