Have Spider-Man's amazing rogue's gallery at your disposal

>Have Spider-Man's amazing rogue's gallery at your disposal.
>Completely fresh canon, literally given the keys to the fucking city.

What the fuck were they thinking.

I realize he's not the only villain here, but he already seems to play a big part. Ok you want to do something different, but that's not what people want right now. They want classic-ass Spider-Man with the usual suspects just done extremely well. Save the fucking D-tier millenium shift villains for the fucking third or fourth game or something.

Other urls found in this thread:


yeah they should've gone with fresh, new villains like green goblin and doctor octopus and sandman that nobody has seen before

its like the flash series, the comics have like 50+ years of history to take from, stop retreading the same fucking villains

>yeah they should've gone with fresh, new villains like green goblin and doctor octopus and sandman that nobody has seen before

This but unironically.

>Have Spider-Man IP
>make is dark and serious nolanshit complete melodramatic character drama
>Make the stealth gameplay like Batman aswell


I mean, why not?

It's like you are complaining why whole Saiyan Attack thing started with Raditz and not Vegeta.

>tfw no more funky spiderman music
fells bad

They fucked up the human models in this game. Spider-Man looks stylish and colorful as fuck and then you look at this and wonder if it's even the same game. They also look way fucking worse since they look more realistic.

its suckerpunch you stupid cuck, itll be a good game

go nitpick some fucking trash game like WOW or dota or something, faggot

I hope they are still in the middle of figuring out Peter Parker parts of the game, they have claimed that those sections for the first time will have much bigger role than in any of the previous games

Personally I hope they make Spider-man game/Bully hybrid where you'll have to manage your time being late to Dr. Connor's class and stopping petty crime

>Shocker will never be the main villain of a Spider-Man game
>The one villain who's beat Spider-Mans ass multiple times, more than any other villain
>Beat his ass unconscious in his first appearance
>Has beat Iron Man's ass
>Has beat the original Guardian of the Galaxy's ass
>Is consistently the most successful Marvel villain
>Held the entirety of NYC hostage once

God dammit.

Mysterio, Hydroman, Chameleon, The Enforcers, The Spot, and Kraven are barely used.

Yea they should focus on a bunch of obscure characters like they did in Arkham Origins which is fondly remembered of

>its suckerpunch you stupid cuck, itll be a good game.

I think it's you who's the stupid cuck here.

>no level where Kraven hunts you down and you have to try and narrowly escape with your life

missed opportunity

Was the Hobglobin ever used on anything beside the 90's cartoon?

>What's Resistance
>What's Sunset Overdrive

>No level where The Spot goes full Portal on you and you need to outsmart him in an Aperture Science-tier puzzle

Hurts just a little bit.

I imagine they don't have free reign over the story so they don't get to make it "more interesting" than the current MCU Spiderman. Imagine having fucking Disney executives breathing down your neck.

>Imagine having fucking Disney executives breathing down your neck.
Disney is notoriously hands off. Get it right.

Its Marvel executives breathing down your neck.

>What's Sunset Overdrive
A good game?


Insomniac confirmed Negative is not the main villain of the game
They are doing multiple villains, similar to the Arkham games
The trailer at PGW even had Shocker show up but most seem to have missed that
also obviously Kingpin has a large part

I suspect all the Negative footage is from early game, but you are bitching about a trailer not spoiling you on the entire game

when in the timeline does it take place? Is Aunt May revived using demonic magic and the sacrifice of Spiderman's child?

Spider-Man is Insomniac

Sucker Punch is making the history samurai game

The reason why Hobgoblin was so heavily featured in the cartoon is because one of the writers thought he should be the main villain instead of Green Goblin. This dude got fired before the show entered production and the new writer fucking hated the idea and wanted to change it back, but the toyline was already in motion so he was forced to introduce Hobgoblin first even though they technically could change it for the show.

It is separate from any comic or movie
this is Insomniac's own Spiderman universe

Miles is going to be a prominent character in it, so who fucking knows? it's an amalgamation of lines to be it's on unique one.

>I'm a spastic who has absolutely no idea how to use established continuity well
Bam, there's your villain line-up right there

Oh too bad. I was hoping Spiderman beating up a pregnant MJ was canon in the game.

It would be a neat minigame

So is M.J. as hot as she should be in the game?




Make him a co-op partner.

>No Chameleon level where you're stuck in a room full of people and have to figure out who's Chameleon


God no.

>be pc cuck
>spiderman is a ps4 exclusive
>shitpost the game on Sup Forums because butthurt never ever
Never change Sup Forums

Wasn't Kraven in one of the PS1 Spider-Man games?

First movie game (X-Box exclusive)
Spider-Man 3 (For like two missions)
Shattered Dimensions (For like two missions)
Amazing Spider-Man 2 (for a few tutorials and like two missions)

Can't wait for them to start killing off characters left and right like the Arkham games did so you can act like you're an accomplished writer and not a total fucking hack.

Thanks Game of Thrones.

Reminder that Peter's sperm killed Mary Jane.

>its suckerpunch
But it's Insomniac,you cuck.



That series started going downhill immediately after they stopped using the "Day in the life of Batman" philosophy.

Whats in them?

He doesnt use guns, but those are clearly pouches designed for holding assault rifle magazines.

It's probably a mixture of various universes and shit. Sort of like how the marvel movies just take what they want from the ultimate universe. Shame out of all of the spiderman cartoons none of them are fondly remembered enough for the games to be continuations of them, like the arkham games pretty much are for Batman TAS

is it fun and funny?

does this woman have semen in her mouth? why does it look like a porn screenshot?

ah fuck

looks more like a flak jacket
metal plates go in there

Well Stormin' Norman is re-running for mayor, good chance he'll steal the show in the third act. Green Goblin is overplayed, but hasn't been done justice. We're talking about a billionaire who gets off on bombing NY and giving dwarves AIDS

>lol lets use venom, gobline, octo, ect. for the thousandth time xD
Grow up child.

>Flak abs

For what purpose?

she really earned her pay in this scene

Not quite...

Why isn't Paste-Pot Pete in the game?

Literally unplayable.

w-what scene

>developers put in a secret level at the end of the game where Spider-Man can swing over to Marvel HQ and beat the ever-living shit out of Quesada, Slott and Bendis for destroying his life
10/10 GOTY

This will probably be the best Spider Man story in the last decade. His books have been shit for years thanks to Dan Slott and Bendis

>Thinking Venom, Goblin, Doc Ock are Spider-Mans only villains
>Ignoring Kraven, Mysterio, Carnage, Scorpion, Rhino, Sandman, Hydroman, Chameleon, The Spot, Kingpin, Hobgoblin, Tombstone, Calypso.
>Ignoring crossover villains he has with other guys like Purple Man or Jigsaw or Bullseye or Juggernaut

give me a source man

all spider man villians are shit

>"b-but octopus!"

fuck off

>Mr. Negative is in it
>No footage of Eddie

Well, say goodbye to your dreams of Anti-Venom.

Also, walking sections with MJ ? What the fuck, this isn't Uncharted.

In a one-off what-if storyline, yes.

Too overpowered.

>That design

>fuck off

>green goblin and doctor octopus
>venom, gobline, octo,
>>"b-but octopus!"

>Only people bitching about not liking Mister Negative can only name Goblin and Doc Ock as Spider-Man villains

Really makes you think.


Fuck you, Mysterio and Shocker are great

If I could recreate this scene, I'd buy it


Were the Spider-Killers ever in a game? I feel like they were in the first Raimi movie game but I don't remember, could've just been Oscorp drones.

what's wrong with it other than just shitposting

Just found it but thanks. Lana Rhoades is the queen of rimjobs.

I think the first TASM game.

Spider-Man villains are the Marvel equivalent of Batman villains.


But user that would mean the game would have to be fun and not a cinematic story for adults.

Is this the one where she drinks piss and pukes on herself? That's what the pic looks like.

Green Goblin
Doctor Octopus
Dr. Connors

They've all been done before. There's nothing wrong with using Mr. Negative, and I guarantee at least one of the ones I listed will be in the game in a side mission or something like in the Arkham series.

Not him but the mask is fucked up and the pointy shoulder pads look weird. Then again, it's hard to make a yellow quilt costume look good. They didn't even try in Homecoming. Also reminder that Shocker uses SHOCKWAVES, not electricity

It's progressive and smart.

Those shoulders makes him look like he's cosplaying for Blizzcon.

>That promo bullshit picture
No way in hell will the game ever be THIS sharp while having this low alaising

Mr. Negative is boring.

What about The Spot? Scorpion? The Enforcers? Mysterio? Chameleon? Kraven?

Hell, go deep. Molten man, Spidercide, Hammerhead.

Or, even, The Punisher.

>It's probably a mixture of various universes and shit.
>Shame out of all of the spiderman cartoons none of them are fondly remembered enough for the games to be continuations of them
>The cartoons were just a mixture of various universes and shit
Let Insomniac write what they want

What about Ace, The Foreigner, The Sin-Eater and The Spot?

Basilisk, Venom and Nu-Goblin are already confirmed.

Will Black Cat be in?

>The Punisher
He needs his own game.


Who the fuck is Nu-Goblin.

Kraven was in ASM2 and I know I've seen Hammerhead somewhere.

I'm excited.

Yes he does. But he'd also make for a cool side villain in this game before a team up.

Remember, he first showed up as a Spider-Man villain.

Sony and their interactive movie games....

He has one, and it's damn good. But it's developer is fixated on Saints Row shit

We can go on forever, if it were one of those guys you'd still complain.


>Also reminder that Shocker uses SHOCKWAVES, not electricity
it is a shockwave
you are just shitposting

>No underwater level against Hydro-man