Is there a more pathetic community than the Smash community?
>poorly plan a tournament so badly it financially ruins you
>get mad when people tell you it's a bad idea
Smash TO sells house for Tourney
people have been fully conned into truly believing that if they work hard and sacrifice for something, they will either get it or the world will praise them for trying. there is no expectation of failure or adversity, and when it inevitably comes the whole fuckin world is to blame for it
>sacrificing a place to live for a fucking video game tournament no one will give a fuck about after it's over
are americans this stupid?
Not all, just the Nintenbros.
Why do they invariably have a chris-chan face?
>fuck you for telling me that having to move in with my grandma because I sold my house for a competitive party game tournament was a bad idea
I love Smash Bros, but seriously, why not just have the tournament online or have something smaller? Do people seriously think playing video games competitively is a stable and viable career path?
With all the time and effort they put into a game, these kids could be doctors, engineers and lawyers, but they choose to be sweaty tryhards who are the laughingstock of the FGC.
>I've done so much for the community!
>Now I have no place to call my own home
Real smart there dude.
nothing is more pathetic than the SJW indie community
he's fucked either way
>The Lab Gaming Center
you stupid fucking fool, literally one look at any business like that and you'll see that they're never open for more than a few years, with the latter half of those years being damage control and prayer
>Google it
>People typically stay from 15 mins to 4 hrs
Pretty good range there Google.
what you don't think this kind of business is a good and long term financially viable idea?
Smashfags are trash and deserve those things.
hell no, either they're priced way too expensive for anyone to come back more than a handful of times, or it's run like shit and things slowly stop working until it closes down. I've seen this in my city 3 times and heard about similar places all over the continent. They don't last unless they have the perfect storm of location, initial funding, and demographics
Wait, if already owns the venue, what the hell did he spend most of his money/house on?
google is way more fucking concerned about having all the fields filled out than they are about making sure the information is actually useful and accurate
google is fucking atrocious to work "with"
What's the backstory on him having to sell his house to fund the tourney?
What makes Tipped Off different than the 100s of other tourney's that don't bankrupt the organizers?
tipped off is different because it's organizer is dumb enough to bankrupt himself organizing it, thus warranting discussion
wew i'd never run a business that requires significant building space to rent out that shits too expensive
The venue for the tourney is the Cobb Galeria
maybe they don't care about medicine, law and engineering?
>TO's take these risks.
Wait, a risk implies there's some sort of way that this ends well. He sold his house, he's blowing the money on holding a tournament. There's no different way this could end. That's not a risk, that's a fact. One he'll have to deal with no matter what.
Nintendo autism truly is something of another beast
tournament is somewhere else, his last one in 2015 got over 650 attendees by a fluke when they only planned for 400 so he planned for 600 this one and upped the tourney but not even 300 people registered so far
not just that they're playing games competitively, that I can kind of barely understand.
But fucking Smash? Out of all the competitive games out there, Smash??
So does he actually get anything from this?
any business where your expenses are constant and high is doomed to fail these days. You need to make sure that if you get no customers for a week, you aren't losing insane amounts of money.
My business has loan payments, rent, phone and internet. Under $2000 a month all together, and that's canadian dollars so, like, 50 bucks US.
i see places that rent out big fucking storefronts on busy streets and then go out of business within the first year CONSTANTLY. The people who own those buildings make huge money off of broken leases.
If a lot of people signed up, then they would pay venue fees, and he wouldn't have had to sell his house to make the tournament run. Not many people signed up, so he needs to eat the costs.
which is precisely why selling the house isn't a "risk". if it's bad enough to come to that as it is, there is a near-zero chance of a positive outcome
Why not just cancel the tourney or find a smaller venue then?
this. it's not a risk as if it's some kind of business venture in the making, it's damage control because he thought lightning would strike twice
What's stopping a TO from doing prelim signups before getting a venue?
shoulda jumped ship and cancelled before it would ruin him either way, didn't really need to eat the cost, waited too long
probably already rented the venue
If you read the messages posted above, apparently he's already spent enough that canceling it would be equally disastrous.
He's not saying selling the house is a risk. He meant that TOs take the risk of eating the costs of a failed tournament.
Not doing that is the "risk" he took. Selling the house isn't a risk, it's his punishment for taking a stupid one.
>owns a house
>while youre a cuck who rents and works at minimum wage and picks up my bags and wipes my ass for a dollar an hour
gotta sign contracts with the venue, they get paid whether the event happens or not and the closer it is when you cancel the more you pay
So wait, if he's 300 people short ()
How high were the fucking venue fees? I see 50 bucks being pretty ruinous with 15,000 dollars, but I can barely believe people would pay that much to play smash. If it was like 10 dollars that would leave me with barely 3,000 dollars of debt at which point that guy is not only apparently pretty poor that he has no funds to compensate that, but he must also have a really crappy house.
when you book somewhere big enough for hundreds of people, you do it way in advance because that shit takes planning. There is generally a large fee for cancellation because they won't be able to fill that timeslot again in such short notice
>lives with grandmother
>sold house for melee tournament
fix'd that for you
Nothing is wrong with taking care of your grandparents.
>He's not saying selling the house is a risk.
I disagree
yeah but at least i don't play smash
>but he must also have a really crappy house.
His "house" is probably some shitshack in the middle of Niggerville, Georgia.
Why are fighting games such a joke
>b-b-buh smash isnt a fighting game
Regardless if it is or not, the FGC TOs latched onto it like a parasite because Smash brought in more numbers than most of their other games combined, and now this is what the smash community has come to? I dont even want to imagine how bad it is for other TOs who arent on the E-SPOATZ handouts.
>nin toddlers
People pay that much for majors pretty frequently. That's common even for non-smash tournaments like NEC. Okay, not $50, usually more like $30, but still. People pay over 10$ to go to tournaments that have over 200 people. People pay a bunch of money to play video games at big events with other people. Look at Evo for example.
Uh, learn to read? It's pretty obvious the risk here was being stuck with a huge bill.
>owns a house
think you missed the point, where he has more money and more successful than you are, which is what i said in my first post, but im spelling it out for you because most nintendo fanboys are fucking dimwitted children who lack critical thinking skills
It's easy, you rent a location you can pay for and then take as many applicants as you get.
As opposed to renting a location you can't actually pay for in the hope that it'll work itself out somehow.
Hell, if he had this much money riding on this that he hoped to actually get back, he should've taken a fucking loan in the first place. Then he wouldn't have had to gamble his house on this.
>Be person that end up buying his house.
>Years later lying on deathbed in bedroom.
>Still can't figure out why the place smells like Cool Ranch Doritos and Mountain Dew.
he's just having one final big tournament before he blows his brains out in the bathroom the day before eviction.
I'd be calling smashfags autistic but SFV, MvCI, and NR games are dominated by niggerpad furries
did you miss the whole thread where it's shown he said he's ruined either way?
Wait, can't you just announce it a long ass time before, collect money and rent the space AFTER you guarantee a minimum attendance? Else just give'em their money back?
Am I missing something here?
Yeah, you assumed he had foresight.
Yeah, He was missing Intelligence.
Anyone with a house has a credit score high enough they could easily get a 30k limit across multiple credit cards. While it's REALLY stupid to go into debt with credit cards, if the choise was lose house or years of debt, I and anyone smart would pick the debt. There's something else going on here because no one would give up their house if they didn't have to.
how expensive can it be to rent out a gym or something for a few hours?
a gym doesnt have ventilation systems adequate enough for a smash tournament, he needs an actual venue which goes for $$$
Especially for Smash players, don't they not shower? you don't need a hilton banquet hall.
>hey look, a hobo
>excuse me, he once had a big house with wife and kids and a great job, he's more successful than you
Nintendorks will try to tell you this is just disinformation but Smash Bros are the fattest, smelliest gaming community. The FGC wouldn't despise them if they had proper hygiene.
The earth doesn't have a ventilation system adequate enough for a smash tournament.
A smart person wouldn't be in this situation.
Best post ITT.
nice meme, reddit
lmao btfo
> putting an autistic "communitty" above your own well-being
>he thinks that's what it would smell like
lmao. It would smell like rancid fart and obese smashtards that haven't showered for weeks.
how else are you supposed to get IRL upvotes
People won't sign up until the last week anyway.
That's just delaying losing your house really.
But yeah, doing this kind of thing with your own money is a mistake, especially if you don't actually have it.
>I've done more for this community than you ever will
Is this supposed to be a good thing? He's putting a """tournament""" for nintenlards that don't shower above his ability to live in a fucking house and this is supposed to convince people he's not a retard?
Then you make it real nice and fucking clear that if they want to actually come, they need to sign up a month before. If you get enough idiots, hold the event. If not, can the whole thing.
you're right about the first part, but even if smashfags resembled ordinary people in that they'd take regular showers fgc would still hate them
Most people never truly work hard for anything in their lives, being a retard and selling something for an instant result in much easier.
>where he has more money and more successful than you are
But I have a house.
I have 4 houses. Idk what's there to be in defending that idiot.
Smash autists would probably pay more than $50 if needed.