>In any case, Ubisoft's statement suggests that the game using the "full extent" of the CPU at those base requirement and settings levels is by design and not the result of DRM. Ubisoft's promise of "steady 30fps performance" notwithstanding, that level of CPU maximization would leave little room for the game to steadily adapt if and when scenes get more crowded or complicated, which could lead to performance dips. DRM or no, it seems that Origins players may want to invest in a beefier-than-expected CPU to run the game smoothly.
In any case...
>it's not the layers upon layers of drm guise honest!
>Steady 30 fps
heh nice one
>muh master race
>steady 30 fps performance
top kek
>release an un-optimized game
>pretend it's un-optimized by design
nice damage control
>In any case, Ubisoft's statement suggests that the game using the "full extent" of the CPU at those base requirement and settings levels is by design and not the result of DRM
>"Don't worry about the DRM, it's just that our game is poorly optimized"
Great job, Ubisoft
>30 fps is enough
>don't worry about the DRM checking the DRM running the DRM, it's just our pajeets in Mumbai are so shit they can never make our AssCreed games not run like shit (they're paid to poo out code not to optimize it)
But didn't people report that performance decreased after the additional DRM was added?
It's pretty sad that all these fucking newfags are too dumb to notice even the most obvious marketing attempts.
>Ubi says
Virtual machine tanking cpu, everyone who used it knows this abd they pretend it's not true
Nah man this thing that has ti run in the background gives you more fps xDDD
Anybody got that "power saver" thing you plug in?
This makes me want to vomit. Hope Vivendi liquidates the company.
>you don't gain that much from 60 fps it doesn't look like the real thing
what did they mean by this?
So it's their terrible optimization, then? I don't know which one is worse, honestly.
Haven't people already performed tests that clearly state the excessive drm is causing massive CPU usage?
Their target is 30 fps on systems. So for them it is fine.
If high FPS doesn't look like the "real thing", then why does virtual reality require very high frame rates to seem realistic?
These people are retarded.
there isn't a single benchmark that demonstrates this
Sup Forums is the story of the boy who cried shill. At some point, it just stops working, even when there's legitimate Sup Forumsiral going on.
So people's cpus are locked in at 100% and max power consumption for just 30fps. And it has nothing to do with DRM? Gosh golly I just dont think our inferior technology is cutting it anymore these days. Guess I need an NSA supercomputer rig to keep up with Ubisoft's cutting edge graphic advancements.
>steady 30fps performance
>no guys its not the drm we are actually this bad at optimizing our games!
tfw you get shot on the foot so you take the gun and shoot yourself on the other foot so the pain is divided by both feet and you feel less pain.
I honestly have no idea who to believe here
Both the asshurt crowd of piratefags and Ubisoft PR have reasons to lie
What the fuck are you on about?
Not replying doesn't make the shill go away, they are fucking paid to make threads and post, they will bump threads on their own regardless of anyone replying or not.
>If 3D is 3D then why do I need 2D glasses to see it
It's because VR is a fake gimmick like 3D
t. Brainlet
until a cracked version of the game is released, we won't know for sure
>Fuck me in the ass please I'm such a gigantic faggot
No thanks.
>steady 30 fps performance
fucking genius
>Ubisoft admitting they're a bunch of failed movie makers instead of game devs
everyone whos upset about videogames is a mentally ill freak. i bought it and get an average of 40fps in cities at 4k with a 1080 and i7 4790k. the optimization isnt amazing but its not that bad either for a game thats biggest draw is GRAFIX.
Yes we do kn0ow for sure, nothing is free and both denuvo encryption and fucking vm cost performance.
This game maxes a fucking i7 7700k faggots
Boring brainlet non-reply
>it seems that Origins players may want to invest in a beefier-than-expected CPU to run the game smoothly.
>upgrade! your equipment is old to our newest technology!
every single time
>Oh god please *spreads ass* mark me with your cum
Dude, fuck off seriously.
almost like videogames are an industry trying to sell shit to children and autistic people
>the state of western society
All that cuckold propaganda needs some heavy processing power.
Because even the PC tries to kill itself.
*yawn* I'm to smart for this 'discussion', brainlet
>Upgrade your hardware and pay more for your electicity bill so our shareholders can seep better in their 5 million dollar villas
>btw it's totally not DRM, we would never lie to you :^)
thank christ im not a hideous mutant so i dont have to spend my life locked in an endless battle against videogame companies
>Expect WE WUZ posting around E3
I do it for free
please tell me this isn't real
>Buy PS4 in 2013
>Enjoy all great jap games without problems in a physical format offline
>Buy 3DS in 2012
>enjoy 5 years of good games and the option to pirate, or at least you can find physical copies for cheap used
That's why I only buy japanese shit. I know they are treating me like an autistic child but it's the lesser evil
The WE WUZ really backfired though, they had to censor WE comments on yt and every shill forum.
Mods here banned WE posts in the days leading to release as well.
Jesus Christ, user.
considering the marketing team browse Sup Forums they did that on knowing it would cause storm... but they thought Polygon and IGn would write about the "WE" episode
Thankfully they didn't so their game got less free advertising
Ubi hit me up for a job, I'll shill the fuck out of your games for you.
burn the western industry to the ground
>*Starts winking butthole* it craves for cock user fuck my shit up
Disgusting. Blocked, filtered and reported have a nice life talking to yourself autistic faggot.
I doubt WE was actually for advertising.
In no world is that something that would get you sales, people hate revisionism and especially the "we wuz kangz" niggerwash.
The game isn't steady 30fps on consoles though.
>DRM or no, it seems that Origins players may want to invest in a beefier-than-expected CPU to run the game smoothly.
this. THIS is what chaffes.
>no no no, its not their fault, now go buy a better cpu if you want to play the game, doesn't matter what you already have, go buy a better one, buy buy buy, hurry
>super saiyan 3 poster on the left side.
>looks like AC Unity special edition on the right side
The state of modern man.
>it takes away from the cinematic experience
I thought I was playing a game not watching a movie
What's wrong with Goku? I'm sure he didn't pay over 800 bucks for a poster
Why the FUCK is 30 FPS acceptable in the current year of our lord anno domini 2017 iesu christi hallowed be His name?
God damn I can't wait for this shitty dev to go under.
I think it would get a lot of free ads to them
Does Ubishit expect people to believe that shit?
Black Desert is completely seamless with no loading screens too, it maxes out at around 60% usage on an i7 4790.
Because the vast majority of people prefer graphics over framerate
ac:o 100% cpu usage with 4790?
ACO hits 100% usage on a fucking i7 6700k.
>Assassin's Creed Unity is likely to perform on an outstanding level either way
oh man
AC IV had better graphics than origins
Ubisoft is not retarded. They wouldn't admit their shit Denuvo combo is frying CPU
But you shouldn't have to choose between one or the other. 60 should be the minimum target framerate by now. It would be like if 720p was still the acceptable standard for resolution. PCs are moving on to 144hz for fuck sake, consoles are still stuck on 30.
>Its not the drm its just the game itself being unoptimize like shit
Did they really just say that
>without problems
Is that a joke?
you expect people to pay attention to this shit? come on. Redditors love shills man
Why it need a beefy cpu? Does it run in DX8?
Breakpoint on the API hook. Interrupt and look at the stack, record the caller (will be an interesting address). Look at how much time it's spending in the routine using a profiler. There's your VMprotect overhead.
It's not very surprising if it's tanking the performance given that VMprotect's API is being called, with barriers, in the inner loop of the blocking main engine thread.
Denuvo doesn't really seem to have an impact on this, so technically Ubisoft aren't lying by literally saying the "anti-tamper" has "no perceptive effect" - VMprotect isn't the anti-tamper/checksum/watermarking part, it's the code obfuscation/crypter part.
You're not supposed to use them together. It makes them both more easily breakable, especially since it's calling out.
Until a 100% is released, sure. A lazy cracker could just nop out the nasty stuff from VMprotect, forget about the watermarking and call it done, win a race, but that wouldn't remove the performance overhead.
I've always favoured the PROPER over the quick'n'dirty, but that's why I'm not working for the Chinese lol.
Only numale faggots hate Dragon Ball.
scene groups aren't "asshurt piratefags" retard
they see this shit as a challenge and they're the ones claiming it's the DRM that's the problem
It doesn't "need" a beefy CPU. This is a 3570k and I'm happy with the overall performance.
It just fully uses all your cores most of the time because reasons.
Are shitty launches a marketing ploy at this point? They're so common.
>69% GPU usage
Dumbfuck, that's called a bottleneck, and looking at that frametime graph that shit stutters like a motherfucker due to the insanely high CPU usage.
Also, why does it looks so awful?
I wonder how they'll react when the cracked DRM-free version runs better than the retail copy
They certainly are with Ubisoft. Hardly new.
Getting the internet to say something vaguely racist/sexist and then calling everyone who dislikes the game a nazi is now a legitimate marketing strategy.
There are suits with a flipchart talking about it in a boardroom somewhere right now.
give me a fucking chance here, i'm waiting on ReNuVo to finish first to nuke the checksums
How new are you to this whole piracy thing?
They never remove the DRM, they emulate the flags which tell it that he version is legit.
>ubisoft has either made the single most unoptimized game in human history, or they haveso much drm, it maxes out the top 5%~ of modern day chipsets
Yeah no shit. Again, I'm happy with the performance.
>980 Ti
>60 FPS with tons of stutter in actual gameplay at 1080p
>"I'm happy"
Imagine being this much of a cuck.
There's no stuttering. The gameplay is really smooth.
Don't bother.
People like him have developed a taste for the smegma ridden publisher dick.
It is their caviar.
>There's no stuttering.
The frametime graph in says otherwise.
Even in the screenshot I can see the frametime is 20.9 ms as opposed to the ~16 ms it should be at that framerate, indicating stutter.
I don't think you understand what "stuttering" is.
>still no crack
Clearly you don't know what microstutter is.
>There's no stuttering.
>There's no stuttering.
>There's no stuttering.
>There's no stuttering.
>im so fucking retarded i post evidence of my own lying
im going to protest the drm by pirating it
isn't real
bit in fact is