Protagonists partner in the first game

>Protagonists partner in the first game
>Becomes a villain in a later game in the series

Yakuza 0?

Why was Nostalgia Chick drinking inn public?

Became a full on alcoholic after Trump won

>public intoxication
In what country is this illegal?

too bad she didn't become a heroin junkie

Burgerland, where else?

That’s down the road

She was becoming violent. The police had to restrain her because she was trying to break the cop's window

Name literally 12 games that do this

Wait thats Nostalgia chick? What the fuck happend to her

>In what country is this illegal?
Burgerlandia. If you are a disruptive drunk in public, you can get booked.


the land of the free of course

The SJW bug, a few abortions, and alcoholism

in Lithuania

vice city but in reverse order


Not vidya

By the way what sick country can you look up people who get arrested, is there absolutely no privacy in America?

>I wanna talk about something not gaming related but I'm gonna disguised the thread so it won't be removed
Fuck off.

Public intoxication is illegal in most developed countries you fucking retards.

why don't you ever post this in giant bomb threads?

OP stop posting about the show on Sup Forums FFS we are trying to keep theses retards away from it

I'm don't check every thread retard, I have better things to do.