Osama is a total pleb
Osama is a total pleb
Fuck this is?
Fuck is this?
i hope he was watching that doc about himself when they barged in
The CIA released a big archive of material found in Osama's compound but they had to leave out certain things due to copyright.
>Resident Evil
>Implying he isn't a bro
Who was in bin Laden's party?
Haha okay.
>The Virgin Indie Gamer
>The Chad Osama
>Chicken Little
>people who like FF7 are officially LITERAL terrorists
7 fags btfo
Where mah 6 bros at?
>Osama was potentially watching fucking Antz before he died
He was going to crash a plane into the sky to make it fall on us
In FF7 you play as literal terrorists so it makes sense.
>Where in the World is Osama bin Laden
>Looks east and sees FFVII, RE.
>Looks at Europe and gets a slew of great documentaries, as well as The Three Musketeers.
>Looks to the US and sees Cars, Ants, Chicken Little, Ice Age 3.
If I were him, I would also be completely content bombing a place like that. It's like the ultimate "Yeah, I was correct in bombing this place." package. Maybe throw in Pirates of the Caribbean 3 and Shrek 3 to seal the deal.
>Where in the World is Osama Bin Laden
Did Osama's religion prevent him from playing as Jill or using women in the party in FF7?
Do you think Osama beat Emerald and Ruby Weapon?
someone in the cia was really really really bored
I'd say he had plenty of idle time of his hands to do it.
When no one is around I'm 100 percent sure he ignores that bullshit
osama should have played pic related, FF7 is pleb tier
americans yall some gullible niggas
>implying Atlus weren't the ones complaining about Copyright
Doesn't it only apply to Muslim women?
Middle East and especially the retardedly conservationist Saudi Arabia eat up anime by the boatloads. Both shonen shit as well as mahou shoujo and love the crap out of it.
>National Geographic and CNN
I know Yuropoors have been getting dumber lately but this is taking it to a new low
Imagine having to make up this list of redacted shit to try and make the "Bin Laden died in 2011" story
I was not writing an exhaustive list you inbred retard.
Like I specifically left out Batman or the numerous documentaries about him.
Reading comprehension is apparently not a part of the school curriculum in Peru or whatever American shithole you must have crawled out of.
It's laughable to think americans believe 9/11 was some dumb savages manouvering airplanes in ways skilled pilots could not, slamming cartoon figures into buildings.
Osama was a cia asset in the "war" with the ussr soviets, he was probably as muslim as pork is
He was inspired by AVALANCHE.
>as muslim as pork is
Sounds like an average muslim to me desu.
>Having all the documentaries about himself
I wonder if he watched them and laughed
>Pirates of the Caribbean 3
The movie is ok, 4 is worst. But he was killed before it was released.
>Not even the fucking cia is more powerful that the shitty copyright laws and the greedy corporations behind them
Not sure if I should laugh or activate my almonds
I am sure he didn't like the part were you had to crossdress.
Since when does copyright stop you from even listing the title of a work?
>mfw 9/11 never happened and the towers were just a hologram the entire time
Ez with Vincent.
Maybe they don't wanna be associated with Osama bin Laden. Like it would damage their brand or something
there's a shed load of copyrighted material in the archive.
a lot of it is in real media formats. had a nice laugh about that one.
a lot of the stuff is for the kids and wives that lived at the compound. the data is from like 3 dozen devices.
But what about Lucky Larry? What is his role in all of this?
My man thought he was Cloud Strife