/bst/ - Battlestation Thread

Post Yours user



Peep, nigga.

Good albums
Bat is great

are you gay

Reffering to the curtain? About to change it, just moved.


I was just asking. its cute

Thanks Famicon

>Gamer chair
>Shitgatari wallpaper
>Blue snowball
>Framing shitty anime and shitty albums
>Fucking GoT poster
holy shit dude
i think the only way your battlestation can be worse is if you had some funko pops laying around

I love John Wick but honestly that poster is so bad. Keanu looks like a better version of Steven Segeal.

Pic Related, best John Wick Poster

I refuse to believe that you are the same person always



Honestly it was tough finding a good JW2 poster, I've never even seen that one you posted


I will make a collage of pictures of the whole room one of these days. I swear on me mum.

Even better. Actual figures.
Get triggered (^:

cool with everything except the jason vorhees obsession
what the fuck

>All of this anime shit

Jesus Christ people, what do you guys do when you bring a girl over?


>what do you guys do when you bring a girl over?

I bring girls over that have some semblance of nerdiness. So I know if they say a single word I'll give her mountains of shit for her scene-girl past, imvu addiction, and erotica collection

This guy doesn't look white. Probably from brazil or spic speaking country.

You guys ARE getting laid, right?

Haven't posted ITT but I desensitized my gf early on. No anime shit, but I have a bunch of toys from various shows and IPs I grew up with. Showed it to her I think on date 3. She knew what she was getting into.

2 years later she admits she hates it but the secret is to get it out of the way early.


Not in this lifetime, pal.

thx for laugh


i have in the past but i don't have time to put up with a bitch i don't like just for some pussy


Close but not cigar.

I'm Hungarian (and white).

How old are you guys and are you still a virgin?

20 years old.
Virgin by choice, as memey as that sounds.

23 and yes because I am a Christian and do not want to have premarital sex

22. Lost at 16.
It probably helped that I'm black.


That's a pretty bullshit excuse. I have mantits and phimosis, get on my level.

What the fuck are you doing on this board dude? This place is only for losers.

I'm am a loser look at my degenerate anime. I was the album/poster post.

I don't give a shit, you can't be here if you're not a virgin, what the hell man.

I wanna post one because I recently got a bomb ass pc and have a 15 year game collection on my shelves but you guys would judge me for my taste in books

pls no bully

>Sup Forums
>Judging books
Who in the fuck actually reads here?

>needing lotion to fap
cutlet spotted

Don't reply to the furry homosexual, he's gonna shit up the thread for the 30th time.


I'm triggered at how you wrap your headphones

Is that the Nyko switch dock?

yes, but you're a fucking dumbass if you let a girl know where you live.

>It probably helped that I'm black.

what do you mean? you can run faster so it's hard for them to get away?

dude, you deserve better speakers

My bad
No its the replacement case that requires you to gut your own switch dock

Having some money issues at the moment, I will get studio monitors for music production at some point.

H-H-Hewwo OwO

>T. 12 year old
That's a playroom, not a battlestation.

Go easy on me

Are those girl pills

nice autism medications


They're boy pills!

A literally 15 year old's room.

but I turned 18 2 weeks ago UwU


Back to facebook you fucking underage South American.

>what do you guys do when you bring a girl over?
I live alone and have a dedicated study room for my set up, so I never have to encounter that situation. All my other rooms are done up to a "mature" standard.

It was fine until I noticed he printed the feels meme guy on his wall



>Not the most 12 years old thing there is
This is why you were bullied in school

>It probably helped that I'm black.
Rape doesn't count, Jamal.


Why is that?

Thanks for the (You)'s boys.

Here's my desk the right way

>The right way
>Still a clusterfuck

I've seen you in several threads before. Are you shitposting?

no OwO

But my dog is good.

Cats > Dogs

Okay, but like, my dog is good. Better than a cat.

I don't see a dog in that picture, did you forget to take your meds schizo?

Bottom left, mean person!


faggot detected

Oyakodon is the pinnacle of comfort food

Why does the pupper look so sad?

Please be gentle

Youre out of your fucking mind cats LITERALLY sit there and do nothing, dogs are fun and capable of many things

>women are browsing my board

>cats LITERALLY sit there and do nothing
Your point?
>dogs are fun and capable of many things
If you like drool and shit all over your house then yes

>charm on your phone
I've never known anyone with this colossal levels of homofaggotry

You genuinely wish you were Japanese don't you.


Furry begone

whats the monitor

I wish I was a cute Japanese girl!



I did a student transfer during my last year of university there and worked in Osaka for 3 years, I got used to having shit hanging off my phone.

How does owning a dog make me a furry?

Some shitty BenQ one i picked up from a local hifi store on the cheap

I've never had any desire to get posters, figurines or anything of that sort. Decorations in general. Am I just boring

whats the model I'm planning to get benq monitor is that 24 inch.

Who the fuck calls their Dog Maja?

>You genuinely wish you were Japanese don't you
Something wrong with that? Everybody knows the Japs are the true master race.

Not him but I wish I could live there.