Is there a job more stressful and demanding on the body than videogame streamer?

Is there a job more stressful and demanding on the body than videogame streamer?

>6 hours of sporadic talking with 40 min break

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heart attack when?

You have to talk as much shit and actually do a lot of physical work plus more stress and working 12 hour shifts often with forsaken unpaid lunch hours just from working in the NHS

I once gave a 40 minute presentation and lost my voice for two days afterwards.

Yeah there's at least three

If you actually work on your stream, unlike phil, it's a full time job making sure you're following market trends and are well prepared for new game releases, and well poised to overtake other people rushing to get viewers from new game releases. Of course if you get to a comfortable position like phil you can just coast forever, at which point it's not demanding at all.

I'm pretty sure teachers spent 6-7 hours a day talking just to their students, let alone other staff and all the other stuff. My sides that he needed a day off after this.

>after yesterday's marathon my throat is shot

The problems most streamers have that cause these kinds of issues is not drinking enough water while they stream.
Coupled with a complete lack of anaerobic exercise making their lungs weak as fuck, this will absolutely destroy your throat even if you only talk for 30 total minutes a day.

Yeah, streaming isn't super hard, but this common mindset that it is easy or not exhausting or "just playing games lol" is silly.
You know how you're exhausted after some family event that probably only involved you sitting around and eating stuff for 6 hours? It's tiring to "act proper" for that long without breaks, and that's what you have to do if you have an audience.

Sitting for hours and hours on end is actually pretty taxing on the body. Your body needs exercise, if even that’s just a bit of walking for half an hour or so.

Have you ever had to talk for 6 hours?
Dead serious. Try it.

>tfw milfag
I wish I could get paid to sit around all day and talk about vidya

You mean
>6 hours of "I WAS PRESSING BUTTONS" talking



I used to work in a call center, talking basically nonstop for 8 hours a day definitely taxes the vocal chords.

wow 2 DSP threads on Sup Forums at the same time?

you spoil us.

Is Phil a 600lb neckbearded NEET? Because that's the only way I can imagine someone gets 'exhausted' from talking on a stream for 6 hours. Normal people who actually work talk with people all day and don't get exhausted.

>walk into a bar with loud music
And that's my voice shot for the night.

you probably already do, pogue

There is no fucking way DSP could complete a marathon.

yeah after i marathon a game i feel stressed out and i think it has a lot to do with sitting for 10+ hours. It's not good for you.

Of course, he wasn't actually running a marathon

>600lb neckbeared NEET
That's most people here user

like this user pointed out, i'm a teacher. sometimes get sore throats but very rarely, i make some tea with brandy lemon and honey and it clears right up

How long was the marathon?

what do you mean, I got to play hearthstone like 2-3 hours a day, especially if I got gate duty literally 6 hours of hearthstone

he wasn't drinking water constantly. When I had a specific talking job I had pee every hour and down a whole bottle of water. I was peeing like crazy because I would get drymouth thus drinking bottles and bottles a day from all the talking. Dumbass Phil couldn't even do it for 2 days let alone 10 hours lmao

20 minutes

It's easy, I've worked overtime for OnStar® having fucking Cadillac owners yell at me non-stop for 10 hours about how their new car's antennae broke off because their car is literally too big for their garage and it's somehow the manufacturers fault(me). I've never had a sore throat with 2 years on the phones, and neither have my co-workers. Call center lyfe, you fucking triple nigger.

as neet who never even goes outside and only dialog i ever have is to cashiers asking me for receipt or bags or whatever. even just talking in a mic for an extended period of time hurts my throat

phil almost exclusively drinks energy drinks during his stream

>have you ever had to WOW for 6 hours? Dead serious. Try it.


>be Phil, 600lb NEET
>play vidya all day
>room smells of stale cheetos and energy drinks
>occupation is 'twitch streamer'
>gets 'exhausted' from sitting on his ass all day talking into a mic for 6 hours
>needs a day off to relax so has the strength to collect his NEETbux

>Obama went mute for a week after every 1-hour State of the Union address because talking is hard

This is how dumb you sound, you social anxiety fuckface.

Yes. I work at a warehouse. We use a shitty voice controlled computer so our hands are free for our 8 hours of picking up boxes. Often it's loud, and you need to yell at the computer, repeatedly.

8 hours of labor and talking. *gasp* How am I not dead?!

>6 hours of sporadic talking with 40 min break
so he works a part time job, wow how hard.

>Work as a trainer at a retail store
>Have to talk for 5hours, 4 days in a row

It made me a better, less shy speaker


>twitter screencap eceleb thread

Are most Twitch streamers all this degenerate? Like the NEETs who think they can become a big YouTube star and will never have to work.

>It made me a better, less shy speaker

Talking at work sadly hasn't made me a less shy speaker. But now I talk to myself out loud all the time

I did when I started because I wasn't used to talking that much. You also often have to talk at volume, not just speak into a mic.

you can't play new games, asshole. others, FAR MORE POPULAR THAN YOU, will dominate and your 5 person stream will crumble as soon as you want to play something else.

hell, i just play what i want because fuck them. been playing amiga and C64 shit.

market trends? getting the newest games? why bother streaming when no one will ever notice you if your new or even if you have streamed for over a year.

getting a "job" from streaming or YT is dead at this point, assholes, stop thinking you can. its been proven that if you weren't around for certain shit in 2010-2012, you aren't making it, ever, faggots.

Can someone explain the hate cult this guy has around him?

jesus, how?
i had a small stint drinking those and they are horrible. i can't drink much else but water, coffee or soda, but water about 95% of the day mostly.

>Eats Fast Food all the time
>Does NOTHING but play games, as seen by him uploading ten videos a day basically
>is DSP
>People are surprised that him sitting and talking makes him exhausted

Being an obscure manga artist.

fucking pussy

>DSP says some logical things for once
>it goes mostly against his previous behaviour

>you can't play new games, asshole

which is why he clearly and plainly mentioned paying attention and reacting to market trends you argumentative cock


no user, blame people who are at the top of twitch streaming. they set the standard and gave people hope that they could do their hobby for a job. but if you don't get PAID for your job, then its not a job. i could sit and stream every day, starting now and in a month not be any more paid than i am now, which is nothing.

shit man, people need to realize that just WORKING HARD doesn't get you places. i don't want to network with these stream fucks because they are all cringey faggots. i'd love to get paid 5 times more than my average job and make my years salary in 1 fucking month, but it won't happen if you aren't ALREADY there in 2017.

there is no ladder to the twitch top, its been knocked down and set on fire already. just stop trying. and yeah, i do casual, "comfy" streams and would still want free money from idiots, but its not gonna happen because i don't want to suck dick and say idiots names for 30 mins straight and have loud ass bells go off every time i get a sub.


Speak for yourself.

I remember Sup Forums making fun of him in 2009. Then neo Sup Forums picked him out again in 2013, after that neckbeard evilaj got upset at him playing MSG. The rest is history.

So hard the majority of Sup Forums doesn't even have a job cause of how hard it is.

Sorry. 650.

>and that's what you have to do if you have an audience
It's so fucking gay that we got to this point. I saw some thing about twitchcon where people didn't really like it when someone would come up to them streaming, because they had to stay in character the whole time. Why the fuck did video games become the home for the billion burnout wannabe talk show hosts of the world?

Call Center people talk more for longer periods of time everyday, why are people who focus on videogames such fucking pussies?

And better yet, why the fuck are you bitching when a fresh wound of a market opened up right in front of you allowing you to get an unprecedented taste of stardom and exposure for pennies on the dollar?

It's not necessarily being in character, to stick with my family event example, that's still you acting in that event, just, you know, a different side.

You can rarely if ever truly be yourself on stream, even if you don't play a character because that's just how people are.

i can shoutcast for 6hrs non stop, lately i did a 4day tournament with around 6-7 hrs per day of almost non-stop talking and there was nothing wrong with my throat. that guy is a pussy.

Things that never happened.

They actually did. A lot of shoutcasters can do that if they are solo casters who try and make a name for themselves etc and just stream anything they can get their hands on. Big tournaments can last a few days and hjave 10+ hour casting days. Official english crews get something like 4-6 shoutcasters, while smaller streams could have 3, 2 people, or even go solo for an entier day and nothing of note happens, because they're not pussies.