>The closest thing to a real remake of the original DotA
>Doomed to failure due terrible treatment by its incompetent devs.
It still hurts, it still hurts.
The closest thing to a real remake of the original DotA
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I miss some of these heroes.
fuck off hontrash
>Doomed to failure due terrible treatment by its incompetent devs.
Now that's denial.
LoL was a better game and DotA was still alive and kicking, no one cares it was "The closest thing to a real remake of the original DotA".
600 physical damage to your face fucker
The high tempo gameplay was top tier stuff back in the beta. Was my first and last proper moba after dota. Luckily I can't be arsed to play shitty moba or multiplayer shooters anymore
Man I remember finding out about that game in a pc gamer magazine (europe)
It was fun as hell, I hope that icefrog makes a deal and ports some of those heroes into Dota 2 desu
I dont think most good HoN heroes would fit in D2, and the powerlevel in HoN is on average higher than on D2, so they would need to be nerfed.
A direct port of Predator, Dampeer, Elec and many others would be so fucking strong in D2
I didn't really like the artstyle too much and the blur made my eyes hurt but the game had some pretty cool original heroes that will be missed.
I liked hon art style more than lol or d2.
Feels somewhat more similar to Wc3, with saturated colors and strong contrasts.
Then they updated the map graphics and its all the same pastel shit in all games.
>trying to look like some tired oldfag
>doesn't realize he's exposing himself as a post 2012 dota 2 baby
7.08 brings a lot of hero concepts from dota allstars as well as other mechanics
fuck off retard
Flux was such a great hero. Such a simple design, but a ton of fun to play.
I remember watching the Yogscast do videos on HoN years ago and I always liked the look of it. I should have played it back then while it still had life.
It was pretty good until they started going more OC for the heroes. Sure they had some pretty good OC heroes but when AmunRa came out and absolutely dominated every match for months the game kinda got shit.
>>Doomed to failure due terrible treatment by its incompetent devs.
That only happened after it got stuck between dota2 and LoL, promptly getting crushed.
Is HoN the only moba that does gender swap skins? Why doesn't league do it? It would be a license to print money.
Right? Heres best girl though
HoN was too good, in the beginning I really liked the direction they were taking dota vs how valve has handled it.
>tfw valve will never add fun heroes like electrician, zephyr, deadwood, rather than the lol shit that was just added
>LUL better than anything
you're not wrong
The S2 engine they used in HoN is godlike, literally. Its clean, fast and responsive.
I do remember this one. Things got way too shit when the Genjuro came out. And got even worse since then.
HoN died in 2010 when it stopped the free beta and became buy2play for 30 bucks
It went from 250k players online to 60k. Dota 2 wasnt even in the horizon back then.
Plus a bunch pf poor decisions such as going F2P with lol "buy every hero" style with absurd high prices, and fucking Early Acess heroes which could only be bough with real money for like, 2-4 weeks and were always suspiciously overtuned killed it for good.
HoN have no flying fucks about skin consistency.
While some were good, maintained the basic color scheme, theme and format of the hero, some were so different it could be classified as p2w because you dont know what you are fighting anymore.
Pangolin is league shit but the fairy fuck would never make it into that game
Well it was back when f2p was new. It's a gamble they were too afraid to take and suffered for
LoL's new characters are better than Dota's OC. I don't play mobas, but characters like Bard and Kindred are fucking cool.
>Doomed to failure due terrible treatment by its incompetent devs.
No, it failed because LoL killed it.
HoN was "stand alone" Dota before LoL, but you had to pay $20 in order to create account, which put many people off. LoL comes out and it's free to play, which brings in a lot of Dota players who got tired of dealing with Warcraft 3 and Battle.net because it didn't have matchmaking for custom maps and you couldn't reconnect to game if you disconnected or quit. For a while HoN and LoL existed side by side and competing for #1 spot, both with their advantages and disadvantages:
HoN was buy to play, with all champions unlocked
LoL was free to play, with champion unlocking system
When it was obvious that LoL won, S2 Games (HoN devs) converted HoN into f2p game where you unlock champs but it was too late. Later they unlocked all champions but no one gave a shit because Dota2 was on it's way out.
>Lets copy demigod and be a 30 dollar game
doesn't work
>Lets copy LoL and make players buy heroes with a rotating free pool
doesn't work
>Lets make all the heroes free and make the new ones cost for the first 2 weeks (no idea who they were coping here)
doesn't work
>Lets copy dota2 and make everything free and have microtransaction cosmetics
no one left cares
Please inform me which original DOTA hero Bard is based on
Oh wow I completely forgot this exists. I wonder if $2 is still garbage and selling forum shield avatars for 25€.
>>The closest thing to a real remake of the original DotA
That would be DOTA 2, it exists user.
I had to update and log in just to show you, but my account date from 2010, and i had one before in the beta since 2009, maybe 2008.
Plus i had countless hours in Wc3 (although i used to play more random stuff than DotA)
Bard is certainly original (and one of the most well-designed characters in LoL), but he's not new, he's been around for almost three years.
I think you should re-read the first post until you understand.
I walk the road of vengeance
Ding ding ding, my nigga here gets it.
I need to install HoN again just to play that hero
I think you should expand your vocabulary and use the right words to say what you mean.
does anyone even play it anymore?
Mah gaem is bieist cause mah numbeas.
I just logged in to take that screen shot 15k online according to the in game counter. I guess it isnt battleborn levels of dead. I will play a match, see how its doing.
ahh nigma, before he turned into a real bitch.
alot more than i thought,
is it mostly RU's and BR's?
might actually re download it
Fuck out the way.
>bigger numbers
>tournament still leagues™ worse than DotA
I think it's mostly played SEA. Ex-USSR is all about DotA.
what the fuck is that sandwich
hon was so fucking fun, everyone was a total asshole but no one took it too seriously.. the fucking pay to win heroes were a bit much though
I seens the matchmaking system is a little fucked and your "placement matches", the first few you play to put you in a proper rank, take a long time to find. 5-10 minutes.
The subsequent matches are quick, about 1 min searching.
Way to discourage new players.
The best part of this whole thing is how S2 sold the rights to the game to some splinter faction and went on to use the money to develop another game which failed even harder.
Then with this new, failed game they sold it to some Chinese company without saying anything, didn't update for like 7-8 months, came back and said "oh yeah, we sold the game". Since then it hasn't been updated once and the Chinks pretty much ruined it harder than it already was.
Kindred is best Death Aspect.
Lamb a totally cute, though seeing her drawn with tits of any kind when she's flat as shit is weird.
Or when people give her or Wolf weird expressions that don't suit them. They're pretty srs bznss and don't really take time off.
Rule 63 Lamb(or Wolf) is god tier btw
HoN was fun because there really wasn't a meta everyone knew because nobody gave two fucks about tournaments and there weren't very good streams back then. Dota 2 doesn't feel as fun because everyone is copying whatever the pro players are doing on streams.
Since HoN S2 made Strife, a failed lol clone, and a Savage 1 Remake on unreal i think, which also failed pretty hard.
Most likely, because they never advertised those games, for fucks sake.
I get so mad when I am remembered that savage 2 was left in the dustbin in history
I remember playing it with totalbiscuit too. It was a unique in its genre, and then maliken made constant promises to revitalizing savage
then came savage ressurection, pn steam which was quickly turned into abandonware
fuck you maliken, forever. FUCK YOU.
I remember that the modding community updated it for free, but they could only do so much without access to source code. And the cunts at S2 refused to give it even though they weren't going to touch the game ever again.
Wasn't HoN's biggest tournament held in a high school gym?
>LoL was a better game
Opinion discarded.
>The modding community
>Just remembered that HoN promissed custom map tools and several creators of wc3 said they would update their games in HoN engine, such as Fight of Characters an footman frenzy
>S2 never delivered.
As a dotard, I tried HoN cause someone told me it was basically Dota 1.5
Pretty fun game, some UI elements are outdated but characters feels quite unique
>when your team hits lvl 6 in midwars 1 hero per team
DotA was always shit. The only good thing to come from it was the dumb song.