*breathes in*
*breathes in*
Lol at multiplayer being called "additional benefits" when it's literally the only reason people buy ps+
That's really bad.
Sony lost touch or are they just retarded? What a fuckload of shit games. It pretty much just playing for online at this point.
>It pretty much just playing for online at this point.
Be honest. Do you know a single person who buys it for anything apart from multiplayer?
Haven't played worms in years, going to give it a cheeky tru.
October had MGSV and Amnesia collection, nothing great but actual games at least.
At least there's Bound, that game looked neat I guess, fuck this is such a shit month though.
>not putting up Gravity Rush: Remastered in an effort to get people to buy GR2 before its servers close
Geez Sony, why do you hate your own IPs so much.
PS4 and Vita owner here. I primarily subscribe for the monthly games and extra discounts. Nearly my entire Vita library consists of PS Plus games.
Apparently they game a few good games for september and october, that might make people see the paying for online in a different light, m8ght make it look worth it.
They didn't bother to put it in to promote GR2's launch, why would they bother now?
Bound is ok I guess, no AAA game this month, maybe December will be better and of course those insane sales before christmas
>xbox gets the best game ever made
>playstation gets nothing but trash
MGSV was last month plus the Amnesia Collection so that was pretty decent.
Yeah, I fucking expected that to happen the month before 2 came out. How can they be so incompetent?
Worms is cool. Been meaning to pick up a copy of it for a while.
Still been a shitty year for PS+ games on the whole.
Last 3 months were second son just cause 3 and mgsv
What's with the drop for november sony you niggers
I never touch the multiplayer. I only sub for the games. Just like , my vita is full of ps plus games. Having shit ton of random indie games for the vita is pretty nice to have though gotta admit, it's been shitty for the ps4/ps3.
I have absolutely no idea.
I had already bought the GR1:R by then and I would've been perfectly happy if they included it, just so people could've gotten some hands-on time with it.
GR2 probably wouldn't have been a complete flop if they did.
It was. And september was also pretty good. So now this shit feels like a dud. I mean, the leak looked so bad it couldn't be true....yet it was.
these were fucking terrible.
>second son
if you somehow never played this before now it's easy to imagine you living off of cup ramen and recycled soda cans.
>just cause 3
fucking garbage. just not a good game.
it's a great game that no one has ever finished because it's fucking terrible past the Metal Gear fight and the story is retarded and nonsensical. also everyone played this two fucking years ago.
there was no "drop' for november. the quality has been shit. shit. shiiiiit.
lmao this shit certainly explains the double price cut sale for ps+ owners
>play bound in vr
>ended up staring in the background and went full /p/ instead of playing
At least they were 60 dollar games and not 4.99 indie garbage
>horizon for 30
>deadpool for 10
I hate plus but, it's beneficial sometimes.
You can only really get the best out of PS+ if you're perpetually subscribed, since in a few years you basically get all the big titles and even a few niche ones for free or at less than half the price, and as many people already mentioned, the Vita is possibly the one with the best deals.
From my personal experience though, the best PS+ deals are usually on the JP one, there's one NIS campaign right now with absolutely crazy discounts on most of their titles, even recent ones like Cladun Sengoku or The Princess is Money Hungry, which cost around 2500Y.
It's not as good as it was back in the last gen, but it's also not as bad as you might think, the real problem is that again, you only realize how much value is in PS+ after quite some time and there's a lot of high and lows, but the same can be said of most gaming online services with subscription bar Steam.
Suck a cock, are you really comparing triple a games, that usually cost 60 petrodollars to garbage bin worms? The fuck do you want? Games released this month for free?
With fucktards like you it's hard to take ps plus criticism seriously.
Just because you have already played second son and MGSV does not make them terrible. They were good games. And I'll still take Bound and Worms than some of the shit months we've had this year.
Yeah, I own a Ps4 and this is a pretty shit month.
The only remotely ok game in the entire list is Worms.
>buying meme femimist games
kys senpai
>facebook comments on playstation page are defending this
Jesus fuck fanboys are the reason we get fucked by corporations
Until Dawn for free is pretty neat. I'll be picking that one up at least.
Deadpoll is not that bad
The sales were unironically better before PS+
Now its just 30-50% price cuts only.
>R-Type Dimensions for PS3
Whoa a PS3 Plus game that doesn't look like complete shovelware for once. Is it good? I've never played any R-Type, I've always been more into vertical shooters like Raiden and MUSHA more.
Don't get meme'd into playing bound. It is the pinnacle of style over substance.
>forced sections where you play as a pregnant woman SLOWLY walking on a beach for some reason
>pregnant woman sections really slap you in the face with their ps1 era graphics while the game itself has a beautiful style
>you need to fly over every level after beating it to take in how pretty it was even during a speed run and the timer counts down during it
>you select what order you play levels but it affects nothing, but it forces every level to be super easy since it could be your first
>final level / boss is a cutscene of a 20 second conversation
>slapped in the face with super deep story/meaning which any first grader can decipher after the first level
>the different dancing styles showed off in the trailer are all for show and don't affect control as advertised. only reason to use the dance at all is to cancel into the mario 64 long jump
At least it looks pretty most of the time
>dad buys f13th for ps4
>finds out online is no longer free on the same day
Fuck microshit for starting this
Didn't know Deadpool was considered a feminist game.
What's feminist about Horizon? Oh wait, you didn't play it and is just puppeting things you've heard like the sheep you are
>Shoving That's You for the 3rd or 4th time
For fuck sake give up already. No one gives a shit about your dumb phone game
He must be talking about Deadpool
I feel like they deliberately put out actually reasonable games around the time they hiked the price up, so people would be more persuaded to resubscribe
Fanboys create an echo chamber of praise where any valid criticism is ushed.
Then retards like make any valid criticism be associated with these faggots that complain for the sake of complaining.
The end result is that the sane consumer is fucked between fanboys and crying children.
>tfw subscribed until dec 18
Surely there's bound to be one game that makes it worth it
Yet for some reason Horizon isn't on sale in EU
>I get to save my money for another month
Looking to cash in on PS+ Black Friday deals like last year.
I nearly got memed into renewing membership after last months good free games. Glad I waited to see this one
Until Dawn: Rush of Blood.
Not the normal game.
It is a VR light gun game that so on rails that you are literally riding a rollercoster to the end. Which is like 20 mins away.
never in my fucking life pay for plus every time a game i want comes i just make a disposable account use the 14 day trial play the game and then delete the shit when i finish the game
well no shit.
It looks like another fucking Artsy Fartsy pile of shit like so many other "games".
Until Dawn itself was free in July, this is the VR game.
MGSV alone made me try buying ps plus to see if it's worth it.
So far I've spent hours just playing bloodborne multiplayer but paying for online, no matter how cheap it is, is something I wont do again. MGSV is still waiting to be installed, so lets see. Still have one entire year so let's see if I'm renewing this after this year....but from this month games, no.
I would have bought Horizon if the bitch wasn't ugly af desu. I'm sure I'm not the only one. Bitch is too ugly and annoying to play as, looks like Canelo Alvarez. I'm sure they lost sales because of that bullshit.
You buy games so you can play as a beautiful girl is that what you're saying?
fucking faggots
What the fuck is this fucking bullshit?!
nah but I don't wanna be looking at an ugly ass stronk whamen because muh sjw pandering (with probably an equally annoying story) for 30 hours straight
>lets give mgsv and worms, then amnesia and bound so we can space out irrelevant shovelware with proper games
>lost touch
It's not that. They just don't have to give out desirable games because they have people by the balls with paid online.
No m8, dont deflect, you're one of those faggots that wants to be a women, fucking degenerate transkike
Like what the fuck? You can play Worms on literally anything. Why would I be happy with fucking PS4 version for fuck's sake?
Every month I check PS Plus and every month I am disappointed because it's either games I already have or it's indie garbage
Do you think sony is actually thinking about the reaction to this or like said, fanboys are making any criticism void while people that criticize everything are making this irrelevant crying?
>mfw I cancelled my PS+ last month
Sony doesn't give a shit because
And that fucking game is 30 dollaroos, holy shit. People still care or pay for that?
>there was a price increase for worms and bound
I hope sony fanboys are better than nintendo fanboys and actually criticize sony for this.
Did they just leave out PS3/Vita since it's trying to push PS+ for PS4, or is Sony finally skimping on PS+ further and dropping legacy platforms from it?
Who cares, the people that pay for will never stop and MS started all that shit so it will never end.
PS3 already got all good games in the past same with Vita and what's there to put up for PS4?
But PS+ discusisons are retarded anyway, one month everyone is fine with it because some decend games are there and then one month later they once again act like it's the worst thing ever.
Yet noone says shit about MS for starting it all even during the 360 days and multiplayer is still free on PS3
I took a quick visit to the PS4 subreddit and the response there is lukewarm at best.
Man, I feel more and more glad I never gave Sony money for PS+ after the PS4 came out.
Former, though PS3 usually just gets legit shovelware (at least we get R-Type this month) and Vita gets tiny indie games that have cross play with PS4 anyways so it might as well just be an extra PS4 game.
damn. when I joined PS+ years ago I got Kingdom's of Amalur, Metro: Last Light, Battlefield 3, and Dragon's Dogma all months apart. what the fuck is going on? I guess since people have to pay now for online they don't care anymore
>Yet noone says shit about MS for starting it all even during the 360 days
Yes they do. Sup Forums has never stopped giving M$ flak for it.
They really ought to just quietly drop PS3/Vita from the line-up and give one PS4 retail game, and then two indie-shit titles, with one needing to be crossbuy to maintain legacy-platform holders.
Same. They were actually angry and criticizing this month line up.
>increase PS+ costs
>game offerings still garbage (MS slowly eclipsing them + backcompat bonus for current platform)
>download servers the slowest of the current-gen platforms
>doing fuckall about the msg spam bots
Being first place from the get go this gen is really getting to their heads. A shame the Xbox One is weak as shit hardware, since MS has been bending over backwards to improve its OS, online services, and feature list.
I never owned a ms console so don't call me a fanboy, but it's unfair to blame ms for this.
No one forced sony and now even nintendo to ride this train. They could be the exception and win consumers for it. Instead of doing things in a different way they decided to do the same.
Isn't "That's you!" free for 3rd month in a row now?
I'm more interested in the discounts and the ps3 and vita games at this point honestly. At least ps3 got Tokyo Jungle a while back, which was great
>one month everyone is fine with it because some decend games are there
There hasn't been that 'one month' in over 2 years
Not even him, but you need to settle down retard.
>he has to pay to play multiplayer
PS+ has been like this literally every month ever since its been required for online
Why the fuck would they incentivize you buying a server you have no choice but to pay for?
Jesus Christ, fuck this industry for accepting this kikery. I don't want to pay for online and those shitty games are not even free for real.
>half the game is tedious bullshit
>makes you replay it 6+ times in annoying as fuck speedruns for the plat
I fucking hate Western games so much
You're right. I'm sorry. Now I agree with him that horizon is sjw pandering and I was wrong for thinking otherwise.
>I'm more interested in the discounts and the ps3 and vita games at this point honestly
If you've owned a Vita the past year you've already seen the entire Vita catalog on sale.
And here I was about to pick it back up for some free vidya.
>mfw bought a 1 year sub because I thought I'd use it for fighting games
>bored of SFV
>complete shit at KoF and GG
>UMvC3 is a ghost town
Pic related, it's how I feel every month when they announce the """"free"""" games
>tfw keep waiting for something worthwhile for ps4 and just keep having buyers remorse whenever I think about it.
remember that asshole a while back trying to tell everyone that the next set was gonna have Bloodborne?
>lost touch
bruhhhh go fucking look at the psplus games the past 2 years beginning from like April, 90% dislike ratio on youtube. They finally gave out like 3 real games this year
>buying horizon
>not just buying one three month sub for whenever you want to play with a friend every other year
PS+ for a year is a scam because there isn't any good multiplayer games.
>World ended because of angry white males
>Thankfully muslim scientist woman in a burkah found a cure
>But angry white men didn't like it, so she had to wait until girls ruled the world, so they can yes kween slay all the dinos away
>Also for every robo-dino fight you stealthkill 500 shitty men
This is the entire plot of the game, I'm not even exaggerating
You guys fail to realize that these games aren't the only ones, and they also let you download some of these on Vita and PS3.
I love taking my Vita with me and that Worms game could be fun af on the train.
I however haven't bought PSN+ in over a year because all of these games truly are terrible and they aren't free, but rented. As soon as the membership ends you can't play any of them. It's a shitty system.
Only time I'll be buying membership again is next year for Monster Hunter World and once it's out on PC probably never again until a multiplayer game comes out.
I despise PSN+ and any kind of paid online. Don't forget, Nintendo does this shit too and they give FUCKING NOTHING to the player for it.
White people can't make good videogames