What did you think of The Last of Us 2 trailer?
Do you think that the violence in the trailer was excessive or do you think the controversy surrounding it is unreasonable?
Are you looking forward to the game?
The Last of Us 2
It's an adult video game filled with violence so obviously it's going to be graphic. I mean what were people expecting? I'm honestly super hyped for the game.
It looks pretty good. But I have to admit, after seeing all the tweets by the game director talking about progressiveness in videogames and shit, it really put in my mind what I was looking at. Evil Christian tier white woman and man, good Asians, and another good woman. I mean come the fuck on
I was already uninterested in the game. Now I'm extra uninterested.
not the fact there's a transsexual in the game? I guess that's just expected from ND these days.
Yeah, I don't really like (((Druckmann))) at all and his presence makes me a bit worried that it's just gonna be a virtue signal fest all around.
Don't give me leading questions, bitchboi.
nontraversy, not worth thinking about
not too interested in the game, i have some respect for the first game but it's not really my thing
Why would a tranny be a controversy?
Too much blood and death not nearly enough sex and kissing.
Well, are you hyped for the game in general? I personally liked the first one overall.
I liked the first game but I don't care about Ellie at all so I've been totally blowing off the sequel. The new trailer has me a little more interested now though.
Well we haven't seen all of it... Plus violence can be a legitimate turn on for some people.
It was edgy for the sake of being edgy like it was written by an angsty 15yr old. It seemed like they made it in a hurry cuz they wanted to show something to hype up PGW
Yeah, I didn't mind the edginess or the violence especially since it turned me on a lot, but at the same time if I was a normie that didn't know anything about the Last of Us that trailer told literally fuck all what the game was about.
I dont think it will be as good
The appeal of the first one was the story of the dude replacing his kid with smart ass ballsy ellie as his kind of daughter
Now shes just a big dyke
The lack of Hawk Williams is the most disappointed thing about it
Pretty hyped for the game, especially the multiplayer. The first was really fun and methodical.
Military chicks are scary
I loved the multiplayer in the first one, but I know for sure ND will ruin it just like they ruined Uncharted 4's multiplayer with microtransactions and pay2win perks.
thats her mom
There's nothing particularly wrong in something like that being in a videogame that purports to be aimed at a mature audience.
What is kind of wrong is it being used in a trailer. Not wrong in the sense that's it's reprehensible, but rather in the sense that it's almost contradictory. They want to give the idea that they're producing something somber and mature, but they also feel the need to show off.
I have played both and Factions had dlc boosters and weapons, not that they're as good as the standard weapons but they are still there.
>do you think the controversy surrounding it is unreasonable?
Oh, what are the stupid people who complain about everything bitching about now?
How was the DLC for the first game? I only got the base game.
>4 female/trans main characters
no thank you
why do people think thats Ellie
Because retards keep making bait threads. He's most likely Ellie's mom.
>He's most likely Ellie's mom
If you mean the left behind DLC it was good, filled in some of Ellie's backstory and how she got Joel to safety after the fall chapter.
The mp dlc varies, only like two weapons are good and a handful of boosters but I wouldn't say they are better than what's already in the game. Other stuff is just extra hats, helmets and masks.
why is violence against women worse than violence against men?
its not but i cant what for the next mortal kombat to see the sjw cry
>When those sexual assault allegations from a Naughty Dog employee turn out to be Druckmann and the entire project crashes and burns
The whole #metoo campaign has been nothing but a blessing.
Men are hardwired to protect women because without them the tribe will wither away. Plus women are the weaker sex, something that SJWs will pretend is not a thing when they're not threatened with violence but will hide behind when they're actually under threat.
>Fags wanted more representation of women in games.
>More women get added into games and are put into the same situations as the men.
>Fags complain about violence against women.
There's something enjoyable about watching Western developers fumbling through this generation to appease these people.
Eventually they're learning that they're unpleasable.
>sexual assault allegations from a Naughty Dog employee
Wut's this? And would love if it was Druckmann, he's a cancer in the company.
>implying hes even a playable protagonist
>watch it thinking some utterly brutal shit us going to happen, like people realistically getting their skulls caved in or some poor schmuck skinned alive
>it's actually some chink just getting their arms broken with a hammer and a few others getting arrows between their heads
Did people turn into pussies or something? This is far from the worse shit I've seen on a video game.
They're probably going to kill him off for shock effect and because lmao white male.
When I first watched the trailer I wasn't prepped for the breaking of human wings that occurred. I actually flinched.
Should be a great game, although the lack of an announced release date makes me think its still a year or so away.
This should have been the first trailer. I rather have TLOU 2 introduce a new cast than bring back Ellie and Joel
If only Joel wasn't straight.
I felt it set up a cult villian nicely. They even refer to the clickers as demons and we know the white chick betrayed them for some reason. We know that the asian chick is a "Non-believer" since they refer to her as an apostate. Seems like it'll have a solid story with decent human villains motivated by more than just brutality and survival. I'm looking forward to it.
I think I'll find out what I think when I watch it on youtube. till then, whatever
but they're women so it's bad. Strong independent women are only supposed to kill bad guys not other women
People are upset over this? The only thing that made me cringe a little was when the woman kept hitting the other womans arm.
It's an adult game created for adults. It's not made for fucking children, it's made for fully grown people who are mature enough to handle this.
Fucking pathetic.
No, the "crazy zealots with a made up religion out of nowhere" shit is never a good story. I cringed hard as soon as I saw that shit.
because christians irl are good people, right?
Better than Mudslimes and Kikes for sure
>no gameplay at all
>muh agenda
>TV gore instead of searching for a real impact on screen
Yep, Drucmann knows how to appeal teenagers for sure.
They should kill Ellie, only because she's white.
Neil Cuckman on full retard mode
>Now you play as Ellie
>Woman on roids
>Chinks acting like human beings
>White devils are the bad guys again
Man, I bet Joel is the final boss
Different guy but I dislike the hypocrisy of how it's politically correct to demonize evil christians but doing the same for other religions is somehow wrong or racist. Although to be somewhat fair, terrorists are very often islamic in games because it parallers real life and cultists are christian in western contexts.
It's gonna get people killed because those people are crazy and everyone knows it you fucking moron
I don't actually own a Playstation 3 or 4, and have only experienced this game by watching Youtube videos of a playthrough; but am I wrong to be confused as to what the fuss is all about? Why do people consider this to be some great "masterpiece" or "work of art"? The characters are the usual uninteresting mumbling American typecasts, the background story is as dreary as dreary can be (post-apocalyptic society taken over by monsters), the moral choices are non-existent. Is it simply that video game critics are often the sort of people who think that "300" is on a level with "Lawrence of Arabia," as pointed out here? youtube.com
How the fuck is that excessive violence? I've seen far worse in far better videogames.
But she has gay inmunity
The first game was only critically acclaimed because people subconsciously wanted to fuck Ellie.
In order for a game to be critically acclaimed basically it has to be short and easy. Otherwise reviewers can't finish it.
Trailer was fine, seems like early on in the outbreak when that asian girl is calling Clickers demons.
Its a shit TLOU trailer though, when you legitimately can't tell if its Days Gone or TLOU they fucked up.
The trailer really does nothing except "here is some new characters" and doesn't hype more or build upon things you expect to see.
Videogames are an immature medium so TLOU that's essentially a Walking Dead videogameYes I know that the Telltale game exists but it's take is very different and I believe that's why TLOU gets praised, because while mediocre, the presentation of it's story and setting makes it stand out from the mediocre garbage that's most videogame stories.
Current year, like with NuLara "rape" scene.
This hobby is now full of tumbrl retards.
This would be completely in its element as a cutscene within the game, but this as a trailer? Ineffective at telling the story, probably too violent to safely bet people will want to approach it after seeing it, pretty long. Bad trailer, but the violence itself is nothing that should be unexpected from TLOU.
Because TLOU and Uncharted are normiecore.
My only issue with what you said is
Absolutely. In this case we know TLOU isn't supernatural and it's obvious whatever faith this bitch operates on is just superstitious nonsense, and then she's just a delusional villain per usual with cultists.
Because trannys are a symptom of a society that is in excess. No one is going to give a fuck whether their a genderfluidbending pansexual black midget when they have to actually fight to survive.
*drone strikes family* *shoots AR at crowd*
>>it's actually some chink just getting their arms broken with a hammer and a few others getting arrows between their heads
This is entry level violence which is new and exciting for 12 year olds, the target demographic for these types of gamea.
The depiction probably. It plays it more seriously, it's meant to hurt and shock. It is violence meant to portray violence unglorified and realistic, and there's nothing to glean from it other than PAIN AND MISERY. You can convey pain and misery in more profound ways, hence why murder porn, depression porn movies like The Road (this one is still good) and It Comes At Night are kind of cheap.
It appears pointless, not fun, not remarkably shocking or unique, just miserable and bleak. Should TLOU do better, does it benefit from being this unsubtle?
Name one single instance of a confirmed Christian person doing what you just said.
violence was controversial? I thought everyone didn't like how that "woman" looked
idk know the faggots names. 16 years of bombing people every day from a christian nation/president/majority christian military. en.wikipedia.org
>Worldly perception when you never leave Sup Forums
it'll probably just be a cutscene where you kill him because he is an evil white male
Just look at the freak who wrote the polygon article.
go away shill take your advertisement somewhere else
Muslims being terrorist is often normal in the middle east but more often than not in the west (or America or Ireland) it's some retard with a gun. I don't see why cartel killings or gang violence doesn't count as terrorism in people's eyes because when that shit happens entire neighborhoods feel like their way of life is threatened. People are more cool with insulting Christianity because they a) are christian or were once christian and b) it's the main religion. Shitting on the 1-2% of the population or shitting on jews just seems like attacking scapegoats.
This false flag marketing is really annoying please stop.
That's not terrorism though.
Nor is it aimed at the civilian population.
I haven't been here in 3 days though and never heard anything about the violence being too much
The reply chain wasnt about terrorism, just pointing out taht your dumb faggots.
Sorry, didnt mean to blow up your wedding, oops.
Yeah, that's why sand people are killing non believers all over the world, included peaceful countries, It's not because of their Death Cult.
user pls.
>just pointing out taht your dumb faggots.
Like poetry, this shit writes itself.
The woman's not even a tranny for fuck's sake.
The studio audience didn't particularly care. A few of my normie friends were pretty vocally disgusted. I wonder how they would've felt if they knew I downloaded the video and jacked off to it multiple times haha. Good female hanging scenes are pretty scarce in mainstream games, too bad this one was just a cutscene. Hopefully RDR 2 will have some random hangings of people happening like the first game did, maybe they'll include some gallows hangings this time. Would like to see some burlesque dancers swing.
>shoots AR at crowd
3 out of the 4 people who started shooting ARs at crowd recently were muslims.
Oops, blew up your family and destroyed your country, oops. Y u mad at me?
oops i amade a typo, oops sorry.
I haven't watched it yet and don't feel like watching it, especially since it seems to revolve around that ugly abomination. The first game was a passable third person shooter that spent a lot of time and passion on a story that wasn't interesting. The sequel will be more of the same but with SJW shit thrown in because it's the current year.
Who the hell cares about the violence
I'm more interested in this cult thing
Did people set up some sort of cult to worship the brain spores?
Or are they against it? Do they think there's some divine force out there to punish them? Are we going to get some Silent Hill sort of theme?
Why are there so many Asians? I'm Asian and I didn't think there'd be so many in buttfuck nowhere America
So Clickers are still a thing? I'd imagine pretty much 99.99% of humanity is gone by now? Wouldn't that mean the rest of the Clickers are all Bloaters or whatever?
>oops i amade a typo
You're either baiting, which just goes to prove that no one unironically defends muslims and kikes, or you're actually this stupid, in which case we win anyways.
You've effectively backed yourself into a corner, I anticipate your next move.
Do you honestly believe that because someone is christian that they wouldn't kill their entire family or shoot up a public space? Don't use the "not a true Scotsman" bullshit either. I've seen that shit happen with my own eyes but people don't talk about it. They just focus on their mental health.
Yeah, because Sweden or Spain are in those wars.
Hang yourself retard.
>we win anyways.
Who is we? Go back to fucking pol, you're not welcome here.
Sup Forums is a Sup Forums colony.
oops, sorry i bombed a hospital. Oopsy, my bad. Im a good guy.
I dont understand the point of alienating your main audience by making a trailer that is six minutes of violence against women, did they not learn after Hotline Miami 2? What part of woman beating was part of Druckmans personal politics?
The silent majority, silly.
Also, it's "Who are". Keep proving me right though. Love that shit.
Yes, I do believe that, and until you give me any solid proof I will keep believing that, all the christians I've met are genuinely happy and caring people, all the muslims I've met are petty whores and thugs in disguise.
>why are there so many Asians?
There were uh... 2 asians.
>Clickers are still a thing?
The trailer very likely showed an event that happened in the past.
>all the christians I've met are genuinely happy and caring
bahahahha, get raped by your priest.
ISIS are actual terrorists though, there's literally nothing wrong with killing them.
You're actually fucking inbred. Go join ISIS and get yourself shot dead, please.
>2016 fighting against ISIS
>Spain, no combat troops, only a medical ship
Yeah, killing women and childrens