>complain about the minimal number of dungeons that were fairly short
>When almost all of the 3D Zelda games had minimal dungeons that were fairly short and centered around one gimmick
Why do you hate this game so much?
Complain about the minimal number of dungeons that were fairly short
Other urls found in this thread:
your greentext is false so I'm here to call you gay
Sonygerians are still butt-devastated that "their" game didn't become the genre-defining GOTYAY.
Won't the new DLC have a dungeon?
but this is skyrim
Unlike Bethesda-shit, BotW is actually fun and engaging without mods.
That's the assumption. There have been rumors of a whale Divine best, like in the lab with that little girl.
there's nothing to do but walk around and find korok seed or enter uncle touchies naked puzzle base
>I literally don't have imagination or will to explore
Not my fault you suck.
I got 220h clocked to the game now, beat Ganon twice, and I'm still finding and learning new shit in and about the game
exploring the real world is far more interesting
woah it's skyrim
BotW shitting is just a meme, but it's an actual fact that the dungeons are pretty simple and boring in that game. the only one that feels anything like an actual dungeon is Hyrule Castle. Whenever Nintendo inevitably rehashes BotW for the next 6 games, I hope that's one change they do make
Not really.
It also requires much more effort, funds, even skills and some luck.
Nope. For starters, BotW has great combat and graphics.
Yet here you are shitposting on Sup Forums
even google street view is more interesting, you can even visit mongolia
There's short and then there's "short". The shrines in BotW feel like you're just delivering mail.
So what do I do in this game to make it 10/10? Done about 30 shrines so far, getting sick of those, found about 60 seeds, getting sick of those. None of the big dungeons yet but apparently they aren't even good
you lost me when you said great graphics
I can't take anything you say seriously from here on out
Can you kill native savages on Google map?
Or cook delicious looking stuff that motivates learning how to cook IRL?
Or set up your own horse stables?
nothing, it really 100% honestly is just walking around
It must not be the game for you. To me, it's honestly been so fun just exploring, even if I don't "get" anything out of it. It's the journey.
these things get repetitive in 30 minutes
it's skyrim zelda edition
Minimal number of dungeons? BoTW didn't have dungeons at all. The shrines are interchangeable puzzle rooms with homogeneous aesthetic. The divine beasts are slightly larger puzzle rooms with homogeneous aesthetic and bosses. Shrines and divine beasts completely fail to fill the void left by interesting, in world dungeons. Only Hyrule Castle seems like an okay dungeon.
The developers put so much effort into building this huge magnificent world, but whats the point if there is no temples? No dungeons, not even any caves?? The first zelda game even had fucking caves. The shrines are a poor excuse for content and make the whole thing feel very video-gamey.
>botw motivates to learn cooking
Most retarded point I’ve seen so far being made about this game.
>these things get repetitive in 30 minutes
Better take some ADHD medication, mate. Maybe you'll enjoy games again then!
Not an argument. It’s repetetive just grinding. As a matter of fact runescape is more interesting to explore and does all you mentioned but better.
>It’s repetetive just grinding
Repetition is not an issue, if it's fun, engaging, and directly practical.
wew, talk about some extreme nostalgia goggling'. We really don't have anything to say to each other any more.
>half the shrines contain no challenge at all, are about fighting a single enemy or is about dealing with the supper shitty motion controls
>Korok seed rewards are so fucking boring its painful
>99% of chests contain some shitty gem you will sell anyway or a weapon that breaks after 2-3 shitty enemies
I hate the open world meme so much. Cut out 80% of the "content" and give me actually interesting and diverse challenges and rewards.
How bad will the shitposting be once it gets GOTY?
Seems like you got btfo by runescape of all things
There will probably be a lot of comparisons to other shitty GOTY winners like Fallout 3
>I got 220h clocked to the game now
There are people who have over 1,000 in Skyrim with no mods, this means nothing.
And Skyrim.
it's better to let mentally ill ""win"" so they don't hurt themselves, or someone else.
Everything is if you so desire.
Not an argument.
...on just one (1) playthrough?
Somehow doubt that.
The game lacks interesting content and at most you'd stay occupied for about 10 hours of gameplay.
Shrines are so simple and lackluster they aren't even fun to complete
There isn't any real reward for exploring areas as your weapons break in about 15 hits or those divine orb things but those don't work for me as an incentive to explore.
An example is how you'll find some secret and think you've discovered something cool but it always turns out to be a shrine which is extremely underwhelming.
Oh yeah and the story sucks.
Well you said you beat ganon twice.
Fuck (you)
>Why do you hate this game so much?
I don't. Best game in years.
It's actually pretty accurate. Most dungeons give you a new item part way through, then the puzzles of that dungeon are mostly based around that item.
Yeah, but not by starting all over again. The first time, I'd not even done all the Ancient Beasts and Shrines yet.
>SonyGAF mods delete my post calling out Sony shitposters
This board is dead
Woah, how impressive... I can tell you never played skyrim.
Idk I tried completing literally everything in Skyrim a few years ago and I logged at least several hundred hours before I quit. 220 hours is nothing, that's like a typical New Vegas playthrough for me.
I hate these open world gamese where you just aimlessly walk around. The botw world in particulaar is dead and boring.
Aw, that's cute.
BotW has the most revolutionary and best open world in gaming. Go back to your horizon feminist garbage Sony bro
>I can tell you never played skyrim.
After what Bethesda did to TES with Oblivion... who can blame him?
>"just walking"
How to spot people who've not played BotW.
>I put X hours into a good game
>but someone else put more than X hours into a bad game
This is not a good argument
>An example is how you'll find some secret and think you've discovered something cool but it always turns out to be a shrine which is extremely underwhelming.
I'm still livid I can't fight the fucking dragon, why go to all the trouble of mystifying me with it if all it's there for is to be a crafting item dispenser?
The one time I start enjoying myself and get wrapped up in the world and it's a goddamn cocktease.
the combat get's boring quickly
Such a lack of enemies in the game, sad they didn't have a variety challenging bosses scattered around the world that you could find and kill like what the dragons should have been
Combat isn't really an important part to me, but it definitely got more interesting with master mode.
Wherever you go you’re doing the same crap.
Every game in existence is basically that. It's just a matter of preference in video games.
Most skyrim content loops forever, so I dont see why not.
just finished the game
it was good, far better than the last zelda i played (wind waker, which was pretty bad imo)
But i'll admit that when i reached the end i was beginning to get bored. Exploring and getting new powers and stuff was really cool tho.
Nintendo took steps in the right direction with this zelda. there was interesting enemies like lynels and the like but there wasn't enough of those, i'd like to see more different and bigger monsters. Was pretty disappointed that you couldn't fight the dragons. I really liked that you could get upgraded gear that changed the gameplay a bit, like the sheikah outfit that made you run faster, but it's a shame that far too often the upgrades would only translate into getting more armor.
Would have loved bigger and longer dungeons, maybe playing more with the idea of verticality or stuff like that.
Why weren't alm the dungeons like this? Castle is amazing, fantastic dungeon.
I wanted more of that.
I wonder if a few months from now people will be complaining about how Mario Odyssey is a boring game where you go around collecting things that rarely offer any challenge?
Was it a dungeon ? I just climbed straight to ganon.
They already are.
Im worried that all Nintendo games will use "collect shitloads of useless garbage" mechnics now.
no, skyrim was boring.
I'm in the post game of Mario now, and I', enjoying it but there were too many moons they were placed out in the open that require minimal effort to get. And in post game, they mark were ALL of the new moons are on most of the levels forcibly and many of those are more of the same out in the open stuff.
If the game was ~20 hours long and fairly condensed, its level of content would be fine. The problem is that it's a 70+ hour game that pads itself out to an insane degree. The pacing is completely fucked. The level of filler might be acceptable if the character progression was satisfying or if the story was interesting or if the setting was well-developed, but they aren't. The game starts strong but gets old over time, the novelty disappears.
I have never played a game as an adult where the novelty didn't disappear after 60-100 hours. That doesn't mean it's flawed.
God this game looks like shit
Seriously why are the colors so muted
It's absolutely a flaw, games should know their limits and know when to end. You're absolutely right that BotW is far from the only game to have a pacing problem. Prey (2017) is a good example, though to a lesser degree.
Persona 5 as well
>When almost all of the 3D Zelda games had minimal dungeons that were fairly short and centered around one gimmick
What 3D Zelda doesn't have dungeons as the focal point of the game?
Better yet, what 3D Zelda gives you a bunch of gadgets at the beginning of the game and gives you the same repeated braindead phsyics puzzles again and again?
At least traditionally, new tools on the belt meant new things can be found/seen in a progressive manner, and uses new gadgets in different combinations with old ones was often required for later dungeons.
BOTW was fucking boring and an overhyped tech demo that sold on heavy nostalgia and ad buyouts.
How the fuck is it a problem to have extra content for people that want to play longer? So games should just end with no endgame content? Nigger just stop playing when you get bored of it, don't limit it for everyone without your attention span.
BotW doesn't have (non-DLC) "end-game" content. It's all part of the core game. And yes I think that shoving a game full of filler is a terrible practice, not all content is created equal.
Alright then. I'm willing to accept that it is a flaws to you.