What type of new hero do you wanna see tomorrow?

what type of new hero do you wanna see tomorrow?

Cute girl.

we have plenty of them already

You can never have enough cute girls you fuken gay.

Not happening. "Cute" is a patriotical term used by men to force women to conform to a certain standard. "Women" is an incredibly CIS and ableist slur that has no place in a progressive game like Overwatch.

Black bulls


Honestly the roster was fine before doomfist and they should have focused more on balance.

Sorry, meant girl. Which is also an ageist term and is frankly disgusting.

The one that makes all characters useful.

The next semen demon

An anthropomorphic character

Doomfist is so bad he may as well not be in the game at all

A support that can cone heal/ melee oriented range

A tank that can take reduced damage for other characters directly/move to others immediately to body block

A DPS that has long range capabilities outside of sniping

> what type of new hero do you wanna see tomorrow?
Extra THICK australian Healer

Huge muscular nigger who is also a brilliant scientist

What country do you think the new hero will be from?

Yeah, he was super fun for the first week until people learned to dodge him/they nerfed fish hitbox

>Miu still doing art
Huh, thought he was dead for awhile now

I found the furfag

and by fish I meant fist

>A DPS that has long range capabilities outside of sniping

What would this look like?


Move Symmetra to defense and make a new healer.

Another female since it's the only thing that attracts people.


i just want the typical mafia guy from italy

the queen

Winston is already in the game idiot

Mcree without damage falloff was fun, probably the closest thing we'd have

>The queen another melee dps like doomfist nope hope we get a defense or healer hero.


Nothing, fix the fucking heroes you've already got Jeff

>Sneaky guerrilla tactics character has an ult for making capture points/choke points a pain in the ass for the opponent's team out in the wide open


>Smoke screen
>something that should be given to Roadhog to make him an actual tank.


I want them to make the current heros useful not add new ones.

they need to completely rework her. her ult is so out of place is not even funny

Strong contenders, imo

>South Africa
North America
South/Central America
>I can't imagine something like Argentina or Cuba.
>Maybe Chile or some random Caribbean island?

Orissa is not as terrible as a lot of people make her out to be. Her major problem is her primary fire is complete garbage. Her toolkit and character in general revolves around your team's composition and most of those heroes that work around her aren't popular/meta right now.

>Mercy charges ult faster and she can do the same shit with more utility
Orissa is a Frankenstein's monster of good ideas in terrible execution

This anchor tank needs an AOE ult where it slows players down in the area.

Lol impossible

More heroes is supposed to attract people to play this shitty game.

They honestly need to just throw out like ten new heroes at once. The game is so stale I can't even bring myself to play it

yeah i kinda hope they will release 2 heroes for blizzcon but probably wont happen

if you can't use him, you are bad/retarded

Winston isn't anthropomorphic, he's a gorilla you moron.

The one that was supposedly leaked a while back. A healer that does his job by applying a healing "gel" on the ground. The game needs another heal and I like this concept.

So she leaves fart trails then?

Hopefully something that changes the game a bit like a new tank archetype or healer.

But everyone knows it's going to be another bland retarded DPS.

I'd rather see a better game.

>a 3 round semi-auto shot

English better not be this guy's first language

Worst girl desu

An African American male that pounds on people and has the lightning gun from Quake.

that'd be pretty baller.

So basically a worse version of mei ult? Alright.

torb turret + orisa on cart = ez win

Yes, even at diamond+. ESPECIALLY at diamond+, since nobody dares to go off-meta to counter you

The game needs a hero that can provide verticality in some fashion

Technically Mei can do this with a wall like what happened in that one tournament, but something more reliable like a hero that can throw down a boost pad like the little grav lifts from Halo 3 would be ideal

It would make attacking on maps like Hanamura and Anubis totally different and really mix things up

quake lightning gun is already in the game unfortunately

So is the African American male.

As much as I would like to see new heroes, they need to balance the current ones.
And hopefully stop doing the "Let's buff everyone, if everyone is OP, then no one is OP!"

Since no one else will:


>what happened in that one tournament
Honestly that was fucking mind blowing

This. I thought another building hero would be pretty fun or cool. Builds ladders or bounce pads or whatever the hell.

I'd rather we see blizzard balance the current heroes and fix the layout of some of the maps before they start adding new shit.

Some maps on Overwatch are a complete fucking drag to play through (especially every single Control Point map in the game)

A cute youthful boy with skintight clothing and a great ass.

I was thinking like the halo br, basically a 76 with burst fire

Shota support or defense for my mommykink

>Not wanting an imperial Roman-type italy guy
>He's support
>He's an Aquilafier and beats people up with his banner


Yeah it was crazy but there need to be more reliable abilities to provide it since the game is kind of one dimensional.

I mean obviously characters can fly and run up walls and stuff, but pushes are generally fairly linear. When you start thinking about most of the payload and assualt maps with the mindset of being able to boost a whole team up it really changes things.

None, I want more maps.

Place your bets.

I'd be cool with support hero that built jump pads, healed people, and maybe dropped another piece of equipment?
Maybe they could equip something onto another player that gave them a small Lucio-like heal radius. I don't know this post got away from me

After garbage like Doomfist and Orisa they really need to add a cute boi or girl.

They already have the cutest girl possible

Like and said
An Italian would be cool.

Also, why don't we get another Arab character? Someone like Shaheen from Tekken 7.
Or a qt asian islander waifu like Josie Rizal.

I'd like to see a shapeshifter, turns into like 2 or 3 different animals and can become a different hero as ult. That'd be cool right guys?

a guy who can heal with a snake and stun people

anyway though, my idea for a hero is basically a "tank" who is actually THREE talon operatives. The faceless dudes Reaper attacked winston with.,

They all dress the same, look the same, and sound the same, though the player controls the 'sergeant', one of the skills involves constantly switching up your formation to confuse who the "head" is. And if the sergeant (you) are killed, the other two will fight on for a short time dealing reduced damage before falling back or dying.

Individually, their damage output sucks, nevermind being from three separate dudes means it's got a spread wider than trying to snipe with Roadhog's scrapgun. but collectively they deal... Decent enough damage.

Maybe for an ult you summon in MORE nameless, faceless, rank and file talon agents.

And think of the interactions they can have.
>"Agent Widowmaker, ma'am, we're sorry but the nearest coffee shop wouldn't do your order, do you want us to slate them for a bombing later?"
>"Agent Sombra, Ma'am, we brought you that new CPU you've been eyeing. Happy birthday!"
>"Agent Doomfist, Sir, we secured the package, your new gym equipment will be at the base and ready for you when this is over!"

snnnnniiiiiiffffffffffff...oh yes my dear....sssnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiiffffffff....quite pungent indeed...is that....dare I say....sssssssnniff...eggs I smell?......sniff sniff....hmmm...yes...quite so my darling....sniff....quite pungent eggs yes very much so .....ssssssssssssssnnnnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiffffff....ah yes...and also....a hint of....sniff....cheese.....quite wet my dear....sniff...but oh yes...this will do nicely....sniff.....please my dear....another if you please....nice a big now....

A hero that could balance the game and give us better maps with Q.

>3 round semi auto
please elaborate

what's that map for?

I wanted a Canadian Huntsman Robot

His abilities are based around Robo animals and throwing axes

I guess they confused 3-round burst as a form of semi-auto.

Artists are not gun-experts...

we could combine that with so you have a little shota standard bearer who crushes on mercy.

someone whos fully covered and voice distorted so theres no fight over ethnicity

3 round burst assault rifle

They need to add a new mechanic like giving a teammate cc immunity or being able to attach to a teammate and pull them to safety or throw them into combat

>fully covered

So some kind of Muslim?

High skill support

A cyber conquistador from spain

This image is reminiscent of battleborn

This game desesperately need a bigger roster of characters.

1. To avoid mirror match up and so they can finally put in a ban systems
2. Because most of the current characters takes no skill, are too easy, too boring to play
3. Because it allows for more counterplay choice

But when you see how SLOW blizzard balancing.. and how terrible their balancing is.. you just don't want a MOBA tier roster in Overwatch.. just compare ONE patch of overwatch with ANY LoL/Smite/Dota 2 patch.
They don't balance "only" 3 heroe. they balance a shitton of them and they do much more radical change.

they already added Doomfist. He's canon one of Trudeau's sons.
"Defeat makes me stronger!"


What is the point of the First Strike Force if you leave out the last member?

Hazmat suit dude probably has the most gameplay potential.
He could be a defense hero who revolves around crowd/map control using various chemicals.

Give me Aquilifer legionarie as support guy with damage boost on small aoe and Venice map during carnevale + Talon boardroom/hq


Could be legit cool, because I know nothing of Romania so I don't have any expectations.

>South/Central America
I'd say Peru.

Her primary fire is decent in close range combat. The problem is that it goes completely against her whole design as a chokepoint centric hero who sits behind a shield.

What happened in that one tournament?