*20 year old game

*20 year old game

>original OoT Link artwork
>the console color scheme

All they have is the 5 series, can you really blame them?

>living in a place with a high concentration of niggers
lmao @ your life

>People will actually buy this
Bad; but ok, you do you
>People will actually buy this off of scalpers for a higher price

it's a digital copy too
so generous

>fucking old 2ds instead of new 2ds xl
Why don't they sell products they invest time and resources in?

Ocarina 3D is not 20 years old.

Should i play ocarina of time on an N64 emulator or get the 3D remake on 3DS off FBI?

that color scheme looks like it was meant for donkey kong 64

Nah, the whole point of a 2DS is to have the cheapest video game gift possible for little Billy.

If they want to make money why not port it to the Switch? Or does that come later? Also it's not even a *New* 2DS. Why?

As much shit as I get for living in the middle of fucking nowhere in PA, having no niggers around is so worth it. It's always peaceful and people are nice. Hell, it's so safe around here that I don't even even have to worry about locking my doors at night or when I'm out.

I'm actually pretty shocked they haven't done this sooner. Would entice me more if it was A Link Between Worlds though. Don't care for Ocarina of Time all that much.

Jesus, I hope no one buys one of these things. i was stupid enough to think it would be comfortable, and it was only like 50 bucks. boy was I wrong. feels like chinese knockoff trash compared to the new 2ds xl.

The 3D remake is great but the original is still just as playable now as it was when it came out

always looked like shit even compared to its contemporaries so if you care about that play 3D

>tfw the OOT remake gets the best and worst special edition consoles

You've never met a rabid collector before, have you?

>OG 3ds
is that the worst one you're talking about?

Yes. Still the best looking special edition though.

Man, this shit is the real reason I'm mad I got a launch 3DS. I can take getting burned 80 dollars for a system that's lasted me 6 years and counting, but fuck if I didn't want this thing bad immediately.

3D remake has 30fps versus the originals 15-20fps if you want that.

>not ALBW

Wasted opportunity.

>Lost stylus

Mine got stolen from my draw at work 4 years ago...

Not my beauty shots, just pulled it off Google. Still got mine, as retractable as ever.

last year was better IMO desu

Looks like shit and it's not even a 2ds xl

They can get away with it because they're known for making ever-green games. TLOU and Halo just don't have that same lasting power.

>Super Mario Odyssey Switch bundle ($379.99)
I'm guessing the extra 20 is for useless crap I don't care for. Passing this year.

Halo is an evergreen game, if 343 doesn't fuck up porting it.
And nowadays Sony bundles TLOU with ever console, which is kinda weird when you recall that it's a M-rated game.

should have come with OOT, MM, ALBW and TFH. that would have been at least somewhat worth it.

3ds remake has slightly better character models and some small visual touches that make the game a bit better to play and look at. Though it does censor like two or three spots in the game by removing the blood stains but it is a slight nitpick and you'll most likely won't even notice it if it was still there. Also n64 emulator runs like ass.

We'll be having plenty of confused parents now who will mistake this for BOTW

that looks so lazy.

> (OP)
>do people other than blacks shop on nigger friday? I mean the chaos of fighting over that $20 blender with some nigger just isnt worth it.

Like every other 2DS "special editions".

No, seriously, what?
Nintendo JUST released the New 2DS XL or whatthefuckever.
And now they decide to release a limited edition OF THE OLD (by the way superior) 2DS DESIGN??
Are these people for real?
I do not understan.

wow. it's green. yay.

Just another quick cash grab for the holiday season

>tfw know a little billy
>give him my shittiest games i wont ever play

get the gamecube n64 version. has masterquest.

I still use that, haven't upgraded to new 3ds. The cost isn't worth the upgrade for me

2DS is half the price of New 2DS
they are trying to get impulse buys

Why is the 2DS so fucking ugly
What were they thinking with this
If you don't want 3D just keep 3D mode off

>still enjoys them and explores every single nook and cranny and has fun

meanwhile you'll be whining about amazing games on Sup Forums because you're a jaded faggot.

The 2ds is for poor kids and that's who will buy

Billy im sorry

it's okay. just don't be so jaded, unca user. :)

I have a 2ds. There was a few games on DS I wanted to play and I wasn't going to spend (relatively) big bucks on a new 3ds xl or shit just to play a couple of different games that I might not like.

>He didn't get the New 3DS (regular/comfy size) when it was only $100 last black friday

I warned you niggers.

It's the same game with a new paint

Wait what the fuck happened to that New 2DS they're replacing the axehead with

>not using a flash cart to play masterquest on your n64

>tfw my friend unironically collects all 2DS/3DS variants

>pre installed

fucking trash

give me physical or go die

I've used both (along with a n3ds small) and vastly prefer the old 2ds, it fits my hands perfectly

shit colour scheme tho, patrician 2ds are the translucent ones

>Could have been a 2DS XL
>Old shitty 2DS


3D also has master quest.

>the fucking standard 2ds instead of the one that folds


>nintendo sells 3ds for 79$
>b-but it sold more than 300$ ps4 you sonygro!!!!!!!!

The state of nontendo toddlers

are you this retarded or don't know how black friday works

>bothering with a flashcart when you can just put it on your console's microsd


I kind of want this on the basis that it reminds me of my old gameboy color.

The remake is just a port with better graphics. They play exactly the same.

>Its the old model 2DS
>Not the New 2DS XL

Nice Try Nintendo. It should've been phased out already months before New 2DS XL came out so we would've got that along with OOT 3D.

I think theres those carts you can get on N64 where you put the ROMs on the SD card and then put the card in the cart so you play the games on your N64.

Yep got myself one last year and mine is pic related. Best 3DS model as well.

I haven't owned a DS in years and I pre ordered one of these the other day to go back and play all the games I missed now that I have the money to buy them, I think the pokemon design is a little funny, but the inside is just a nice solid red, and over time its grown on me

>Ocarina of Time 3D
>flagship title for 2DS

Am I the only one?

Super cheap to make. Much cheaper plastic and only one screen.

Fuck you gay

But Persona Q had the best

How comfy is this thing in your hands?

Looks like it might be awkward on your wrists to try and hold this thing at a visible angle.

Its actually not bad. Just dont play monster hunter with it though because the triggers are dog shit.

Yeah they don't play exactly the same when you're in the water temple and switching out those iron boots, bucko.

Fucking reddit console