Do people unironically find this game to be "badass"? If so you're underaged. This is pure comedy gold. Vidya will never be taken as seriously as films, stop making cinematic shit.
Other urls found in this thread:
Shut it, nerd
This attitude is the exact same as my favorite nihilistic and funny scientist Rick
fuck off Randy
Cancer, please leave.
How many times are you going to make this exact same thread you fucking retarded reddit phoneposter?
>This is pure comedy gold.
isn't it the point?
why people take this game like it's some phycological war drama I have no idea
No? Wolfenstein was never serious. It's been a silly series about killing Nazis.
I find it funny that you are so triggered by an image
people got edgy in recent years
imagine if 60-70s comedies about nazi and ww2 got released today
Please don't. You'll just attract actual Sup Forumstards and derail the thread. I don't even browse there.
Got a lot of people angry, huh.
TNC is a comedy, same as TNO
what's to be angry about? I enjoyed it a lot
I think most people here who arent underage are aware that wolfenstein is a comedy.
Why is his face deformed?
*this triggers the Sup Forumstards*
well his character is literally a crazy moonshiner so maybe he stroked out
>I don't even browse there.
It doesn't matter if you do or not, this thread does not belong here.
Think this guy goes to my uni, he wears a top hat over his head when he's not in class but in public and when he gets to lectures he takes it off and lo and behold, beneath it is a MAGA hat. Pure cringe.
I like Horton, his character is pretty entertaining.
He looks like he's consumed too much soy.
yea, we would see 10 articles a day from your favorite publications BuzzFeed, CNN, and NBC saying "Nazis in (such and such) movie are strikingly similar to Trump supporters"
is this a Sup Forums shitpost pasta?
communism is rotting to the mind and in late stages, the body
I don't know shit about the series but I suppose it is set during WWII, so, WHY does that guy in the OP look like a modern day faggot?
No one back then had that neo cuck hairstyle, and the whole set hair+beard+look gives it off as a 201X hipsterino fagottino.
>saw innocent children thrown alive in the ovens
So is this subtle Holocaust denial or what?
The Swede did nothing wrong
It's set in a fictional timeline where Nazis won WWII, the game is decades later
>WHY does that guy in the OP look like a modern day faggot?
he's an american communist
That's who this is. I thought I recognized him.
What? Why do they still have blacks then?
We're gonna have some fun on Sentencing Day.
Just when I thought the Wolfenstein thread shit was finally dying down...
viral marketers will stop when their contract ends
>"oh gee whiz guys this sure has those evil racists angry right :^)"
>this triggers the Sup Forumstards
Aren't both of these posts by Sup Forumslacks, though?
>Self-taught intellectual
If the game industry had any good writers they could have condensed this to 'autodidact'
>Please don't. You'll just attract actual Sup Forumstards and derail the thread. I don't even browse there.
You're somehow implying that it's impossible to post political shit without visiting Sup Forums
hint: there's a variety of non-vidya you should keep out of Sup Forums simply because it is not vidya
>This is pure comedy gold
They clearly went for a more comedic route with the game, so you're basically saying the devs did a good job.
>weak chin
>poor eyesight
>limp greasy hair
truly the marks of a gamer
I was so caught off guard by how abruptly this game ended. The moment you get to the ending I fully expected there to be at least another chapter.
I love how tards try to defend the game
>i-i-if you don't like the game you must be a nazi
The game is utter shit, marxists are not known for their intelligence because money that doesn't represent value is not money. Checkmate atheists.
he was barely a character but his accent and the things that came out of his mouth were funny. BJ schooled him in the debate anyway
But the fat woman in charlottesville died of a heart attack, she wasn't actually hit. She was just 300 pounds overweight, look at the first responder video.
>Influenced by the works of Karl Marx
>looks like a nu-male, despite being an old fart
Should anyone really feel threatened by sjws?
They seem fragile as fuck.
Are we just allowing sjws because they will be easy as fuck to eliminate when we reach for the next golden age?
Image the rape spree that'll go down on Anitas fat ass when the world comes to its senses.
Completed the game a few days and i liked it
it wasn't as bad SJW wise as Sup Forums and communism is good as either.
don't put yourself down so much
T. BLACKED victim
>>Influenced by the works of Karl Marx
>>looks like a nu-male, despite being an old fart
reminder BJ calls him out for being a cowardly little faggot and calls him a traitor
>Should anyone really feel threatened by sjws?
They control media outlets and education, plus they have already a large leverage in society and in the legal system. Not to mention they are seen as the good guys so you can't go against them without making yourself look like a villain
>nu doom is fast paced, fun as fuck, a good length and had no sjw pandering
>launched to critical and commerical success
>nu wolfenstein bases entire marketing campaign around drumpf, kkk, and recent political happenings obviously baiting sjws
>is forgotten about within two weeks
What did they mean by this?
game devs don't know how to make older men. they always try to make them "pretty".
please tell me 1 (ONE) time they reference Trump directly
do it
>muh Sup Forums
You sound like a weak nu-male.
>muh neo-gaf
the lack of self-awareness in this post is hilarious
Than be a villain.
To reach a golden age, you gotta crush the inferior.
>the lack of self-awareness in this post is hilarious
Oh irony.
Only gaffers care about Sup Forums.
>beng this new
go back
well, I've never been to neogaf and in fact I had never even heard of it until it crashed a week ago and yet I still get irritated with a trillion Sup Forums threads on Sup Forums
but that doesn't fit your narrative so I'm sure you'll just accuse me of lying
>Do people unironically find this game to be "badass"?
yeah antifa and the people who fell for the #FUCKDRUMPF advertising. Never took this games story seriously.
>it brought him comfort knowing that nazis are hated so much by the young people who play video games.
>is a little senile
yeah he must be pretty fucking senile if he thinks people stopped hating nazis.
Have you ever been to Sup Forums? It's nothing like the posts people scream "go back to Sup Forums" at
Loads of shills there too
>>i-i-if you don't like the game you must be a nazi
I've never seen anyone say this in a way that wasn't blatantly ironic.
>only focusing on germany
oh boy...
or to think nazis still exist.
>As a Jewish transwoman
>Jewish transwoman
Aka the rabbi snipped too deep
>atrocities committed by Hitler
What atrocities did Hitler personally commit?
Did he kill all 6 gorillion Jews with his bear hands?
Great, now you are on trial and you are being made an example for others that try to rebel, your children are taken in by the state to receive proper brainwashing and everyone will remember you as a literal nazi monster that diddled kids
>kike tranny
literally can't make this shit up
Beat this game today. Well worth the pirate.
He made jews do manual labour
Obviously the commander takes responsibility for the actions of his regime, as he is ultimately the one who controls their actions. Just like how people consider Osama Bin Laden to be responsible for 9/11. He didn't literally crash the planes, but he's believed to be the one who led the effort.
Why are pedogaff shills samefagging?
I have, but its mostly stupid public school normies
>being buttblasted about a mediocre Wolfenstein game
anyone under 30 should be banned from Sup Forums
is pol still crying about this game? lmao go take take diy store tiki torch and march outside or something
Nice Ms paint editing, you anti white cuck
>Vidya will never be taken as seriously as films, stop making cinematic shit.
I'm sure Adam Sandler films managed to somehow hurt the entire film format and all of its history too.
He denied jewish bankers their profits in general.
Marx FTW!!!