Which game allow me to kill cats?

Which game allow me to kill cats?
Already played fallout 4

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GTA 5. At least I assume you can. I've obviously never tried.

Deus Ex (the original, not the console jerkoffs) allows you to kill cats and children.

One of the monster hunter games

>ITT: butthurt dogfags mad that their shit tier pet is dumber than shit

You can kill cats just by walking over them in the game.

Not Assassins creed origins for sure

>killing cats
>the best aminal

Postal 2


>the reddit animal

>this animal has a symbiosis with humans so it's inferior to ones that can live without you and will eat your face when you die
I like cats but that's retarded

gay fag detected

>Sup Forums was built on cat memes
Get out, newfag

We also used to post rage comics and SHOOP DA WOOP back in the day but we don't anymore.
So it doesn't change the fact that cats are a reddit animal

Is this a game over prompt?
I could see killing a sacred cat being a desync, but it would be a funny.

>liberal roastie

Cats are massive pieces of shit
They at best tolerate humans, smell bad, and can't defend you. Literally the cuckold animal.

Your shitty animal doesn't even love you or care for you.

I wish there was a game that allowed you to feed other animals..

Sup Forums has always been reddit

lmao no

Yeah back in the day people had unironic fun and enjoyed posting silly things because it's just the internet, and now you can't do anything without filing a form ensuring your post can't trace content back to one of 50 websites that aren't allowed to be referenced here, and all humor must be covered in 6 buckets of irony because this is very serious business. We have improved so much


You don't exactly kill cats, but you get to slay some puss

Fuck off catcuck, cats are so shit they literally shit toxoplasma gondii everywhere just to be likable

I love those kitten videos of Luka Rocco Magnotta. he was a faggot, but dude did some nasty shit those kittens. Earning their trust before killing them horribly? Good shit.

Play postal 2

>reddit animal
what the fuck do you mean user

>getting mad over animals being shot in game

only a faggot would do this

Lmao, enjoy your useless waste of phosphorous that can't even walk properly

several thousand more years of dependency


>needing a dog to defend yourself

Who's the cuck now?

>killing cats

cats are the most low maintenance animals
and they are naturally potty trained
oh they also ward of evil spirits so thats a plus
cant same the same to a dog althought i love having both equally


Lmao, dogfags are fucking gay, even their dog look like dicks

*licks entire body*
*meows profusely*
*sleeps for 18 hours*
*scratches a motherfucker*
*gets high off of catnip*
*chases laser pointer*

icewind dale II, crazy old bitch has some cats to kill

And? What about the hundred of thousands cases of dogs starving themselves and not eating a body? What about all those time when a dog decide to stay on the grave of his owner?

Unlike catshit.

>all the insecure dogfags itt

This is exactly how I imagine my cat sounds like.

>WEs worshiped a neko goddess
Maybe they had it right.

off topic question
were egyptions vegetarian by any chance
they seemed to be such animal centric people to praise them as gods one would think they would avoid eating animals, did they?

Dogs are ok
cats fucking suck
Bird master race

>can't kill a dog
>can kill cat

Regardless of what modern connotations western culture ascribes to cats and dogs, cats are still way manlier. Cats are just smaller (the species that we keep), and for very good reason. Large felines simply pose too big a threat. Whereas the canines we keep are among the largest ones earth (small canines are usually completely useless).

>catfags exists when this wonderful thing exists
I don't get it


I feel like someone who hates dogs and loves cats has only ever had a cat. Iv'e had both, dogs are more work but over all more rewarding, cats are useless shits that don't care if you exist or not.

More like bestcat

fuck dogs

inb4 hotpockets cant handle banter

>Cat hate thread
>Implies that dog owners will somehow get mad over this even though it makes no fucking sense to make them look worse
Butthurt catfag detected

This pleases me

This, cats are literal furry parasites and mean ones at that

>talking about the past
>uses "finna," which is nigger for "fixing to"

Is there any way to turn it all back anymore?

i love both cats and dogs

Wolf pack vs Tiger. Who would win, Sup Forums?

This whole thread should be purged.


its been a long time my old friend