How is he still alive?

How is he still alive?

He wants to be, the very best

His disdain for the egg keeps him alive.

He's living proof that pretentiousness can extend your lifespan.

His colon only runs at 30 fps so the HP damage is slowed down. Bad port desu.

The cancer keeps him alive

Sup Forums's hatred of him sustains his lifeforce.
He's like the Incubus of impotent rage.

hes been staying away from the sun

The estimates he got for how long he would live were fundamentally flawed because the average person that gets the type of cancer he got is 30+ years older. The main reason why he is living so far beyond expectations is simply because the younger the body the better it can deal with the massive punishment dealt by the combined shittiness of cancer and the treatments themselves. Any other answer is either wrong or incomplete.


>stage 4 cancer
he's fucked but he won't die anytime soon

Pure rage and autism.

Are traps gay?

Isn’t his cancer in full remission?

If Stefan Karl can beat stage 4 pancreatic cancer, anything's possible, right?

He lives to see the release of world of warcraft 2

When did he start his """beef""" with egg man?

He went to Seattle Grace Hospital

The cure for cancer is 24 hour a day extreme butthurt.

You sound preddy smart. Are you a doktor?

Why you even care, dingus?

he didn't beat anything, just bought some time before it comes back and kills him.

We're all just buying time.

>not pirating time for free


You see OP, there's these things called Hospitals, where one can got to get treatment for all sorts of illness.

Unless you're an americuck, then you don't go to the hospital cause it costs thousands of dollars.

how are you still alive?

So he's gonna age into Marlon Brando.

>How is he still alive?

Allah has blessed him with long life for sissifying the white male.

>implying he wasn't playing WoW all day before away from the sun

How do you pirate cancer treatment?


His big titty wife keeps him nourished with her breast milk.