Thoughts Sup Forums?

Thoughts Sup Forums?

more cinematic garbage from quantic dream

What if I want to play some cinematic garbage though?
This looks like a good one

>advanced civilisation with robot technology
>no blacks in sight

They showed too much maybe? And if its just that there won't br enough of a game for me


Looking forward to the typical David Cage nude scene. Actually wait. I don't think Beyond Two Souls had a nude scene. Fuck. This better have a nude scene. The strip scene is Heavy Rain was great.

just watch a let's play on youtube. same experience. you can even click which path you want the faggot youtuber to take next and depending on your choice the video will change.

Interactive movie games are for passive pussywhipped subhuman Gen Z fagglets who grew up with an iPad and Youtube.

I liked heavy rain for the nudity though. I used it for fapping.

It's gonna be GOTYAY

real human beans in detroit?

Gonna get it on PC for sure looks interesting.

at least she is white
will pick for 17 dollars next year

Beyond had a nude scene and somebody using camera hacks found a fully textured nude model of Ellen Page that there was a big tizzy over

>become human
>picture of a white person
there has to be some sort of irony here

I dislike how in the trailer they are showing all the possible endings

>People masturbating to a shower scene in a video game
>Going so far as to say you liked a video game for that reason
That's just sad.

Ellen is too boyish to give me a boner. I hope someone more feminine in this new game.

People wants art in videogames? There it is.
This is the Ludo you want.

Forever alone.

Maybe there's hope for the future

It makes me want a robot wife. Why can't they make a game where you just live a happy life with your robo wife?

I liked Heavy Rain, so i'm looking forward to it.
As long as it isnt terrible like Beyond, i'm fine.

you can do that in the sims you cunt


David Cage

Looked like a natural extension of Heavy Rain so I'm pretty excited. Beyond Two Souls was awful because of a lack of focus.

'People' from Detroit aren't and never will be people

Connor is best boy.
Prove me wrong.

Said faggot who get triggered when somebody says that Sup Forums is not anime website

I feel like Cage is going to end up overreaching with this one. I predict that it will be a lot like Beyond, being a series of largely unconnected short stories that have very little impact on each other, except this one will have multiple characters in different stories instead of just being about one character.
I don't think it will have some crazy twist that potentially wrecks the story like his previous games, maybe at most it will be something like "Oh we downloaded human souls into these androids to make them more human" but I think that's way more tame compared to the stuff in his previous games
Otherwise, it just looks like more of the same.

Heavy Rain was easily the best work he was involved with even with its flaws. It's ones of the very few games to have actual consequences for your actions

Im hype. Heavy Rain was good. Indigo Prophecy was mostly good, Beyond two souls...

also Ill just make the whole thread for you
>So I like movies
>it is not the same experiance at all I would lile to control thr character, its not like youtube saves time or anything. Aditionally LPs are cancer.
>ACfag comes in and says why story in vidya is the devil.

>Indigo Prophecy was mostly good

I really just liked heavy rain because it was a detective story, and the twist was actually good

until the med, yeah. then it dropped off substantially.

*until the end

Beyond Two Souls was literally David Cage pulling scenes from his favourite movies and stitching them together with a loose plot.

more David Cage garbage

>and the twist was actually good
The twist was what broke Heavy Rain for me. It was executed really poorly and the only reason it works is because the game actively lies to only when you're playing as the killer

And Indigo Prophecy Man, whatever his name was, getting matrix powers and there being like 5 different antagonists that really weren't that developed is what broke that game for me, and that was well before the end of the game. IP was just a huge mess at around the midway point of the story

>knows literally nothing about the city of detroit

>somehow get Ellen Paige to work with him after showing her that photobook of her from different ages
How does he do it? Is it because he's French?

I really enjoyed Indigo Prophecy, Heavy Rain and Beyond Two Souls. I'll probably like this too.

That's every QD game though.