Does anyone here actually care if another platform gets "your" game or if another platform is doing well...

Does anyone here actually care if another platform gets "your" game or if another platform is doing well? Is it 100% shitposters jacking each other off or are there people who are actually butthurt as well?

Gamers are literally or mentally insecure teenagers, Of course they care about this dumb shit, their favourite gaming platform is all their life and identity. They're also retarded shitposters.
It's not that hard to understand.

There was a point in time like 12 years ago when I was in middle school where I would have cared about something like that. Like most people though you get older and start to realize that it's petty bullshit so why bother? Also you might miss out on a ton of good games by caring about that kind of thing. Now it's just about shitposting.

Only if I bought a console for a single game.

Why is the pc one fat with shitty hair?

>Is it 100% shitposters jacking each other off

I didn't make the original picture, but here you go

Sony chads are too busy playing hundreds of games and fucking qts to care

Dont forget he's using a fedora and its also oveeweight kek.

Dark Souls was permanently ruined after it was ported to PC, so yes I do care.

Please stop
t. sonyfag

Not really, I just buy an Xbox for Halo and Nintendo handhelds for Metroid.

It's the poorfags that have to justify their purchase, if their console doesn't do well or its games sucks or are scarce in number, then it means they've made a bad purchase.

trolls instigate it but it takes a real emotionally immature person to care or internalize it

>tfw triple platform idort and still don't have enough good games to choose from

Stop taking Sup Forums seriously, kids.

I legitimatley get angry if a PCunt gets a PS4 game. They don't fucking deserves our superior games.

Why one one piece of overpriced shit with one game worth playing, when you can own all the overpriced pieces of shit with one game worth playing each?

PC ruined the Dark Souls experience of 1024x720p 20fps.

I do care because microsoft and sony are both terrible corporations and I want them to lose money.
Windows doesn't bother me as much because you can always just pirate it, which many people do.



No. Video games are meant to be played. A gpu and both the Xbox and PS4 are ~$200 or even less if you know where to look. I wish my other hobbies were even close to that cheap. You can even be an ultra shitbird like me and buy a few consoles when they are released and scalp all of them except one to make your money back. Free consoles.

tl;dr they're not only poor but extreme brainlets too

Nah, I don't care. I am mainly Xbox One player but it's always funny how that console gets shit on here.

Consolefags can be retarded sometimes

People get mentally ill over shit like this. Wasn't there this russian guy who killed his friend because he talked shit about Nvidia?

The NVidia fantard killed the AMD fantard.

Yes, actually. I'm quite happy when I hear other platforms get exclusives. More people should get to play all the great games available across the various platforms.

Kinda, I wish only people that play on pc and pc only would post on Sup Forums. So anything that happen to make console players lives worse is a good thing

I mean I'm boy going to go out of my way to do that, like I wouldn't hit a butter that would kill all console peasants or anything but It would be great if you all just left ya know?

>brapposter is a pc fedora
Please don't associate all of us with this low IQ assposter

>I wouldn't hit a butter

You are at least 500 lbs.

>being a "mommy giv milkies" poster

it's because PC gamers feel they're superior or as they say they're "the master race" Other people with the superiority complexes are fat neckbeards and atheists

I'm phone posting this auto correct is very anoying


As long as I get it I don't give a shit

Slip in the shower, Crack your skull.

Typical PC user mustard race

I'm 26, I love video games but I don't give two shits about console wars/platform elitism mentalities. I understand that half of the shit posting here on Sup Forums relates to that but what scares me is that I sometimes can't tell if people actually take it seriously. Sucks for them because I don't care but its just kind of boring to watch sometime. Just play games

He'll hang himself once he misses the Volta release.

It's 100% shitposters
T. Not annoyed enough that I have to play monster hunter world on my PC rather than my switch to shitpost about it

If a game is announced as exclusive and within a year it goes to another platform, that's bullshit. Otherwise I really don't care and wished all third party games would come out on all viable platforms.

Shitposting here is fun cause so many take platform wars so seriously likes it's the only important thing in their lives. It's the same retarded tribalism you see with sports fans, only more pathetic since it's consumer products.

wtf I love white girls now!

This, it doesn’t help that these fags also want companies to go third party because their to cheap to get that console.

If you were to put little badges next to Sony fans you would be able to see where all the shit and cancer comes from

No I don't care at all. I just want video games to be good. Doesn't matter which system they are on.

Well, PCfags are retarded always.

because nintendo fans are kids, sony fans are niggers, xbox fans are drunk bros, and pc fans are fat neckbeards. I remember my first day on Sup Forums too

because of this

All the drunk bros went PS. Xbox should be a ghost cause who knows who the fans are

I remember when Final Fantasy 13 came to the Xbox 360 and the Sony fans lost their shit.

[citation needed]

>games are all I have
Well yes you idiot, games are reason to get platform device. No need to get asspain and attack other people because devs shits on you.

I used to care when I was poor. I was upset at myself more than other people for spending money on a game others were getting for free. So I went and built a high end PC and haven't bought a game since.

>PCfags are always retarded

May be opening Pandora's jar of shitposting by asking this, but which fanbase do you personally find the most obnoxious?

Vidya is dead

>sony fans are niggers
i am offensive and i find this white.

I play playstation 4 and a few indie games on my craptop. I literally don't give a single fuck about the other companies, Nintendo doesn't have many if not any games I want to play but I can respect if people like that shit. Same with xbox exclusives and PC master race shit.

Playstation. They make goid games and consoles but damn if their fanbase isnt obnoxious or cringy

The shitposting and falseflagging fanbase
Hell we have seen them posting all three wojaks at the same time, so they just come to shitpost and falseflag. I believe "the console wars" are nothing but trolls trolling trolls and shitposting because faggots find it funny.

Has the Wojak meme reached its peak?
Why is it still around?

Definitely Sony. Nintendo have the most exclusives that I'd actually play if came out for PC, but Sony fans are the ones I always see bragging, and often legitimately about games I don't care and wouldn't play even if they came out for PC.

Although, to be fair, it's entirely possible that the majority of those shitposters aren't even actual Sony fans and just people falseflagging as them or going along with the meme. So, who knows?

Because no single meme has appeared to replace it and it is maleable

>Does anyone here actually care if another platform gets "your" game or if another platform is doing well?
Second part, no. First part, sometimes. Specifically things like SMT V going to Switch. Before autists start jumping out of the woodworks and barking at me, yes, the series has been on Nintendo consoles for a little while now. Doesn't change the fact I'd prefer it to stay on 3DS instead of Switch.

Essentially, I hate when I'm forced to buy a new console because a game from a series I love is being migrated there. Switch won't have anywhere near as strong a line up as the 3DS, so it's going to feel like just as much of a disappointment at the end of its lifecycle as the WiiU was for me. (Again, before autists start howling, I'm solely talking for 'my' interest in games for the system.)

honsetly I was mad when Nioh got announced for PC.

The fanbase that created this.

Console wise, Sony.
They just have the most pride in the most obvious bland shit. Look at the complete lack of irony is doubling down on Knack being cool back when the PS4 coming out.
And at least Nintendo fans will say something VERY LOUDLY when they don't like something the company did. It takes absolute garbage for people to not tolerate David Cage or happily accept God of War being "Viking Last of Us".

Platform doesn't matter, just own the consoles you want, then play what you want.

When I was younger and could only afford a single console maybe. I'm not a poorfag anymore, so I just buy all the ones I think will be good.

Good goy, fall for the buying a console for a single game meme.

PCfags. Most insecure, most shitposting, most aggresive, always needy for attention.

This will only tell you about what kind of bias has the person that is replying to the question.

Just look at the thread

The hardcore console warriors are Brazilians and other Latin Americans who, after spending far too many hue dollars on one console, feel the need to defend the brand they chose because it was a major investment.

Nah, I just pretend to for shitposting purposes. Crying Fanboy Wojak is my favorite Sup Forums meme.

For SMT I will. It's pretty much one of the only series I still strongly enjoy these days.

I'm from Brazil and i found this offensive. Please stop associating this autism with us.

If I go to Brazil will I die?

Best be falseflagging

It depends where you wanna go.


As long as support for each game is handled well for the platform it's on, I don't give a shit. (Looking at you Destiny 2 PC.)

Not really, I'm happy when a game is multiplatform. That way, anyone can enjoy them. It helps with my favorite devs too

Well aren't you a fucking comedian, dipshit.

>PCvck gets apeshit and insecure
Nothing new.

>I-I don't like console wars
you must be fun at party


Nah, it's the only way other sites have found to raid Sup Forums. If you hang around threads for any platform, you'll find that all of them are spammed with the same juvenile console war shitposts, only with differently colored feels-guys. When they saw it working, our very own no-lifers, who haven't touched a new game in forever, and australians, who regard shitposting as a sport, latched on. Now it's a perpetual downward spiral into misery. If you can, find something on /vg/ and visit Sup Forums infrequently.

I'm idort so I don't give a shit. Does suck for the people with only one console or just a PC though.

Anyone who posts wojacks.

I only hate that no matter what Sony does there are always going to be people sucking their dick. When I think of Playstation fans I get reminded of this faggot

>implying consolewars is genuine and not falseflagging for the sake of shitposting

I'm fine as long as Microsoft keeps failing hard without having to put forth much effort.
Otherwise, I own everything else

>Sony fanbase is worst because I only like Nintendo games

I'm idort, so no, I really don't care.

i'm an adult idort so i don't care. wouldn't be Sup Forums without shitposting tho.

If you had a choice between all shitposting on Sup Forums being console wars, and all shitposting stuff being Sup Forums-tier off-topic stuff like "$19.99 plus tip", what would you pick?

>Falseflagging retard or genuine Sony fanboy who can't understand games aren't the people who like them or even the companies that make them.

Sony by far.
Sure, PCfats and Nintendofags can be bad, but you literary never see them fighting between each other.
Sonynegros in another hand can't coexist with anyone. Every time there’s a consolewar, they are involved no matter what. It’s never Nintendo vs PC or Nintendo vs Xbox. It’s always Sony vs someone.
/s/ony containment board when?