>play as a healer
>have the option to either heal the one good player in your team, or to spread heals equally
>healing the one good player in your team will probably win you the match, but the rest of your will begin to blame their stupid deaths on you instead
>spreading heals equally among the team can with some luck keep all players happy, but the one good player will die a lot more because he can no longer go for risky, game-changing plays that would potentially win you the game
How do healers deal with this shit?
Just start sucking cock like the faggot you are.
Have you considered gitting gud?
Obviously you heal the good players and IF possible the shittier ones.
Bad players that complain can go suck a cock.
>game has a dedicated healing class
Options -> Sound -> Voice chat = off
Options -> Display -> Text chat = off
Always use the "heal all" skill and praise communism as you do so.
Now people won't scream at you
It depends on the game honestly, some have healers that can keep up with healing an entire team well, some have them only able to heal one person well but that one should be taking all the damage anyway, others have healing classes that are basically only a way to keep yourself alive longer.
Ideally you shouldn't be forced to choose who is most skilled but instead should be healing whoever is the most useful.
Just accept you can't keep everyone alive. The latter usually happens and I tell the high risk suicider not to be careful or good job everytime they die.
Depending on the situation and what kind of game generally.
In general, if you're working with another healer present, just keeping everyone up and alive is good, chuck in some damage too assuming it isn't dedicated healing trash.
Utility and Heals > Pure heals. Even better if you aren't being a complete faggot and dps too.
Uber/ultimate/limit break/whateverthefuckelse use smart, pop it don't drop it
Ignore the retards and focus on the good people. Why waste effort on those who drag your team down?
It does depend on the game, but in general if someone is being moronic they shouldnt be healed or protected since the healer will probably end up dying alongside them. You're already playing at a disadvantage, dont make it worse.
What's so bad about it? As long as the healer ia not completely defenseless and depends on a blocker all the time to be used, it should be fine like tibia druids.
What are some fun games where I can play healer? Ps4 or PC
I'm aware I'm a faggot
I like to think of it like a real time strategy sort of deal. Except, actual strategy over just spamming build orders you found on reddit.
yes sir
TF2/Overwatch fag here. You prioritize heals based on how useful each player is. There is no other correct answer. Tell the whiners to stop being shitters if they want healed more.
This is the only real way to play healer and maintain sanity. Also occasionally just not healing annoying players just to fuck with them.
I heal whoever pushes the hardest regardless of skill. When they eventually die I finish off their killer and backtrack until I find another player to heal. This way I keep the enemy team distracted and give our team time to regroup. When a homogeneous front forms I heal everyone on it equally. This only works with the quickfix though.
The trick is to heal the best-dressed men and ignore the f2ps, you'll win every time.
hoo boy this post is retarded.
>bronze ConTracker
stupid akko poster