Why were the people so lazy back then?
What do you think about the evolution of vidya? Are we in the best timeline?
Why were the people so lazy back then?
What do you think about the evolution of vidya? Are we in the best timeline?
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Normies talking shit about things they have little knowledge not any interest to begin with yet act like they know the entire picture of is cancer
I bet my gameboy could also display graphics like that. Lazy fucks.
How did your life become so empty that your primary pastime is taking dumb Facebook posts from dumb random people and post them on a video game imageboard to get a rise out of more random people?
democracy was a mistake
wait what that creature is not serious right
>best timeline
>games only advance graphically nowadays
>it costs so much to do this that the games are suffering for it
>lootboxes and microtransactions are commonplace
>people have even given up on protesting always online shit
>vidya by committee instead of by a vision
>devs are just too lazy to go outside and take a few photos so we can have photorealistic games
Prove them wrong.
This. We are living in the grimdark bad end timeline, OP.
>got bombarded by so many people calling her a retard she deleted her comment
>games become so expensive to make that we can't have regular releases anymore
fucking gobblegators raped another strong womyn
too lazy to press o twice
How did you even find this and who cares what some random girl says?
>tfw knew a guy who would talk shit about vidya despite it being complete nonsense
Damn, i can't believe we could've had realistic graphics, fuck these devs
Why don't we just keep adding pixels to everything? Why are we constantly accepting anything less than an infinite generation of pixels? Surely we have the technology to create pixels infinitely, since everything is just math problems in an electric box. MFers are so lazy.
Boi why the fuck do you have 14 tabs open
Sup Forums threads, nintenbro threads and the usual garbage on Sup Forums today and this is the thread that makes me the most angry
back in the day developers had to create their own engines which took a lot of money and time.
nowadays anyone can license unreal engine 4 or unity and make their shit for dirt cheap.
Dude, pixels aren't infinite. Pixels are a finite resource mined from rich pixel veins deep underneath African soil. And it's pixelmongers like you that cause the victimization of the proud African pixelminers by the evil American AAA game devs.
just wanna put it out there that soul reaver had really fucking amazing graphics
same with dreamcast games
ok you have the engine but you still don't have any graphics to show in it. what now?
is nu-tomb raider even good?
i still remember when gran turismo 2 came out
Their idea is right to a certain extent. There were simulators in the 80s that looked as good as or better than N64 games, it's just the tech to run them on wasn't available for consumers. Though it also depends on how you program the engines, and this relies on what tech you have. Even if you gave Nintendo in the early 90s a military supercomputer they probably wouldn't have been able to maximize its potential just because they don't have experience making games of that quality. It all comes down to tech. If consumers don't have access to the tech then games won't be made to that quality spec. If the devs don't have access to the tech then they can't become experienced with it to make engines to maximize the potential of the hardware.
>Why were the people so lazy back then?
what kind of fucking moron are you? oh let me guess.. a fucking moron millennial?
playstation 1 had fuck all polygons to work with, GENIUS. it wasn't because people were lazy.
if you're going to start a thread about a system and game you nothing about, please consider killing yourself first before we have to read your FUCKING BULLSHIT.
I lived through it all. from mechwarrior 2, to quake 2. I had a voodoo and voodoo 2 gfx card. you guys have it so good.
This woman sounds exactly like Sup Forums when they manage to talk about video games.
why don't you?
>playstation 1 had fuck all polygons to work with, GENIUS
Then they should have used bigger triangles.
well you got me there senpai
kek. you dumb faggots are fucking dense as hell.
Tekken 4 was so fucking creepy with their faces, I remember being fucking terrified when I booted up the game. Could you imagine looking at all the creepy uncanny valley early 2000's CGI faces staring at you with THIS playing in the background?
i don't think that's a random person, it's probably his sister on his facebook feed, which is even worse
even if they were able to do it, consoles back then were pretty limited and couldn't run the game smoothly
>adding pixels on a low poly model
lmao is this the true fucking state of the world?
a world full of fucking blainlets?
I have so many tabs it shows a :D now instead of a number
People hear one fucking joke or see something related to a topic and think that one thing is the entirety of whatever that is. I mean the home page of Sup Forums lists various interests and topics and yet everybody still thinks all people do here is look at dead bodies and plan riots
>talking shit about things they have little knowledge not any interest to begin with yet act like they know the entire picture of
it's like you've just described literally every single board on Sup Forums with maybe small exceptions made for /k/, /o/, /3/, and the papercraft/origami board.
I have a buddy who's like this. Spouts shit like he knows what he's talking about when bitching about video games but has not a goddamn clue what he's actually talking about. I remember when GTAV came out he said he didn't like it because it "tried too hard to be a GTA game."
I hate graphic whores. You people miss out on so many good games because you're so obsessed with "muh graphics".
Its a wee giggle mate. He's just showing us someone being a silly billy
Well she's not wrong if you had hundreds of thousands of dollars to spend on a render farm back then, or you could have had it run at 60FPW.
Why are you describing Sup Forums ?
>GTA tried to feel like GTA
What the fuck? Any other dumb remarks? I know a guy that said it's unfair for someone to be better at a party game because that person put in more hours in it than the others.
Isn't that pretty much what we do with tumblr?
Stop trying so hard to be contrarian. Most people on Sup Forums have an interest in the topic of the board and usually quite a bit more knowledge on it than your average normie.
Sup Forums has been infested by Reddit, so that doesn't really count, but on average the point still stands.
Some idiot said some dumb shit, lets have a huge fucking thread about it.
Can't think of any other specific remarks off the top of my head but he unironically thought that Darkest of Days was the best game of 2009. If you don't know that game, it was a game where you went back to like Civil War battles with modern weaponry and was very bad.
Repeal the 19th.
Why didn't people in the stone age just invent a rocket to land on the moon? Lazy shits
Yeah, but that's more along the lines of seeing an idiot and going along with their dumbass beliefs to make fun of them. They're easy idiots too.
lol stop trying so hard to be contrarian?
it's fucking fact. Stop trying to hard to elevate Sup Forums above fucking literally any other shithole on the internet.
look at all the armchair business & pr experts on, or network dev geniuses for that matter, that post fucking nonstop all over Sup Forums. THEY know why these decisions were made, or THEY don't know why they didn't just do x y and z, it would be so easy!
Frankly reddit has a larger pool of actual professionals, although they also have a larger pool of neckbeards who love to claim knowledge of shit they have no appreciation for .
Even if that were supposedly possible back then, that one model would have been all that you would have gotten on the disc.
>64x64 texture
>Maybe 8 bits of color depth
>Looking like right
Just looked that game up. Is your friend a contrarian or just have weird taste?
Man I would rather live in a timeline where graphics stagnated at ps2 levels but the gameplay vastly improved. The only thing those games needed was more CPU power.
this girl was the best
Not him, but I knew a guy who would act like he knew everything about every fighting or party game ever but he would get extremely salty if you beat him at anything, and he was a shitter at everything. He said I had no life on more than one occasion after beating him at shit like guilty gear and rock band, despite the fact that meetups/parties were usually organized by a good friend of mine that I hung out with regularly. He would also go fucking nuclear if you told him to calm down or mentioned that it's just a game. I wasn't there, but I heard someone gave him a black eye for smashing a PS3 controller that wasn't his one time.
DoD was certainly the most unique game that year. Everything else was sequel shit.
And he's right about GTAV. It's certainly a parody of itself, a joke of its former self. There's no heart to it like the Grove or "muh cousin", or Vice City in its entirety. They went for the LMAO SO RADNUM crowd.
I'm sorry I'm the one to tell you but you're the pleb.
Were they shitposting or serious?
She was annoying to play against, yeah. As in terms of best girl, that goes to Asuka.
whats her name?
Ling Xiaoyu.
my dick thanks you
Wouldn't mind that desu
fuck you, I loved it
Hell, most Gamecube and PS2 games look fucking fine if you force em to run at a higher resolution on an emulator. Bumping things up to 1080p eventually but leaving everything else around the same quality would've worked out alright
Another good example
unity comes with an add in that lets you create human characters with a character editor like in bethseda games
>the state of YOU
whopdidoo, the graphics have to be perfect, it is not our quality standards that changed, we just devolved our imagination.
Pixels are just monads, they are no different from the monads in your body
Weeb games are my last resort, west is too engrossed into "realistic" meme
All Xenoblade really needed was better character textures (and not that godawful fanmade "HD" texture pack)
Yeah, like nothing to do with the polygons. What a retard.
>playstation 1 had fuck all polygons to work with, GENIUS. it wasn't because people were lazy.
What has honest modern game journalists got to do with medieval computer games?
Sup Forums has the most traffic, it would explain why people think we are retarded
Mmmm Yangus.
I used to unironically believe devs made NES games look worse than SNES games to sell more SNES consoles. I was a very special kid.
You're not wrong completely. Nes games after the release of snes should have been done on the snes.
Are you a fucking moron? Every image displayed on a computer screen is made of pixels dumbass. Here's your [you]
>muh ps2
most ps2 games looked like this, a lot of 6th gen games have aged fucking terribly.
I like how everyone missed out that he is a filthy phoneposter. And so am I.[\spoiler]
I don't see the problem here.
Well to be completely frank, NES games before the SNES came out had very creative color use and as such looked great. Once the SNES came out NES games started using very dull, monochromatic coloring.
>this is the very final NES game to be released worldwide
Why didn't they fill the hole in the CDs?
That way they could have had more space for the graphics
Sure, we're too "lazy" to discover newer technologies. Well, time to get up and go finish that time machine that we've been putting off for so long.
>hd textures
>hd models
>still have clipping even in promo bullshots
this is real laziness
Are you being fucking serious right now? You know OP just baited you right?
>abysmal draw distance
>repeated assets and textures
>completely geometric buildings and roads
>blocky character models coupled with janky animations
>reused animations across every NPC
For reference, this is a PS1 game.